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Disk+Work.EXE is not starting

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi friends

As i am not able to start my Java instance I would like to take your help. I am attaching the trace file of Disk+Work.EXE and server0 trace files here. <b>There is some network issue and StartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar</b> which i am not able to trace it.

Awaiting for your response.



trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "700"


sysno 01

sid XIM

systemid 560 (PC with Windows NT)

relno 7000

patchlevel 0

patchno 102

intno 20050900

make: multithreaded, Unicode, optimized

pid 500

Thu Jun 21 18:26:06 2007

kernel runs with dp version 224000(ext=109000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-224000-UC)

length of sys_adm_ext is 572 bytes

      • SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***

***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (01 500) [dpxxdisp.c 1239]

shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 102 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 102 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 102 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 102 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_mdm.dll" version 102 successfully loaded

rdisp/softcancel_sequence : -> 0,5,-1

use internal message server connection to port 3901

Thu Jun 21 18:26:11 2007

      • WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 5 seconds

***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c 5355]

MtxInit: 30000 0 0

DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active

DpSysAdmExtInit: VMC (JAVA VM in WP) is not active

DpIPCInit2: start server >mytecsap05_XIM_01 <

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 12888 (1432)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 4232256 (21056)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm) 24000 (80)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm) 8000 (80)

DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/8/528056/528064

DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 528064 (1048)

DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0

DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 0 (96)

DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0

DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 0 (72)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 0 (1520)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (38456/34360/64/184)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 48

DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 07020040, size: 4886000)

DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 07020040

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 07021E80

DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 070250D8

DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 07025108

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 0742E548

DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 07434308

DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 07436248

DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table

DpShMCreate: system runs without file table

DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 074B7108

DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 074B7148

DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm

DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 074B7178

DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 074B7180

MBUF state OFF

DpCommInitTable: init table for 500 entries

EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

MM global diagnostic options set: 0

<ES> client 0 initializing ....

<ES> InitFreeList

<ES> block size is 1024 kByte.

Using implementation view

<EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default

<ES> 511 blocks reserved for free list.

ES initialized.

Thu Jun 21 18:26:12 2007

J2EE server info

start = TRUE

state = STARTED

pid = 4400

argv[0] = F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jcontrol.EXE

argv[1] = F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jcontrol.EXE

argv[2] = pf=F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\profile\XIM_DVEBMGS01_mytecsap05

argv[3] = -DSAPSTART=1

argv[4] = -DCONNECT_PORT=1074

argv[5] = -DSAPSYSTEM=01


argv[7] = -DSAPMYNAME=mytecsap05_XIM_01

argv[8] = -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\profile\XIM_DVEBMGS01_mytecsap05


argv[10] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost

start_lazy = 0

start_control = SAP J2EE startup framework

DpJ2eeStart: j2ee state = STARTED

rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp : 1 -> 1

***LOG CPS=> DpLoopInit, ICU ( 3.0 3.0 4.0.1) [dpxxdisp.c 1626]

***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( mytecsap05) [dpxxdisp.c 11664]

DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >mytecsap05_XIM_01 <)

DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent

Thu Jun 21 18:26:13 2007

CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.

CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).

DpJ2eeLogin: j2ee state = CONNECTED

DpMsgAdmin: Set release to 7000, patchlevel 0


MBUF component UP

DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID

***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c 1050]

DpMsgAdmin: Set patchno for this platform to 102

Release check o.K.

Thu Jun 21 18:26:36 2007


Thu Jun 21 18:26:37 2007

DpModState: change server state from STARTING to ACTIVE

Thu Jun 21 18:30:46 2007

J2EE server info

start = TRUE

state = ACTIVE

pid = 4400

http = 50100

https = 50101

load balance = 1

start_lazy = 0

start_control = SAP J2EE startup framework


trc file: "F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"


node name : ID16552050

pid : 5172

system name : XIM

system nr. : 01

started at : Thu Jun 21 18:27:45 2007

arguments :

arg[00] : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jlaunch.exe

arg[01] : pf=F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\profile\XIM_DVEBMGS01_mytecsap05

arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=XIM_01_server

arg[03] : pf=F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\profile\XIM_DVEBMGS01_mytecsap05

arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1

arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=1084

arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=01


arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=mytecsap05_XIM_01

arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\profile\XIM_DVEBMGS01_mytecsap05


arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost

[Thr 5176] Thu Jun 21 18:27:45 2007

[Thr 5176] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c 841]

[Thr 5176] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c 841]

[Thr 5176] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3200] [jstartxx.c 841]

[Thr 5176] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c 841]


JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\]

-> ms host : mytecsap05

-> ms port : 3900

-> OS libs : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs

-> Admin URL :

-> run mode : NORMAL

-> run action : NONE

-> enabled : yes



Used property files

-> files [00] : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\



Instance properties

-> ms host : mytecsap05

-> ms port : 3900

-> os libs : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs

-> admin URL :

-> run mode : NORMAL

-> run action : NONE

-> enabled : yes



Bootstrap nodes

-> [00] bootstrap : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\

-> [01] bootstrap_ID16552000 : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\

-> [02] bootstrap_ID16552050 : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\



Worker nodes

-> [00] ID16552000 : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\

-> [01] ID16552050 : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\


[Thr 5176] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc

[Thr 5176] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread

[Thr 5204] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 5204 started as semaphore monitor thread.

[Thr 5176] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;602)

[Thr 5176] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)

[Thr 5176] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter

Java Home: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_12

[Thr 5176] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar


JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID16552050]

-> node name : server0

-> node type : server

-> node execute : yes

-> jlaunch parameters :

-> java path : C:\j2sdk1.4.2_12

-> java parameters : -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:NewSize=171M -XX:MaxNewSize=171M -XX:DisableExplicitGC -verbose:gc -Xloggc:GC.log -XX:PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

-> java vm version : 1.4.2_12-b03

-> java vm vendor : Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

-> java vm type : server

-> java vm cpu : x86

-> heap size : 1024M

-> init heap size : 1024M

-> root path : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\server0

-> class path : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.

-> OS libs path : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs

-> main class :

-> framework class :

-> registr. class :

-> framework path : F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar

-> shutdown class :

-> parameters :

-> debuggable : no

-> debug mode : no

-> debug port : 50121

-> shutdown timeout : 120000


[Thr 5176] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]

[Thr 5236] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 5236 started as listener thread for np messages.

[Thr 5260] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 5260 started as Java VM thread.


JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]

-> stack : 262144 Bytes

-> arg[ 0]: exit

-> arg[ 1]: abort

-> arg[ 2]: vfprintf

-> arg[ 3]:

-> arg[ 4]:

-> arg[ 5]:

-> arg[ 6]:

-> arg[ 7]:

-> arg[ 8]: -Djco.jarm=1

-> arg[ 9]: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

-> arg[ 10]: -XX:PermSize=256M

-> arg[ 11]: -XX:NewSize=171M

-> arg[ 12]: -XX:MaxNewSize=171M

-> arg[ 13]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

-> arg[ 14]: -verbose:gc

-> arg[ 15]: -Xloggc:GC.log

-> arg[ 16]: -XX:+PrintGCDetails

-> arg[ 17]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

-> arg[ 18]: -Djava.awt.headless=true

-> arg[ 19]:

-> arg[ 20]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

-> arg[ 21]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2

-> arg[ 22]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

-> arg[ 23]:

-> arg[ 24]:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\global

-> arg[ 25]: -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe

-> arg[ 26]: -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.

-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.library.path=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_12\jre\bin\server;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_12\jre\bin;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_12\bin;F:\usr\sap\XIM\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_12\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386

-> arg[ 28]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M

-> arg[ 29]: -Xmx1024M

-> arg[ 30]: -Xms1024M

-> arg[ 31]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

-> arg[ 32]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL

-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=5172

-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=M1878368985

-> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.whoami=server

-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no

-> arg[ 37]: -DSAPINFO=XIM_01_server

-> arg[ 38]: -DSAPSTART=1

-> arg[ 39]: -DCONNECT_PORT=1084

-> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01


-> arg[ 42]: -DSAPMYNAME=mytecsap05_XIM_01

-> arg[ 43]: -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\XIM\SYS\profile\XIM_DVEBMGS01_mytecsap05

-> arg[ 44]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON

-> arg[ 45]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost

-> arg[ 46]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1

-> arg[ 47]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01


-> arg[ 49]: -DSAPMYNAME=mytecsap05_XIM_01


-> arg[ 51]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=MYTECSAP05


Thu Jun 21 18:27:46 2007

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup

[Thr 5260] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.


JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]


[Thr 5536] Thu Jun 21 18:28:10 2007

[Thr 5536] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 5536] Thu Jun 21 18:28:14 2007

[Thr 5536] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 5536] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 16552050

[Thr 5536] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]

[Thr 5536] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]

[Thr 6060] Thu Jun 21 18:29:15 2007

[Thr 6060] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 6060] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 6060] Thu Jun 21 18:29:16 2007

[Thr 6060] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 6012] Thu Jun 21 18:29:27 2007

[Thr 6012] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 5536] Thu Jun 21 18:30:46 2007

[Thr 5536] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Starting (2)] to [Starting applications (10)]

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Java tend to eat up more of your CPU so it takes more time to start. but for this problem i advice you to check the VM Settings for the Java stack. please get into config tool and analyse the JVM Parameter settings which you had configured.

That would make difference.

Reward points if useful.


Former Member
0 Kudos


I am not able to set JVM parameter in config tool. I could able to find that. I have checked with SM52 all values present there is 0. So kindly guide me how can change the VM settings and make java instance to run.


Rajesh Gummadi

Former Member
0 Kudos


Transaction sm52 is use for VM .

The design of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server is aimed at providing an exceptionally

high level of robustness and maintainability for the applications running on it.

With the Virtual Machine Container technology (VM Container, VMC), SAP has achieved a

technological foundation that allows Java applications to be executed with a similar level of

robustness as software developed in ABAP. The aim is to isolate individual users from each

other as securely as possible to avoid any unwanted restrictions. In order to provide an

optimal runtime environment for selected scenarios with especially high demands on a narrow

ABAP-Java coupling, in this release a Java VM can also run integrated in the ABAP work


The following parameters are used to set the basic properties of the VM Container:

• Activation of the VM Container: vmcj/enable

• Maximum and minimum number of VMs: rdisp/max_jvm, rdisp/min_jvm

• Activation/deactivation of VM cloning: vmcj/cloning

• Maximum number of VMC subrecords in each statistical main record:


You will use this option, when you want to install IPC (internet pricing)

Use config tool to change JAVA heap memory setting ...



Former Member
0 Kudos


chanhe heap memory configuration:

open config tool --> click on instance --- > change memory 125MB..

-Xms 125MB an -Xmx 125 MB

click on server change memory 250 MB

-Xms 250 and -Xmx 250..

If your system memory 512 MB

If your system memory 1GB just double the values ...

If you have more memory ... make server settings to 2048



Former Member
0 Kudos

Your heap size is already at 1024. If you change it down as Ben suggests I don't think that your box will start. I don't see anything wrong in either log. Have you tried to reboot the whole machine?

Former Member
0 Kudos


Here is the details of GC.log file:

0.000: [GC 0.000: [DefNew: 87551K->2331K(131328K), 0.0380861 secs] 87551K->2331K(1004800K), 0.0381542 secs]

15.742: [GC 15.742: [DefNew: 89883K->9970K(131328K), 0.0958012 secs] 89883K->9970K(1004800K), 0.0958695 secs]

27.385: [GC 27.385: [DefNew: 97522K->18546K(131328K), 0.1190380 secs] 97522K->18546K(1004800K), 0.1191072 secs]

34.604: [GC 34.604: [DefNew: 106098K->21007K(131328K), 0.0873903 secs] 106098K->21007K(1004800K), 0.0874475 secs]

45.021: [GC 45.021: [DefNew: 108559K->34099K(131328K), 0.1277615 secs] 108559K->34099K(1004800K), 0.1278134 secs]

50.136: [GC 50.136: [DefNew: 121598K->37337K(131328K), 0.1497975 secs] 121598K->37337K(1004800K), 0.1498521 secs]

52.121: [GC 52.121: [DefNew: 124889K->38120K(131328K), 0.1541273 secs] 124889K->38120K(1004800K), 0.1541871 secs]

54.895: [GC 54.895: [DefNew: 125658K->40567K(131328K), 0.1339312 secs] 125658K->40567K(1004800K), 0.1339873 secs]

314.428: [GC 314.428: [DefNew: 128119K->43776K(131328K), 0.1659168 secs] 128119K->46870K(1004800K), 0.1659721 secs]

350.359: [GC 350.359: [DefNew: 131327K->43776K(131328K), 0.1862796 secs] 134422K->53067K(1004800K), 0.1863415 secs]

6023.545: [GC 6023.545: [DefNew: 131327K->41916K(131328K), 0.1409378 secs] 140619K->57553K(1004800K), 0.1409910 secs]

12865.919: [GC 12865.919: [DefNew: 129468K->35932K(131328K), 0.1054171 secs] 145105K->56661K(1004800K), 0.1054735 secs]

19527.256: [GC 19527.256: [DefNew: 123484K->36329K(131328K), 0.0879107 secs] 144213K->57058K(1004800K), 0.0879674 secs]

26129.074: [GC 26129.074: [DefNew: 123881K->36648K(131328K), 0.0882779 secs] 144610K->57377K(1004800K), 0.0883320 secs]

32801.820: [GC 32801.820: [DefNew: 124200K->35593K(131328K), 0.0861904 secs] 144929K->56322K(1004800K), 0.0862486 secs]

Awaiting for your response


Rajesh Gummadi

Former Member
0 Kudos

That error you are referring to is not an error. It is safe to ignore. I don't see an error that would stop this machine from starting. I would just wait a bit. It looks like this machine is in the process of starting.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eric

but I have waited almost 3 hours ... but still java instance has not been started? So can you guess what could be the problem?

How do i trace out this problem?

Awaiting for your response

Thanks & Regards

Rajesh Gummadi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Can you post the file with the name gc.log?