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Missing KF

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In my Model, I have to find out Nr of Docs Posted . This will be achieved by Counting the nr of documents where Document Status = Blank.

If I dont have a counter in my model, how can I achieve this in reports? Do I need to create a RKF / CKF/ Variable for this?

Also I need to calculated % nr of docs parked

for this I need to Find out Nr of Docs Parked (where BSTAT=V) and then (Nr of Documents Parked/Nr of Documents Posted )*100....Can any one tell me the solution


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Hi Harish,

Tyr these steps...

1. Create a CKF based on any of the keyfigures available in your info provider. Then, if you are in 2004S front end, go to the Aggregation tab in the properties window of this CKF. Select 'Count All Values' for the exception aggregation field and select the Doc Number(or any other char which could be used to count the docs) as the reference characteristic.

2. Create a RKF and restrict the above CKF with Doc status = blank. This will give Nr of Docs Posted.

For number of docs parked, restrict the CKF create in step 1 to BSTAT = V.

Use these two RKFs in your % calculation.

Hope this helps...

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Hi Ajax

Thanks for the response. I have created a CKF with name as ZPARKED and took the aggreagtion tab property as count all values and reference field as Doc Number. then I have created a RKF and in the edit option I took the CKF and Document Status fields and Restricted the Doc Status with Blank Value. Then I have dragged the CKF in my query and exceuted . Iam getting number 1 for each record.Iam not getting nr of docs that were parked? Can you give me some more idea...thanks

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Does your query display at the document number level ?

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yes Ajax, its displaying at Document number level

I need it document type level

What Can I do ? Please suggest....Do I need to bring RKF/CKF in the Columns? Or Do I need to bring Both?

What does filter will do in Querey designer?


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Also, I have a heirarchy in my Report,i.e, OPROFIT_CTR. But when I go to the Properties to select it as display as heirarchy its disabled.What can I do?

Do I need to do something at Data Model Level to display it as heirarchy?


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Take the Document number in to the free chars and bring teh two RKFs in to teh columns. If you dont have the document type level in your erport bring it in to the rows. If you run the report now, you should see numbers other than 1 for each record at the document type level.

The filter section in a query designer is used to apply restrictions on the entire report. For example, if you have 0FISCYEAR in you filter section and restricted it to year 2006, then your report will only display data for 2006 and no other year. Any restrictions that should be applied on the entire report should be used in the filter section.

Hoep it helps...

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I need to produce the report like nr of docs parked by doc type etc...

So do I need to put this doc type in Free chars?


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Former Member
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Thanks Jaya

I already have this Document , But am not getting how to implement this in my Model'

Can you please take some time and let me know what do I need to do in my scenerio....and also can you send me step by step appraoch in a brief...

Thanks in advance

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can you please respond to my question...


Former Member
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For DSOs I will get a Default KF Number of Records. Does it also applicable to Info Cubes and Multi Providers aswll. Can I use this Nr of Records KF to fulfil my req. If yes , please let me know how?
