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No Annotations xml file generated in Smart Template by using SAP WEB IDE & CDS

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Hi Experts,

I tried to develop a simple Fiori app by using CDS and then publish to OData service. Using Smart template in SAP WEB IDE to consume the OData service.

However, I found the the Annotation xml is not created as I expected. BTW, I followed a very good tutorial as below. I copied the code totally, however it has different result.

I am not sure if it is the issue about SAP WEB IDE, because I used SAP WEB IDE Personal Edition version.

Will this issue be solved by using SAP WEB IDE in HCP?

Thank you so much.

As below are my CDS codes.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_SOLITEMS'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Demo of CDS'

define view Z_SZ_Sample_Demo_Soli 
    as select from sepm_isoi as SOLItems
  key SOLItems.salesorderitemuuid,
      SOLItems.salesorderuuid                     as SalesOrderID,
      SOLItems.salesorderitem                     as ItemPosition,
      SOLItems.productuuid                        as ProductID,
      SOLItems.shorttextgroupuuid                 as NoteID,
      SOLItems.transactioncurrency                as CurrencyCode,
      SOLItems.grossamountintransaccurrency       as GrossAmount,
      SOLItems.netamountintransactioncurrency     as NetAmount,
      SOLItems.taxamountintransactioncurrency     as TaxAmount,
      SOLItems.productavailabilitystatus          as StatusAvailability,
      SOLItems.opportunityitem                    as OpportunityItem
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_PRODUCTS'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Products'
@OData.publish: true

    typeName: 'Product',
    typeNamePlural: 'Products',
    imageUrl: {value: 'PictureUrl'},
    title: {value: 'Name'},
    description: {value: 'Description'}


define view Z_Sample_Demo_Products
  as select from sepm_iproduct as Products
  association [1..*] to Z_SZ_Sample_Demo_Soli as _SOItems  
  on  $projection.productuuid = _SOItems.ProductID
  association [1..1] to sepm_iproductt        as _ProductT 
  on  $projection.productuuid = _ProductT.productuuid
  and _ProductT.language      = 'E'
  association [1..1] to sepm_ibupa            as _Supplier 
  on  $projection.supplieruuid = _Supplier.businesspartneruuid
  key Products.productuuid,
      Products.product                   as ProductID,
      Products.producttype               as TypeCode,
      Products.productcategory           as Category,
      _ProductT.productname              as Name,
      'EN'                               as NameLanguage,
      _ProductT.productdescription       as Description,
      'EN'                               as DescriptionLanguage,
      _Supplier.businesspartner          as SupplierID,
      _Supplier.companyname              as SupplierName,
      Products.productvalueaddedtax      as TaxTarifCode,
      Products.productbaseunit           as MeasureUnit,
      Products.weight                    as WeightMeasure,
      Products.weightunit                as WeightUnit,
      Products.currency                  as CurrencyCode,
      Products.price                     as Price,
      Products.width                     as Width,
      Products.depth                     as Depth,
      Products.height                    as Height,
      Products.dimensionunit             as DimUnit,
      Products.creationdatetime          as CreatedAt,
      Products.lastchangeddatetime       as ChangedAt,
      concat(concat('/webapp/images/',Products.product),'.jpg')              as PictureUrl,

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