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Alert Moderator rejected - the email note text

Active Contributor

When the moderator alert has been rejected, the email includes the following note:

Please Note:
The best way to get in touch with the author of any post is by leaving a
comment on the intended post. If you want to raise any additional concerns,
please reach out to [...]

Not sure how other SCN members use the moderator alerts but for me it's definitely not because I want to "get in touch with the author". Quite the opposite, the whole purpose of moderation is to avoid posting comments like "OMG, WTF is wrong with you, why can't you just google?!!!" and instead let the moderators sort it out privately.

Other than providing the email for "additional concerns", such note doesn't seem to be informative or helpful. Is it possible to get a comment from the moderator instead (if they chose to add it)? Or more meaningful information regarding possible rejection reasons? E.g. previously these alerts had to be rejected to relocate the post to another space.

To be clear - I'm not complaining that my alerts are getting rejected or expecting the moderators to provide a 2-page essay as an explanation. My only concern is that the canned note text comes across as slightly condescending and does not provide any insights to the rejection reasons.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Thanks for the feedback Jelena. I will consult with our Moderation SME about the wording of this particular email notification. Currently we do not have such functionality for moderators to provide a reason (through text) for when they process Alert Moderators. Once such feature is available, I can look further into incorporating that message in these emails. We have seen a big portion of "Alert Moderator" being submitted in case of the alerter trying to reach out to the OP of a Question or Blog. Thus the person submitting the alert is encouraged to reach out to the indicated Email address and the OP in such "Reject Alert Moderator" cases as they may still want to continue the dialogue or discuss the grounds for a rejection. Thus I have rather seen the text you indicate here from a user training perspective. But rest assured, this text can easily be changed.


Sajid Amir

Active Contributor

I would definitely support a capability for moderators to respond to alerts with some sort of comment to the alerter. Right now, although we can see the display name of whoever sent the alert, there is no direct link, so to send them a message requires some searching on users.

Also, for the one submitting the alert, when it is accepted or rejected, there's no indication other than the avatar image of who the moderator was who accepted or rejected it. If we recognize the avatar -- and it's unique -- then we know who, but otherwise it's a bit of a black hole.

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I believe that is how it was designed Matt, to use gear icon instead of the actual photo of the mod for those notifications.

Active Contributor

Ah, you're right, the avatar shows up for "new moderation alerts," not for "moderator did not agree..." etc. I had that backwards.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor

It is unfortunately not seldom that people click alert moderator to comment on a blog

it is unfortunately not seldom that moderators click "Disagree with moderator alert" and still do what you wanted. I think this originated by the design change and they might fear to click "Agree with moderator alert" as in the old Jive this caused an automatic rejection of the content. While currently it does just trigger the notification and we then get a new screen to decide whether we want delete or edit the content.

So very often I get my alerts for wrong tagging rejected and still the moderator changed the tag.

Contrary to JIVE you can now immediately create a new alert if it was rejected 😉

Beside of that you are right, this text does not make much sense

0 Kudos

Thanks for the feedback Jurgen, I will discuss this with the team.

Active Contributor
"It is unfortunately not seldom that people click alert moderator to comment on a blog"

At first I thought that was dumb but then I looked once again at the blog screen and it almost made sense actually. "Alert Moderator" button is right under the blog text (where the comment button used to be, I believe) while "Add Comment" is at the very bottom of the page, under all the comments.

Active Contributor

I find this annoying, myself. Too frequently, I get blog posts that are sent back to moderation because someone wanted to ask a question or post a comment. It's on my list of things to tackle.