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App Works fine in WEB IDE but when Uploading in Fiori Launchpad it is throwing error.

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This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
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<Text text="{NAME2}"/>
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<Text text="{INSERENT}"/>
<Label text="Client Name"/>
<Text text="{NAME2}"/>
<Label text="Booking Unit"/>
<Text text="{BELEINH1}"/>
<Label text="Booking Unit Name"/>
<Text text="{langtext}"/>
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<Text text="{vtext}"/>
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<Text text="{Order_Num}"/>
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<!-- <core:Title text="Office"/> -->
<Label text="Trns Card Rate"/>
<Text text="{CARD_RATE}"/>
<Label text="Trns Disc (%)"/>
<Text text="{CY_DISC}"/>
<Label text="Trns Gross Rate"/>
<Text text="{CY_LST_EFRT}"/>
<Label text="Trns Net Rate"/>
<Text text="{CY_EFRATE}"/>
<Label text="Avg Target Yield"/>
<Text text="{TRG_AVG_YLD}"/>
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<Label text="LY Last Trn.Net Rate"/>
<Text text="{LY_LST_EFRT}"/>
<!-- <Label text="CY Last Trn.Net Rate"/> -->
<!-- <Text text="{LT_EFF_RATE}"/> -->
<Label text="LY Last Max.Trn.Net Rate"/>
<Text text="{LY_MAX_TRN}"/>
<Label text="LY Avg Gross Rate"/>
<Text text="{LY_EFF_GRW}"/>
<Label text="LY Avg Net Rate"/>
<Text text="{LY_EFRATE}"/>
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<Text text="{CL_TYPE}"/>
<Label text="Disc.Reason"/>
<Text text="{ZZBRAND_NAME}"/>
<Label text="Supp. Code"/>
<Text text="{BRACO}"/>
<Label text="Supp. Name"/>
<Text text="{SVTEXT}"/>
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<Text text="{PYC_REM}"/>
<Label text="L3 Remarks"/>
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<Button id="btnReject" text="Reject" type="Reject" press="onSubmit"/>

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Mahesh,

I found the error. Actually it has to do with the span number which i have assign in the 2nd last and last column. so it is throwing the Dummy error. Thanks Mahesh for showing intrest in my query. Cheers ..

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The error is showing some id -"Dummy", I couldn't find it in the pasted code. could you please tell me if there is any control with id Dummy? and also, please check the UI5 version in your SAP system once.

Best Regards,