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cg42: Template stuck in IP-In process on WS

Former Member
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Dear all,

First, sorry for my non technical way of explaining this!

I am new to template editing and I'd like your help for the below issue.

I am working with SAP EHS for MSDS management.

Yesterday I tried to generate a preview of a WWI template from CG42 but my pc freezed and I had to reboot the system.

Ever since that, I can't open the template in CG42 or generate documents from CG02/CG50 transactions (error: Template for variant is in status 'In process on WS', action is not possible).

If any of you have some ideas please do share them with me, I am really worried!

Thank you so much,


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Hi Elisa, if the option provided by Mark doesn't work, you can go to transaction CGSADM and select the WWI generation server you are using and restart the same by right clicking it on it.



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only in very rare cases the solution which Mark proposed will not work. IN this case. please do a reinstall of WWI


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Hi Christoph,

I must be really lucky because apparently I am one of those rare cases where reset front end didn't work..

At this point, I guess the only option will be to reinstall WWI.

Thank you so much for giving your opinion, at least I know what awaits me 🙂 (and I hope this expression exists in english)



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Hi Elisa,

Welcome to the EHS World!

To solve your issue please go to CG42 and choose:

Hope this helps


Former Member
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Hi Mark,

thank you so much for answering, honestly I didn't hold out any hope so I was really surprised 🙂

Unfortunately, it didn't work.. I'm afraid I have to reinstall WWI as suggested by Christoph.

thank you again,
