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Colspan, Rowspan

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all.

I wanna know if its possible to do something like rowspan or colspan(HTML) into webdynpro table and if so how can i do it?



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Former Member
0 Kudos

hi Gregory,

which version do you have?

NW2004 or NW2004s? And which SP?

Regards Stefanie

Former Member
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NW2004 - SP12.

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Then just postpone all advises above till upgrade to NW04s


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Hi Gregory,

the groupingValue is a new property of the tableColumn that came with NW2004s SPS 6. In earlier versions of Web Dynpro it is not available, maybe that's why you can't see it.

Kind Regards


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Well thx a lot Stefanie.

I think that i cant use it.

Best regards.


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In NW04s it is possible to create groups of columns as well. So visually it is like one column header spans several sub-headers. Try it.


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Hi Valery thx.

But i already try to do this and i cant, could u tell me how can i do it please?

Best Regards.


Former Member
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Hi Gregory,

I don't know, what you exactly need in your table. What you can do in NW2004s is to specify a groupingValue of the TableColumn:

This gives you a rowspan for all rows of a column with the same value.

Maybe this meets your purpose, otherwise I just can give you back to Pravesh (-;

Kind Regards


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Hi Stefanie, thx a lot for your answer.

Thats exactly what i need, but i have a problem when i select a table column in the Developer Studio i see only those properties:

design, filterValue, hAlign, id, resizable, visible, width.

I dont know if i can use the groupingValue, and if i could i dont know how.

Best Regards.


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It is not possible in Web Dynpro Table.It might be available in future versions.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gregory,

Yes, this is possible. Actually you have to select some layout first and then that layout is having all these properties like colspan etc. For example (<b>Gridlayout</b> is having properties like: <i>CellPadding, CellSpacing, ColCount, strechedHorizontally, strechedVertically</i>)..

Like this we have various other layouts, you can check with that..

You can see this link as well for information regarding those Layouts:


I hope this will help you.



PS: Please consider rewarding points if helpful and solved.

Former Member
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Hi Pravesh, thx for your answer.

I already use that, my problem is that i need to do this into a TableUIElement, i mean i have to group some cells into a table and i dont know if is it possible.

Best regards.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gregory,

No dear that is not yet supported in current version, but in the new version of AP6, this feature is supported.

I hope that helps you!!



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