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Create Consignment Replenishment in Tcode WRP1

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Hello expert,

I'm trying to create replensihment of a consignment article in t-code: WRP1.

The result is error like these:

E MEPO 002 PO Header data still faulty

E 06 049 Enter a Vendor

I already setting:

-. WB02 : supplying site

-. ME11 : info record consignment

-. MM42 for Replensihment : RP Type, reorder point, safety stock, target stock, rounding value, stock planner, purchasing group.

-. MM42 for RP/ Forecast Data : RP group, stock planner, storage loc. for EP.

-. MM42 for Consignment: supply source, consing. control, stock det. grp

Can you share to me, where should I set the vendor or another set?

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