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IT Requirement (SMIR) in ChaRM Dashboard?

0 Kudos


Do we have a possibility to display the IT requirements in a dashboard?
Under the topic 7.2 BW Reporting of SOLMAN_SETUP neither SMIR nor ZMIR is listed. And in your own section (Requirement Management) there is no topic regarding to Reporting.
Thank you for the information.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Vignesh,

thanks for your answer.

But I am looking for the possibility to display SMIR/ZMIR via Dashboard Builder.



0 Kudos

Hello sdorokhov

Check this option of using BW queries to create custom dashboards

Tutorial: Use BW Queries as a Data Source | SAP Help Portal



Hi Vignesh,

Yes, I tried to create my own query for the custom dashboard. The problem is that characteristic 0SPRTTYPE does not contain transaction type SMIR/ZMIR, so I cannot use such transaction type in the query.

And when I look at the corresponding table /BI0/SSPRTTYPE, there is missing the X at DATAFL for ZMIR.

Do you have any idea, how to resolve it?




0 Kudos

Hello Sergey,

Check this old thread's comments.

No SID found for value 'ZMCR/YMIN' of characteristic 0SPRTTYPE | SAP Community

Also check this SAP portal, where they have explained about ITSM reporting in detail

SAP Library - Incident Management Reports



0 Kudos

Hello Vignesh,

I have no problems with the setup neither of ITSM, nor of ChaRM. For example, Reporting for Urgent Changes (SMHF) works as expected. Therefore your links are irrelevant for the case.

The only problem is that in SOLMAN_SETUP for Requirements Management there is no item for setting up BW Reporting and in ChaRM, BW Reporting we don't have SMIR/ZMIR as Transaction Type to enable that for BW data submission.
Therefore ZMIR has no activation flag in the /BI0/SSPRTTYPE table. So I need somehow to activate it.

My question especially to SAP colleagues:
How was it actually meant that the new transaction type SMIR was introduced without taking into account that reporting is also needed for it?

And second question is to the whole SAP Solution Manager community: are we the only ones who want to use the transaction type IT Requirement in ChaRM and at the same time need the reporting for it? How did you solve this problem?




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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

I found the solution by myself:
Under the item "IT Service Management"-> "Copy Transaction Type" in SOLMAN_SETUP you can add the transaction type ZMIR manually. And then it is also visible in the reporting setup.


0 Kudos

Unfortunately, this variant did not work, because this transaction type then cannot be opened in WebUI in conventional view. And if you delete the PROCESS_TYPE_ADD parameter with ZMIR from DNO_CUST04 to be able to call the normal view, the data in reporting is no longer synchronized.

So the question remains open.

