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launchpad deploy failing on CAP application

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We are using the portal service for our Launchpad in the CAP application ...when we deploy our mtar to update the app the launchpad-app fails with this log ...

any hints ...or known issues with the launcpa-site-content

2022-08-05T12:04:55.595+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT > launchpad-site-content@0.1.0 start /home/vcap/app
2022-08-05T12:04:55.595+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT > node node_modules/@sap/portal-cf-content-deployer/src/index.js
2022-08-05T12:04:55.715+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT Deploy flow - SAP_CONTENT_PROVIDER = false, SAP_LOCAL_CONTENT_PROVIDER = false, PROVIDER_INFORMATION = undefined
2022-08-05T12:04:55.912+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT portalServiceDeploy sending archive with appHostIdsXsAppNameServicesMap: {"appHostIds":{"appHostIds":["ec9457b2-97fa-46f1-b825-46647471d709"],"boundAppHostIds":[]},"xsAppNameServicesMap":{"":"cpa-connect!t19523","html5-apps-repo-dt":"ec9457b2-97fa-46f1-b825-46647471d709!b19523|html5-apps-repo-uaa!b1129"}}
2022-08-05T12:04:56.012+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT Deploy site elapsed time: 98.524ms
2022-08-05T12:04:56.013+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT deleteArchive: deploymentTemp folder was deleted successfully
2022-08-05T12:04:56.013+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR Deployment of site content to persistency failed [Deployment Id:none] , Error: Deploy to portal service failed, got status = 400, data: [object Object]
2022-08-05T12:04:56.021+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
2022-08-05T12:04:56.021+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! errno 1
2022-08-05T12:04:56.024+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! launchpad-site-content@0.1.0 start: `node node_modules/@sap/portal-cf-content-deployer/src/index.js`
2022-08-05T12:04:56.024+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! Exit status 1
2022-08-05T12:04:56.024+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR!
2022-08-05T12:04:56.024+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! Failed at the launchpad-site-content@0.1.0 start script.
2022-08-05T12:04:56.024+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
2022-08-05T12:04:56.034+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2022-08-05T12:04:56.034+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] ERR npm ERR! /home/vcap/app/.npm/_logs/2022-08-05T12_04_56_025Z-debug.log
2022-08-05T12:04:56.043+0000 [APP/TASK/deploy/0] OUT Exit status 1

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