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How to Add Custom Assignment Block to Existing CRM Incident

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I Have a requirement where I need to add the custom assignment block to the CRM Incident screen, for this, I developed the CRM WEB UI but do not got how to add it to the incident screen.

In the personalized screen of the CRM incident, where we can add and remove existing assignment blocks but I didn't find a custom assignment block.

Can someone help me with how to add the custom assignment block for the incident screen?

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Active Contributor


The most changes required are done on "Runtime Repository Editor" pane, both on your own component and also on standard CRM Incident component. First, on your own component:

  1. Enable your own component to be used elsewhere, by creating a component Interface

Then on CRM Incident component (forgot its name):

  1. Add your developed component, as a Component Usage.
  2. Add your developed view into related Overview Page ViewArea.

Only then your view will show on CRM Incident Overview UI Customization. I couldn't locate a more detailed blog than this one that i recommend to you read.

Unfortunately you'll need an additional step not written on that blog: redefine WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE on CRM Incident component enhancement to do context node binding between standard component context node and your own component (usage) context node, so it shares the same BTOrder root (or any other context you want). Do not forget to call standard WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE on your redefinition through SUPER->, otherwise you'll break things.

I think that's all from what I recall.

Kind regards

0 Kudos

Hi thalesvb

Thanks for the answers it's seems very useful but

If I try to add my component to the incident component usage it's asking for the access key?

I think we can't change any standard component. is assumption is right or I'm missing any step here

Active Contributor

You can harish.chh through enhancement. I'm linking this wiki and this blog to guide you into the right direction, but take your time to have a better understanding about this WebUI enhancement technique. If your system is not a greenfield, most likely someone already created an enhancement set, and filling it on BSP_WD_CMPWB initial screen you can also find out if someone else also have enhanced AIC_INCIDENT_H, otherwise you have to follow all steps described on linked content.

Post-edit: WebUI enhancement through an enhancement set will never ask to register any objects, all "changes" are stored in a customer-namespace component.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

thalesvb Thanks a lot , you are solution works. now I able to see my custom assignment block in the incident screen , now I have see how to do access the super component values from my custom component