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What is the alternative to Sap Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation?

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So, I'm working on my thesis, and I need to use ML to develop a way to analyze customers feedbacks and questions. I was planing to use Sap Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation, it has many services that I find very helpful like: Dataset service, Outlier service, Recommendation service, Topic Detection API, Product Text Classification API and Similarity scoring API.

But I've learned, that Sap Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation will not be supported anymore, I was wondering if there is any alternative that has the services that I need.

I've read about SAP AI Core and its features, but I wasn't certain, if it has the same features that I need, which Sap Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation has.



The successor of Machine Learning Foundation is AI Foundation / AI Core. Although we have not replicated the the "Functional Services" like Topic Detection etc, the "AI Factory" service idea is that

  • generic services are provided by Business Services: e.g. Document Classification, Recommendation Service
  • SAP's internal products can develop their own ML servicing by leveraging AI Core's K8s abstraction and reusing Business Services
  • Partners can add generic ML services on top of AI Core
  • Some content is developed currently: Computer Vision and NLP

So if you are missing a service you can either program on your own in docker, or even call 3rd party ML services in your code.