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DSN - GR-Bsd IV indicator

0 Kudos

Hello colleagues,

when we create a purchase order with GR-Bsd IV indicator, then the supplier can only create an invoice ,when the goods receipt is posted.

Is it possible to evaluate the GR-Bsd IV indicator in the payload, when checking the invoice by the supplier?

So that he knows that the invoice is based to goods-receipt or not.

If this would work, then we would not need to follow the standard transaction rules and could do the goods receipt related invoice check/creation based on the purchase order.

I hope the description was clear.

Thanks for support!


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Active Contributor
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in order have inbound to get posted into sap , the sttings need to be as desired by std ECC functionality as Prem said .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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there is some functionality on Ariba Network you can consider:

Title: Invoice from ordered or received quantity triggered on a PO line item basis (PDF)

Description: Ariba Network supports invoice creation based on ordered and received quantities. This configuration is applied at supplier org level through generic and supplier group rules. However, there are business scenarios where, inside the same purchase order, the buyer sends items that require receipts to be invoiced and some other items that do not require them. We’ll trigger thisfunctionality based on a PO Line item value now which is aligned with SAP ECC behavior.


I will also add:

The PO IDOC contains this information on field E1EDP01/E1ARBCIG_PO_ITEMS_INFO/WEBRE And CIG maps this to VerificationType = goodsReceipt If this is not showing up to your customer, maybe they are on an old version of CIG? I can confirm it works on SP09.

0 Kudos

Hi Prem,

in the PO Idoc segment E1EDP01/E1ARBCIG_PO_ITEMS_INFO the WEBRE field is marked with an X but the info is not transferred in the payload. Our SP is actually up to date.

And where can we activate the "Entitlement Information" as described in the PDF? We do not know this setting.

Thank you!


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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to enable the entitlement just send ANID of your customer to or raise a ticket with support

(the former is quicker)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

if vendors are same then go for two P Orgs if not differentiate among vendors like ariba / non ariba and then plAN .

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Go for invoicing plan scenario so as no need to depend on any stake holders.

Active Contributor
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Does the vendors are differrant ?

Does the P Orgs are differrant.

Create two P Orgs for ariba GR Based and non GR based and extend vendor two both the Porgs and create the relevant master data like Pir do the transactions .


0 Kudos

vendors can be different

Porgs can also be different.

In our case we have only one. GR based invoice is a flag on the level of the position of the purchase order.

Why should I use different Pkorg for this.

Analog control key for tolerances we want to use the indicator for GR based invoice. Is this possible?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

the very purpose of GR based IV is system will expect a GR and MIRO posts the iv based on GR posted.

This check also comes from the vendor master record as well from the info record.

and yes this works .

0 Kudos

Short question, what works?

Is it possible to have PO and invoices "WITHOUT" GR based invoice on Ariba site and PO and invoice "WITH" GR based invoice on Ariba site?

We do not want to use the standard transaction rules, we want to use the flags from the PO.

Thank you.