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ABAP Environment cannot access remote OData Service in S/4HANA System

0 Kudos

Dear All,

I struggle with the implementation of a service consumption model consuming an remote OData Service of one of our S/4HANA backend system. We have configured the cloud connector for the backend system. I have created a destination in the cloud cockpit and I have configured a destination instance in our ABAP Environment tenant in Cloud foundry.

I followed the guide and I have implemented a consumption model, followed by a custom entity together with a Query implementation and a client proxy. For the proxy I have used the code snipped

lo_http_client = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination( cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_cloud_destination(

i_name = 'DestinationSystem'

i_service_instance_name = 'destinationCF' ) ).

However the service instance could not be found by the system. So far I could not figure out why the destination instance is not recognised by the system and I was not able to find any explanation showing how a destination instance for the access of an ABAP Environment has to be configured. Has anyone any adice or idea?

Thank you very much!

Kind regards

Markus Adam

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Hi Markus,

in general if you work with Subaccount level destinations you do not need to create an arrangement for the SAP_COM_0276 anymore, but you can just omit the i_service_instance_name parameter.

If you need or want to use service instance level destinations then you need the SAP_COM_0276. The arrangement of the SAP_COM_0276 has a parameter Service Instance Name, which is prefilled with the name of the communication arrangement. This is the value you need to use when calling create_by_cloud_destination.

In your code example the value of the arrangement parameter Service Instance Name would need to be destinationCF.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Dear Markus,

Unfortunately, it seems to be taking longer than usual for your question to be answered. You might want to try an alternative route to speed things up.

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