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100% Quality Inspection

0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

We have configure the Quality Inspection Lot in SAP ME (Base Counter 202005221046).
The Production order (including the Quality Data (Data Collection)) will transferd by the ZLOIPRO03.

100% Quality Inspection

In this scenario, Inspection Sample Size equals Build Qty of the Production shop order.

Is there any possibility to disable the 100% Inspection?
We need for the Use Case "Sample Size = Build Qty" the process "Less than 100% Quality Inspection", because we want to complete the inspection lot in SAP ERP (QE51n).


Sample Size 1 + Build Qty 1 = Process: 100% Quality Inspection

When you choose Save in Data Collection Entry, SAP ME evaluates each parametric value collected for this SFC number.
SAPMEINT sends the parameter values and quality inspection result for this SFC number to SAP ERP (QM) using the message qualityInspectionMeEvalResultRecording.
But the SAPMEINT don't retrieves the quality inspection evaluation status for each characteristic and doesn’t sends this data to SAP ME using the message readErpQualityInspectionResultRequest.
This has the consequence that the inspection lot (ERP) will not complete (not evaluated)

Sample Size 1 + Build Qty 2 = Process: less than 100% Quality Inspection

SAP ERP (QM) evaluates the results of quality inspection. Each inspection characteristic is either accepted or rejected.
SAPMEINT automatically retrieves the quality inspection evaluation status for each characteristic and sends this data to SAP ME using the message readErpQualityInspectionResultRequest.
The inspection lot will be complete (evaluated).

Thank you and best regards,

Active Contributor
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What are the configured inspection requirements in ECC for the order/material? If the requirement is coming down from ECC, that is where the change should be made. Overriding the ECC (generally the system of record) is not a good practice.

Cheers, Mike

0 Kudos

Hello Mike,

we dosen't use the 100% Inspeciton in ERP. We use for the sampling type "Use sampling scheme". For example: Configuration T-System -2021-01-22-06-58-58.png

The problem is not the configuration in ERP. If we send the order to SAP ME and the sample size = Build Qty, SAP ME define the 100% Inspection automaticaly. Thats my problem, because i need also for this usecase sample size = Build Qty the process "less than 100% Quality Inspection".

Thanks, Hannes

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0 Kudos


You can do the XSLT enhancement in MEINT to keep always less than 100% quality inspection.


Ajit Kumar

0 Kudos

Hello Ajit,

do you mean i can change this in the ZLOIPRO3?
How can i change this? I only find the InspectionGroupSize and InspectionSampleSize but no 100% Inspection.
Thank you and best regards,