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New notification type - accepted answer!

Active Contributor

Just found the new notification type: Answer accepted

The only issue is: why it's labeled with my avatar? Has to be question author!

And the text has to be:

"Question Author Name" accepted your answer to the question ...

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Just to close this question: at the end of August 2018 the notification is still labeled by my name, not by the name of the question author!

Answers (7)

Answers (7)

Active Contributor

I am really happy that we are getting this notification.


Active Contributor

Today I have it the first time myself, and I think I found a pattern.

The title was visible when it initially arrived as accepted answer.

Then the user added a comment to the accepted answer and the title vanished

In the second case the user added comment first and accepted the answer after the comment, and the title stays

Active Contributor
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Agree, I have checked my cases - the same pattern!

Active Contributor

Why is this a notification? What further action is needed in this case? Send OP flowers or something?

There was no such notification on SCN (at least not in the email) and I couldn't care less for it personally. I've heard some people wanted this but it could've gone to the activity stream together with likes and votes IMHO.

Active Contributor

This notification is useful for me in one specific case:

In my answer I propose some solution and I am not 100 sure it will help. And I want to know the results of question author tests. This notification will confirm that solution is correct.

Former Member

Also it will save the time to navigate to all the questions we answered and checked which ones where accepted! and how my karma points were increased 😉

I feel its really good feature in notifications....but with changes suggested by Vadim!(like it was in the old SCN)

P.S Though under my answers under My Profile I can see the answers and the tick mark as answer accepted! But the my answers stream is not updated immediately as well as I will have to open the question to check whose answer was accepted!

Active Contributor

It is part of the Activity stream either way. IMO it's not a useless notification, but I would think there are more pressing things at hand at the moment than adding a new notification for accepted answers...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Activity stream is not very useful without very detailed filters... And looks like this new notification was implemented due to the fact that it's very easy to implement 🙂

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

OK, thanks for clarification! I believe that this might not be an issue if we were notified about other answers to the same question, like used to happen on SCN. Many OPs reply using an answer, not a comment (which makes sense if they're replying to everyone who answered IMHO), so the previous repliers have no clue what conversation happens in the question after their response.

In my experience, it's rather rare for OP to just pick the best answer without any comment (most either don't ever come back or at least post "thank you") but it may differ by forum, err, tag.

I agree with suggestions above but still, this should go to the activity stream IMHO.

Active Contributor

Upvotes go into the activity stream, not the notifications. To me, it would just seem logical for "your answer is the chosen one" to go to the same place. And yes, I agree it's a rather low priority.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

May be it depends on tag, but in my case this notification is more or less useful! For sure it's better to have configurable set of notifications (in user settings).

Active Contributor
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To my mind it's a big difference between upvote or like and accept. Accept means that the issue is solved and the topic answer confirmed that solution is working... At the end of the day the idea of this forum is to get correct solution 🙂

Active Contributor
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Yeah, one would think that this day and age we shouldn't argue what's more important to whom and just be able to set our personal preferences in the user profile. If only there was some kind of digital innovation for that...


Thanks for testing the new notification and providing feedback Vadim. I will take your feedback (I agree with what you suggested) to IT to discuss your changes.


Sajid Amir

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

There will be always people, who don't need or need a certain feature...

When will finally notifications become manageable via user settings?


We are trying our best to push these things through Veselina. As soon as we get Email notifications and filter by primary tag in Activity Streams rolled out, we will be able to divert more resources to improving the Notification service further. This does not mean we are not working on that at all. The feature is being refined to make sure that we fulfill the needs in a manner that is feasible and compatible to our new platform. I will share mock ups when they are ready. Thanks for your patience, interest, and support Veselina.


Sajid Amir

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Interesting finding:

A few minutes ago I received a notification about Accepted answer to this question:

The notification was with the correct Question title: "transport best practices"

Then I marked it as read and after few minutes I refreshed the notifications tab.

Now I see the standard bug:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Looks like notifications about accepted answer are not working now!

I don't see notifications of this type, also can't find the same messages in the activity list!

New experiments?

0 Kudos

Checking right now Vadim. Thanks for reporting.

Active Contributor

3 and 11 hours ago I am certain it worked 😉

0 Kudos

Thanks for this Vadim this will help us identify the issue. Sadly I had not requested any further changes to this notification so I find such issues just as unexpected and frustrating as you do. Extremely sorry for this Vadim as I perfectly realize how frustrating this may be.

Active Contributor
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By the way my last notification about accepted answer was with known bug:

Link to question:

Active Contributor
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And fresh screenshot for the accept notification:

Active Contributor
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Just a minute ago:

could this eventually have something to do with authorization?

0 Kudos

So its working for you Jurgen? And not for Vadim...In either case I am afraid I will not be able to get an answer for this this week. My IT contact is in a workshop and thus I have not been able to get in touch with him. I have however reached out to him via Email and awaiting further information.

Active Contributor
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Huh, that's another change to the production environment that comes as a surprise to me. (-> there wasn't an announcement about it).

I don't know how ya'll feel about it, but I just created an idea that such things should be done in a beta-environment first:


0 Kudos

The Release Notes was updated yesterday Joachim. And there is a new Release blog on the way. Apologies for getting the word out a little late.


Sajid Amir

0 Kudos

Just learned that the Wiki Release Notes does not include the update about the new notificaiton! I will request to correct the error.

Active Contributor

Thanks for the Info, Sajid!

For reference, here's the wiki-link:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Looks like something is off in this new notification - it does not show who accepted or which answer. See this post. I've just checked and see the same in my notifications.


Thanks for notifying me Jelena. I am looking into it right away.

Active Contributor

Have the same strange thing:

May be the question was deleted after accepting the answer 🙂

0 Kudos

Vadim could you kindly share if you have had any further answers accepted after this case? This will help me investigate this issue further.

Active Contributor

After this case I have "correct" notification:

Unfortunately Question Author name is still not shown!

Active Contributor

It seems that all the old notifications look like this and no, the questions were not deleted (normally I don't even answer in those). I used the answer list in my profile and then searched for the corresponding notifications (give or take, there is no time stamp). My answer here was accepted on February 21st but the notification doesn't show the question link.