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SAP Web IDE build error : Unknown system error

0 Kudos


We are currently working on a migration project of SAP HANA 1.0 SPS07 to SAP HANA Cloud.
We are converting existing scripted calculation views to calculation views + table functions, following this procedure :
The migration of views seems to take place correctly, then we export the assets and import them to Web IDE Full-stack, in
order to build the view in HANA Cloud.
When trying to build some views in Web IDE, we get this error :
It SEEMS to be time-related. (At some time the same view will refuse to build, then after waiting some time it builds fine.)

9:10:08 (Executor) The "task for hdb build" process started.

9:10:08 (Executor) Started the "task for hdb build" provision.

9:10:15 (Provision) Service provisioning for module: "/db"

9:10:15 (Provision) No service instance will be created for the 'cross-container-service-1' resource of the 'org.cloudfoundry.existing-service' type.

9:10:15 (Provision) Service instance 'K-assess-hdidb-S0021281867-worksGeu9Q1WfMrs2Tglq' for resource 'K-assess-hdidb-S0021281867-worksGeu9Q1WfMrs2Tglq' already exists, no operation will be performed.

9:10:18 (Executor) Starting process: "cd /projects/K-assess/db; export DEVX_MTA_RESOLVED_PLACEHOLDERS="{\"services\":[{\"platformName\":\"grantor-service-test\",\"resourceName\":\"cross-container-service-1\",\"resourceProperties\":{\"SERVICE_REPLACEMENTS\":[{\"key\":\"ServiceName_1\",\"service\":\"grantor-service-test\"}]},\"resourceType\":\"org.cloudfoundry.existing-service\",\"serviceKeyName\":\"SharedDevKey\",\"serviceTarget\":{\"endpoint\":\"\",\"org\":\"K_14264\",\"space\":\"K\"}},{\"platformName\":\"K-assess-hdidb-S0021281867-worksGeu9Q1WfMrs2Tglq\",\"resourceName\":\"hdi_db\",\"resourceProperties\":{\"TARGET_CONTAINER\":\"K-assess-hdidb-S0021281867-worksGeu9Q1WfMrs2Tglq\"},\"resourceType\":\"\",\"serviceKeyName\":\"SharedDevKey\",\"serviceTarget\":{\"endpoint\":\"\",\"org\":\"K_14264\",\"space\":\"K\"}}]}"; export CF_HOME=/projects/.webide/cf/31d378ce1db4d4c991f81dd585d6fd44; export DEVX_MTA_HDI_BUILD_OPTIONS="{\"IsSelectiveBuild\":true,\"SelectedFiles\":[\"/K-assess/db/src/zgltp/TABLE_FUNCTION_ZGLTCL_NIC_MULTIPLE_REPORT_ADJUST.hdbfunction\"],\"IsSimulateBuild\":false,\"AdditionalOptions\":{\"migrationtable-development-mode\":true}}"; export PROJECT_PATH=/projects/K-assess/db; mkdir -p $CF_HOME/.cf/plugins/ && cp -u $CF_PLUGIN_PATH/config.json $CF_HOME/.cf/plugins/config.json 2>/dev/null || :;hdi-space-builder build -f /usr/local/resources/hdi-space-builder/manifest.yaml"

9:10:18 (HDB) Executing Build command:

9:10:18 (HDB) HDI BUILDER VERSION:1.1.8-20200610150748

9:10:18 (HDB) temp folder created at: /tmp/hdispacebuilder596141313

9:10:18 (HDB) Starting pre-hdiBuild operations...

9:10:21 (HDB) Creating module zip...

9:10:21 (HDB) module directory is: /projects/K-assess/db

9:10:21 (HDB) executing NPM script at: /projects/K-assess/db

9:10:21 (HDB) zipping folder.....

9:10:22 (HDB) zip created at: /tmp/hdispacebuilder596141313/

9:10:24 (HDB) connection to hdi deployer passed

9:10:24 (HDB) No protocol version provided, using the latest version: 1.0.0

9:10:24 (HDB) Log id: d8e587a92ee4ad903a4bc8fc621bd461fc3cdc99

9:10:24 (HDB) Using protocol version 1.0.0


9:10:24 (HDB) File transfer completed successfully: Checksums match.

9:10:24 (HDB) Error extracting zip archive: Unknown system error -122: Unknown system error -122, open '/tmp/hdi-space-deploy-43T8d0UFg5YJi5-content/src/zglmp/TABLE_FUNCTION_ZGLMCL_NIC_TONER_L0_COLOR_MONO.hdbfunction'

9:10:24 (HDB) Error creating temporary file: Unknown system error -122: Unknown system error -122, open '/tmp/hdi-space-deploy-43V34DI2AcDM6p'

9:10:24 (HDB) Ended because of error: Error extracting zip archive: Unknown system error -122: Unknown system error -122, open '/tmp/hdi-space-deploy-43T8d0UFg5YJi5-content/src/zglmp/TABLE_FUNCTION_ZGLMCL_NIC_TONER_L0_COLOR_MONO.hdbfunction'

9:11:24 (HDB) Working ...

9:11:24 (HDB) failed to close socket, reason=write tcp> i/o timeout

9:11:24 (HDB) Build command failed : hdi-build failed: hdi-build operation failed: failed to send ping message: websocket: close sent

9:11:24 (HDB) Build of /K-assess/db failed due to The "task for hdb build" process finished with code 1.

Do you have any insights on how to solve this issue ?

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