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AI Business Services and Medical fraud

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You mentioned on the stakeholder call a use case for AI Business Services and Medical fraud.

Can you please send more info about this?




Hello Dean,

Apologies for the delayed response.

The use case is primarily aimed at the sale of prescribed medicines that are sold in the EU region in order to find out counterfeit medicines, medicines with wrong serial number, medicines that are not allowed to be sold in a particular country due to certain regulations. The consolidated information in the form of alert is passed on to the central organization (EMVS - European Medical Verification System) in Brussels. This is then distributed to the local system in each country for further processing and classification of alerts. Each country have their own system as well. Owing to the huge number of alerts on a daily basis, it is becoming increasing difficult for the processors to provide responses. Hence there is a need for mechanism to segregate the alerts and provide responses to the local system is of the absolute need. Hope this helps.

Please feel free to get in touch with me if in case you need further information or any clarification

Best Regards,
