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SAP Help Portal & SAP Library

0 Kudos

Hi there,

Ther is some confusion about the difirrence and connection between the SAP Help Portal and the SAP Library

Please help me to understand what's the major in of the two support ways.Thx.

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Yao.

As part of SAP installation some of the help library are installed(based on your SAP version) from any transaction if press F1 you may get some minimal information.

SAP portal online help /support/ guides from



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi star_170,

Could you please be specific on where or what difference do you actually see. I see that in the second link you are trying to browse for product details on a very older version of a product. As SAP always recommends to use the latest product version always, so if you are having the latest product installed, you should try to find the latest product definition on Also you can check PAM for any guides. In PAM also you can filter with correspondence to product version

Also the view & details that you see in the second link, the reason is if you search more deeply, you would be able to find that you can link/upload those documentation to your SAP Product & directly in your SAP product Application Help, you can check the documentation from your SAP Product without the need of checking in browser



0 Kudos

hi Kaushik

I really appreciate your comment.According to your explain, the second link(SAP library) is a retired Application Help tool for a very older version of a product(R3),right?or in other words, the helping content of the two links is the same,all include product details and various versions,only the browse UI is different, futhermore, just one is the latest help portal which is reconmended to use, and the another is retired.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi star_170,

Yes, You got the point correctly

