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There is no ABAP Trial in the service marketplace of SCP cloud foundry in my trial account

0 Kudos


I can not find the ABAP Trial in the service marketplace of my SCP (cloud foundry) trial account.

What shall i do?

Best regards and thanks for any help


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0 Kudos

I just tried. Same issue for me, no "ABAP Trial" (I get even less services, 12 instead of 31). It used to work a few months ago.

I also tried to Configure Entitlements (cf Geert-Jan answer), the ABAP Trial service plan did already exist so I deleted it, and adding it again. But the issue persists.

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0 Kudos

Gert Jan ist right, in the cloud Cockpit you had to go to the level:

Home [Europe (Rot) - Cloud Foundry - Trial] / S0001234trial

ant try it again...



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0 Kudos

Hi sandra.rossi,

This should work (had it a few times myself), but once it took half a day before it showed up in the market place. (so somethings it can take a while unfortunately)

Best regards,

Geert-Jan Klaps

Active Contributor

8d8214c7f9734f45be69f95cc0d5aeee You're right, it appears now, thanks ! (and there are now 36 services instead of 12)

Yes, important to go have a coffee and be patient.

Let's hope it will work for Matthias.

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Active Contributor


If you're following the onboarding tutorial here and you don't see the service available in the market place then your account is probably missing the right entitlements. You can add your trial entitlement like follows:

  1. Go into your trial sub-account within your cloud foundry environment
  2. Click on "Entitlements" in the left side menu
  3. Click "Configure Entitlements" (right side of the sceen on top of the table with entitlements)
  4. Click "Add Service Plans"
  5. Select the "ABAP Trial" and check the shared plan
  6. Click "Add 1 Service Plans"
  7. Click "Save" (right side of the sceen on top of the table with entitlements)

It can take a few minutes for it to show up in the market place, but you should be good to go!

Best regards,

Geert-Jan Klaps

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


Thanks a lot . I didn't do anything during the weekend but now the entry is there!

So patience is everyting:-)