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Scripting: Select Model from OpenedModel Collection

0 Kudos

Hello Community,

i am searching for the function or the method call to get a specific model from the List "Models" (which contains all opened models)

In PowerShell I can achieve this by

$powerDesigner = New-Object -com powerdesigner.application

$targetModel = $powerDesigner.Models | Where Code -eq $targetModelCode

In PowerShell I then have the model object in the variable targetModel.

I need the same now in VBScript.

Is there some kind of method like FindChildByCode for the Model List? The documentation says that Models is a global object reference list, but I don´t see a method to get a specific item out of this list...

Kind regards


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Perhaps something like this:

set ws = ActiveWorkspace

for each wsmdl in ws.children

if wsmdl.modelType = "PDM" and not wsmdl.ModelObject is Nothing then

Active Contributor

I don't think you can do what you ask, as the collection is not a Named Object. You'll have to resort to this (someone with more programming experience may come up with a better approach):

dim mdl
for each mdl in models
   if mdl.code = "PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES_METAMODEL" then output mdl
0 Kudos

My current solution is to directly address the models via their unique filepath:

'#Get PowerDesigner window as new object
Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application")
Output "  PowerDesigner window is loaded"
'#Select target and source model as objects
Dim filenameTargetModel, filenameOldSourceModel, filenameNewSourceModel
filenameTargetModel = "C:\GitRepos\xxx" filenameNewSourceModel = "C:\GitRepos\yyy" filenameOldSourceModel = "C:\GitRepos\zzz" Set targetModel = PD.OpenModel(filenameTargetModel) Set newSourceModel = PD.OpenModel(filenameNewSourceModel) Set oldSourceModel = PD.OpenModel(filenameOldSourceModel)