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UI5 - Mockserver - JSON Relationship

0 Kudos


I need help to setup Relationships between Entitys on a mockup server. With my ODATA Service (v2.0 Olingo) the application works well.

I have already tried the following patterns, but it does not work. I got with all my solution a reference to "DocumenTypes T1".

"uri": "/odatademo/xxxxxx.svc/DocumentTypes('T2')" 
"uri": "DocumentTypes ('T2')"

	"Id": 1,
	"Subject": "TEST",
	"DocumentTypeDetails": {
		"Id": "T2",
		"Name": "DEF"

Furthermore I tried to follow the FAQ without success.

"Mock data in JSON format can be generated from an OData service by adding the $format=json"

	"__metadata": {
	  "id": "",
	  "uri": "",
	  "type": "XXX.Document"
	"Subject": "Test",
	"DocumentTypeDetails": {
	  "__deferred": {
		"uri": ""

A part of my Code:


	"Id": 1,
	"Subject": "TEST",
	"DocumentTypeDetails": {
		"__deferred": {
			"uri": "/odata/xxxxxx.svc/DocumentTypes('T2')"


	"Id": "T1",
	"Name": "ABC"
	"Id": "T2",
	"Name": "DEF"

localService/metadata.xml (C&P from OData $metadata)

<EntityType Name="DocumentType">
		<PropertyRef Name="Id"/>
	<Property Name="Id" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"/>
	<Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" MaxLength="255"/>

<EntityType Name="Document">
		<PropertyRef Name="Id"/>
	<Property Name="Id" Type="Edm.Int64" Nullable="false"/>
	<Property Name="Subject" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" MaxLength="255"/>
	<NavigationProperty Name="DocumentTypeDetails" Relationship="XXX.Document_DocumentType_Many_ZeroToOne0" FromRole="Document"

<Association Name="Document_DocumentType_Many_ZeroToOne0">
	<End Type="XXX.Document" Multiplicity="*" Role="Document"/>
	<End Type="XXX.DocumentType" Multiplicity="0..1" Role="DocumentType"/>
<EntitySet Name="Documents" EntityType="XXX.Document"/>
<EntitySet Name="DocumentTypes" EntityType="XXX.DocumentType"/>

<AssociationSet Name="Document_DocumentType_Many_ZeroToOne0Set" Association="XXX.Document_DocumentType_Many_ZeroToOne0">
	<End EntitySet="Documents" Role="Document"/>
	<End EntitySet="DocumentTypes" Role="DocumentType"/>

XML View (short version)

<Table items="{path : 'MyODATA>/Documents', expand : 'DocumentTypeDetails'}">


Thanks for your Help!

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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

I found a "dirty" solution.

Now i hold all the data in one file. There is only one Data.json containing the complete entries with metadata.

For this i copied the structure of the OData service. For my example you get the data via the following request:


If you had more relationships, you can reach them via the NavigationPropertys.

For example:
