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Lo Extraction

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hai guruz,

Plz clarify me the following issues in LO extration

1,Does Activation of extract struture load data to setup tables r delta queue ?

2,Do OLTP has to be stopped for document posting during starting of init thru infopackage ? To avoid this we go for early delta intialization ?

3,Fillin up of setup tables and init thru package does it go hand in hand?

thanks in advance

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thanks everyone for the immediate reply

i juz want to conform my understanding

1,so of the 3 delta methods (direct delta,queue delta,V3 serialized and unserialized)oltp should be stopped during init in infopackage only if direct delta is selected rite! n to avoid this we go for early delta initilization rite!

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Hi Muthu,

Early delta initialization method is used to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the posting of data in the source system.

Hope it is clear now.


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Answers (6)

Answers (6)

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2.Do OLTP has to be stopped for document posting during starting of init thru infopackage ? To avoid this we go for early delta intialization ?

<b>Early Delta Initialization</b>:

With early delta initialization, you have the option of writing the data into the delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the posting of data in the source system. <b>The option of executing an early delta initialization is only available if the DataSource extractor called in the source system with this data request supports this.</b>

Extractors that support early delta initialization are delivered with Plug-Ins as of Plug-In (-A) 2002.1.

<b>You cannot run an initialization simulation together with an early delta initialization</b>.

3.Fillin up of setup tables and init thru package does it go hand in hand?

No,we fill the set up tables so that init can be done from these set up tables.


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Early Delta helps to capture the data entered in to R/3 system at the time of executing the Initialization(only execution of onfopackage ,not the filling setup table). So early delta is useful if we select 'Direct delta' as Update method. It is not use ful in case of 'Queued delta'.

At the time of initialization procedure, it is necessary to stop any document postings for the affected application during a recompilation run in the OLTP (filling the setup tables), irrespective of Delta method.

With rgds,

Anil Kumar sharma .P

Former Member
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hi muthu ,

just send me your id. i'll send one document which is on LO Data Extraction. i hope It will answer all you questions.

Overview of the document.

1. Set up Table.

>> You can also carry out a full update into BW with the tables setup.

>> The transaction data entering the Business Information Warehouse by means of extractors originates

from very different modules. Due to past developments, very different extraction mechanisms are


>> Your company uses the previous SD data extraction

with the LIS transfer structures S26*; the extraction

must be converted to the new LO extractor.

You are responsible for extractor conversion - you

still want the reports to be available in the BW


>> The Logistics Customizing Cockpit is the central administration tool for extract structures, which

you use to transfer Logistics transaction data of the tool from OLTP into BW. The extract structures

are filled with the communication structures of the individual Logistics applications.

>> After you set up the extract structure, the system automatically generates it. This completes missing

fields (their units and characteristics). The extract structure is created hierarchically according to the

communication structures. Every communication structure leads to the generation of a substructure

that belongs to the actual extract structure.

>> OLTP extraction tables make up the basis of a DataSource as far as BW is concerned.

>> When you extract transaction data with the LO method, you need a so-called extraction setup, which

is similar in its usage to the LIS method for refreshing statistical data.

>> The extraction setup reads the dataset you want to edit (for example , customer orders with the tables

VBAK, VBAP and so on) and fills the relevant communication structure. The data is stored in cluster

tables (<Extract structure>_SETUP), from where they are read when initialization is run.

Initializing the Delta Process (Scheduler)

>> If you want to transfer data in the delta process, the process must be initialized in the first data

request. In this process, the selection conditions for connecting delta uploads are set and its complete

dataset is loaded into BW from the R/3 System.

>> To do this, you must select the checkbox Initialize delta process for the InfoPackage under the update parameters of the Scheduler.

Ple send you email-id , that document helps you to understand LO Extraction in detail.


Varun CN

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so u mean that

1,we need to stop oltp document posting during V3 update.

To avoid this we go for early delta initilization ?

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Hi Muthu,

From, it has been mentioned:

Early Delta Initialization:

With early delta initialization, you have the option of writing the data into the delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the posting of data in the source system. The option of executing an early delta initialization is only available if the DataSource extractor called in the source system with this data request supports this.

Hope it helps!!!!


Former Member
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Hi Muthu,

Have a look at weblogs for LO by Roberto(the best ones).

1) Does Activation of extract struture load data to setup tables r delta queue ?

Activation of extract structure does fill the delta queue.

2)Do OLTP has to be stopped for document posting during starting of init thru infopackage ? To avoid this we go for early delta intialization ?

Yes, we should stop all the transactions while filling of setup tables/init load(If choosen Direct Delta). No need to stop if Queued Delta has been set.

3) Fillin up of setup tables and init thru package does it go hand in hand?

Not sure wht you mean to say.

Hope it helps!!!!

Do not forget to assign points, if useful.


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Activation of Extraction Structure starts the collecttion of data in LBWQ.

If you define the update method as 'Queue delta' then there is no need of stopping documents' posting at the time of Info package execution(INIT).

If you define the update method as 'Direct delta' then there is a need of stopping documents' posting at the time of Info package execution(INIT).

With rgds,

Anil Kumar Sharma .P

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Muthu,

Just ve a look at these documents and weblogs







Hope it helps...let me know
