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How to: Dynamic ObjectHeader-Attributes

0 Kudos

Hi Team,

I'm new to sapui5 and I want to use any repeating container like a list in an ObjectHeader, in which I can display ObjectAttributes. Instead of adding them manually I want to display it dynamically, similarly to a List-Control, where you can set path for items. I tried several things, but did not succeed. I can't put a List in the attributes directly, as it is no aggregation of it. Can anyone help?

This is what's it now:

<ObjectHeader title="{temp>message}" responsive="true">
		<ObjectAttribute title="..." text="{temp>objectGroup}"/>
		<ObjectAttribute title="..." text="{temp>object}"/>
		<ObjectAttribute title="..." text="{temp>eventDate}"/>
		<ObjectAttribute title="..." text="{temp>eventTime}"/>
		<ObjectAttribute title="..." text="{temp>message}"/>
		<ObjectAttribute title="..." text="{temp>date}"/>

And this is what I want:

<ObjectHeader title="{temp>message}" responsive="true">
            <ObjectAttribute title="{temp>key}" text="{temp>value}"/> <-- only one for all

Best regards!

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<ObjectHeader title="{temp>message}" responsive="true" attributes={bind to collection}><ObjectAttribute title="{temp>key}" text="{temp>value}"/> <-- only one for all</ObjectHeader>

give it a try.

0 Kudos

Hi jun.wu5,

thank you very much for your help. I hoped that it would be that easy.

I concentrated very much on the api reference and it's aggregations and properties but this one is not listed. But compared with list and items it's very similar.

Best regards!

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