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Object is not original in this system


Hi, Experts,

I try to write transport entry of a package from the Dev system to Qas system, but the system stops with a message '

Object XXX is not original in this system'

1. Run SE80, find the package 'ARUN_CORE', right click 'write transport entry'.

2. Click package from the popup window.

3. input a new request number and click 'continue', then the system stops.

How to correct the issue?

Any answer is appreciated.


Active Contributor

ARUN_CORE (allocation run, AFS?) looks like part of standard (otherwise I'd expect to see Z,Y or /.../). That will make its original system SAP. You cannot transport original SAP objects in this way.

You could create a transport of copies, or a relocation transport.

But why on earth do you think you need to transport this apparently standard class.

View solution in original post


Active Contributor

Hi Changlin

Sounds like there are multiple clients on this system so just check to see if the objects you are trying to migrate were created in that client. I would suggest they were not. Maybe you have a 100 (DEV) client but a test 120 (DEV Unit Test) Client so trying to transport out of the 120 client. Could also be the Client level basis settings but let's try checking this one first.

Check the different clients in operation as that may give you the clue to resolving this issue.

Thanks & Regards

Phil Cooley

0 Kudos

Hi Phil,

Yes, The Dev system has two clients, one(client 100) is for DEV, another(client 200) is for the unit test.

I logon the client 100 and try to write transport entry of a complete package to the QAS system which is located in another server.

Best Regards,


Active Contributor

ARUN_CORE (allocation run, AFS?) looks like part of standard (otherwise I'd expect to see Z,Y or /.../). That will make its original system SAP. You cannot transport original SAP objects in this way.

You could create a transport of copies, or a relocation transport.

But why on earth do you think you need to transport this apparently standard class.

0 Kudos

Hi, Matthew,

I have implemented a note in the DEV system. now I try to transport to the QAS system. But it stops with a message 'syntax error'.

So I want to re-transport the whole package in DEV system to QAS system to correct the error. Did I take an error step?

Thanks & Best regards,


Active Contributor

Nicely said matthew.billingham - not sure why I thought it was a Z class (as I would have said the same thing about why it is being transported like this!) but definitely not clear on why this would need to be transported. Definitely deserve my down vote for my reply so I will take that. - looks like the SAP note has not been fully implemented. Did you use transaction SNOTE or were you performing the changes manually? Your original question should have detailed more information, definitely included your OSS note implementation, because this is an entirely different problem. When you change the objects via SNOTE you should also be prompted to save a transport request - if you don't then you need to speak to your Basis team to fix this. You should not be transporting items in this way - you need to go through the standard SAP transport mechanism.

Active Contributor

Your error step is not resolving the error. Find out what's missing in QAS (the usual cause of a syntax error). Find out where it is on DEV. Perhaps you've got some components in separate transports. Or perhaps a prerequisite note has been installed in DEV already, but not transported to QAS.

0 Kudos

I have found out the error in QAS system, and I compare the two systems in DEV & QAS. The code is not the same.

How to transport request from DEV system to QAS system for the error episode.

Sorry for my beginner question!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I do not know your system, what release and patch you are on, what notes are involved, what notes are already installed etc. I could only resolve such an issue by being on site.

You'll have to try to figure it out for yourself.

You can search for objects on transports using SE03. Probably you're missing some note transport to QAS.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Did you analyze the syntax error in target system, some changes seem to be missing in your transport request, try to find the missing objects: in another transport request (not yet released?) or in a local package (e.g. $TMP, did you execute manual steps during note implementation) in the source system and transport those.