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MS Outlook & OLE2

0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

I use Outlook to read subjects form the E-Mails into a internal table and It works fine!

At the end of the day, there are 2 problems left and I hope, somebody can help me:

1) I need to know the amount of E-Mails in the Standard-Inbox.

2) I want to move the E-Mails from Standort-Inbox into a subfolder named "NEW".

Microsoft says, that Outlook has "Count-" and "Move-Methods". But how to use this methods in ABAP?

Best regards,



Active Contributor

Here is the equivalence between your VBA code and the ABAP code:

Sub MoveItems()                                      FORM moveitems.

  Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application              DATA outlookapp TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace               DATA mynamespace TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder                 DATA myfolder TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim destFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder               DATA destfolder TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim count As Long, n As Long                       DATA count TYPE i.
  Dim movItems As Outlook.Items                      DATA movitems TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim mItem As Object                                DATA mitem TYPE ole2_object.
                                                     DATA n TYPE i.

  Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application           CREATE OBJECT outlookapp 'Outlook.Application'.

  Set myNamespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  CALL METHOD OF outlookapp 'GetNameSpace' = mynamespace 
                                                       EXPORTING #1 = 'MAPI'.

  ' Default Inbox
  Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6)     CALL METHOD OF mynamespace 'GetDefaultFolder'
                                                       = myfolder EXPORTING #1 = 6.

  ' Subfolder of Default Inbox
  Set destFolder = myFolder.Folders("NEW")           CALL METHOD OF myfolder 'Folders' = destfolder
                                                       EXPORTING #1 = 'NEW'. 

  Set movItems = myFolder.Items                      GET PROPERTY OF myfolder 'Items' = movitems.

  count = movItems.count                             GET PROPERTY OF movitems 'Count' = count.

  For n = count To 1 Step-1                          DO count TIMES.
                                                       n = count - sy-index + 1.

    movItems(n).Move destFolder                        CALL METHOD OF myfolder 'Items' = mitem 
                                                         EXPORTING #1 = n.
                                                       CALL METHOD OF mitem 'Move' EXPORTING #1  
                                                         = destfolder.

  Next n                                             ENDDO.

End Sub                                            ENDFORM.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

First ask a outlook vba forum, and post the vba code here, that will help to convert it into abap!

0 Kudos

Dear Sandra,

here is the vba code:

Deleted - Wrong Coding

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Martin Grischkat Thanks but it's full of error syntaxes when I paste it in Outlook. Are you sure this is the one which does what you want?

Please use the CODE button to format your code so that it's more user-friendly.

0 Kudos

Sorry, my fault.

Here is the code I need in ABAP (works fine in VBA, Early Binding):

Sub MoveItems() 
    Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
    Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application
    Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
    Set myNamespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Dim myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim destFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim count As Long, n As Long
    Dim movItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim mItem As Object
' Definition of Source- and Target-Folders
    Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6)  ' Default Inbox
    Set destFolder = myFolder.Folders("NEW")        ' Subfolder of Default Inbox

    Set movItems = myFolder.Items
    count = movItems.count
    For n = count To 1 Step -1
        movItems(n).Move destFolder
    Next n
End Sub

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Why don't you first create and test the VBA code you need? Then I can translate it into a working version? With the code above, maybe the resulting ABAP won't include all VBA-to-ABAP conversion rules you need. Or if you prefer, do the conversion yourself by following the advices I gave here:

0 Kudos

Dear Sandra,

thanks for your patience 😉 I have edited my code above.

0 Kudos

I found out for myself. Here is my solution, which I have to integrate now in my main-program:


INCLUDE: ole2incl.
TYPES:  BEGIN OF type_email,
          mailsen   TYPE c LENGTH 1024,  "+ E-Mail Absender
          mailhdc   TYPE c LENGTH 1024,  "+ E-Mail Header komplett inkl. Ticket-Nr. und Timestemp
          mailhdr   TYPE c LENGTH 2048,  "+ E-Mail Header Raw (Original)
          maildat   TYPE string,         "+ E-Mail Datum
          mailtim   TYPE string,         "+ E-Mail Uhrzeit
          mailjah   TYPE c LENGTH 4,      "+ E-Mail Jahr
        END OF type_email.
DATA: l_oleoutlook  TYPE ole2_object,
      l_olenmspace  TYPE ole2_object,
      l_oleeingang  TYPE ole2_object,   "+ Posteingang
      l_olemainpth  TYPE ole2_object,   "+ Zielordner
      l_oleemail01  TYPE ole2_object,   "+ E-Mail
      l_oledtarget  TYPE ole2_object,
      l_hdrrawvers  TYPE c LENGTH 2048, "+ Header RAW (Original)
      l_laengeabs1  TYPE i,             "+ Länge des Absendernames (um leere Datensätze festzustellen)
      l_dszaehler1  TYPE sy-tabix,      "+ Zähler für die E-Mails
      l_origdatum1  TYPE string,        "+ Original-Datum aus E-Mail
      l_pfadmailcp  TYPE string,        "+ Lokals Windows-Verzeichnis für die gespeicherten E-Mails
      l_sendername  TYPE string,        "+ Absender der E-Mail
      l_hdrcomplet  TYPE string,        "+ Header inkl. Ticket-Nr. und Timestamp
      l_timestamp1  TYPE string,        "+ Timestamp
      l_sendreceiv  TYPE i.             "+ Flag, ob "R" (E-Mail-Eingang) oder "S" (Gesendete E-Mail) ausgelesen werden soll

*+ Variablen (für Erstellung Timestamp):

DATA: l_emaildatum  TYPE string,      "+ Datum für interne Tabelle it_emails
      l_emailuhrze  TYPE string,      "+ Uhrzeit für interne Tabelle it_emails
      l_tempjahr01  TYPE c LENGTH 4,  "+ Jahr
      l_tempmonat1  TYPE c LENGTH 2,  "+ Monat
      l_temptag001  TYPE c LENGTH 2,  "+ Tag
      l_tempstunde  TYPE c LENGTH 2,  "+ Stunde
      l_tempminute  TYPE c LENGTH 2,  "+ Minute
      l_tempsekund  TYPE c LENGTH 2.  "+ Sekunde

DATA: lit_emails    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF  type_email,
      w_lit_emails  TYPE                    type_email.

"+ Wird nur zu Testzwecken benötigt:
PARAMETERS: p_pronum TYPE string OBLIGATORY.          "+ Projekt-Nr.
PARAMETERS: p_sndrec TYPE c DEFAULT 'R' OBLIGATORY.   "+ Eingang / Gesendet

IF p_sndrec NE 'R' AND p_sndrec NE 'S'.
  MESSAGE 'R für Erhalten oder S für Gesendet eingeben' TYPE 'E'.

IF p_sndrec EQ 'R'.
  l_sendreceiv = 6.
  l_sendreceiv = 5.

REFRESH lit_emails.

CREATE OBJECT l_oleoutlook 'Outlook.Application'.
CALL METHOD OF l_oleoutlook 'GetNameSpace' = l_olenmspace
    #1 = 'MAPI'.
CALL METHOD OF l_olenmspace 'GetDefaultFolder' = l_oleeingang
    #1 = l_sendreceiv.  "3:Deleted items - 4:Outbox - 5:Sent Items - 6:Inbox - 9:Calendar - 10:Contacts - 11:Journal - 12:Notes - 13:Tasks
CALL METHOD OF l_olenmspace 'Folders' = l_olemainpth
    #1 = 'Persönlicher Ordner'.
CALL METHOD OF l_olemainpth 'Folders' = l_oledtarget
    #1 = '_Tickets'.

CLEAR: l_dszaehler1.

  l_dszaehler1 = l_dszaehler1 + 1.
  CALL METHOD OF l_oleeingang 'Items' = l_oleemail01  "+ Zugriff auf E-Mail Nr. l_dszaehler1
      #1 = l_dszaehler1.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      GET PROPERTY OF l_oleemail01 'SenderName'    = l_sendername. "+ Absender
      CONDENSE l_sendername.
      MOVE Strlen( l_sendername ) TO l_laengeabs1.
        IF l_laengeabs1 NE 0.
          IF p_sndrec EQ 'R'.
            GET PROPERTY OF l_oleemail01 'ReceivedTime' = l_origdatum1.    "+ Datum + Zeit Empfang
            GET PROPERTY OF l_oleemail01 'SentOn'       = l_origdatum1.    "+ Datum + Zeit Gesendet

          GET PROPERTY OF l_oleemail01 'Subject'       = l_hdrrawvers.    "+ Betreff

          SPLIT l_origdatum1 AT SPACE INTO l_emaildatum l_emailuhrze.
          l_tempjahr01 = l_emaildatum+6(4).
          l_tempmonat1 = l_emaildatum+3(2).
          l_temptag001 = l_emaildatum(2).
          l_tempstunde = l_emailuhrze(2).
          l_tempminute = l_emailuhrze+3(2).
          l_tempsekund = l_emailuhrze+6(2).
          CONDENSE: l_hdrrawvers.
          CONCATENATE l_tempjahr01 l_tempmonat1 l_temptag001 l_tempstunde l_tempminute l_tempsekund '+' INTO l_timestamp1.
          CONCATENATE p_pronum '+' l_timestamp1 l_hdrrawvers INTO l_hdrcomplet.
**[Speichern der E-Mail als Datei:]
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ':' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '_'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '-'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '&' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '+'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '"' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH ''''.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '\' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '-'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '*' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '+'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '?' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '+'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '<' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '_'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '|' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '-'.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '>' IN l_hdrcomplet WITH '_'.

          CONCATENATE 'U:/Tickets/Mails/' l_hdrcomplet '.mht' INTO l_pfadmailcp. "+ Verzeichnis, wo die E-Mail außerhalb von Outlook
           "+ gespeichert werden soll
          CALL METHOD OF l_oleemail01 'SAVEAS'                                 
              #1 = l_pfadmailcp
              #2 = 10.

*     ** Füllen der internen Tabelle:
          CONDENSE: l_emaildatum, l_emailuhrze.
          w_lit_emails-mailsen = l_sendername.
          w_lit_emails-maildat = l_emaildatum.
          w_lit_emails-mailtim = l_emailuhrze.
          w_lit_emails-mailjah = l_tempjahr01.
          w_lit_emails-mailhdc = l_hdrcomplet.
          w_lit_emails-mailhdr = l_hdrrawvers.
          APPEND w_lit_emails TO lit_emails.
          FREE OBJECT l_oleemail01.

  CLEAR: w_lit_emails, l_emailuhrze, l_emaildatum, l_pfadmailcp, l_hdrrawvers, l_laengeabs1, l_sendername.
  CLEAR: l_hdrcomplet, l_origdatum1, l_tempjahr01, l_tempmonat1, l_temptag001, l_tempstunde, l_tempminute, l_tempsekund.


CLEAR l_dszaehler1.

* Ergebnisse aus interner Tabelle ausgeben:

LOOP AT lit_emails INTO w_lit_emails.
  l_dszaehler1 = l_dszaehler1 + 1.
  WRITE:/ w_lit_emails-maildat, w_lit_emails-mailtim, w_lit_emails-mailsen, w_lit_emails-mailhdr, w_lit_emails-mailhdc.
  CALL METHOD OF l_oleeingang 'Items' = l_oleemail01  "+ Zugriff auf E-Mail Nr. l_dszaehler1
      #1 = l_dszaehler1.
  CALL METHOD OF l_oleemail01 'MOVE'
      #1 = l_oledtarget.

    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      l_dszaehler1 = l_dszaehler1 - 1.

  CLEAR w_lit_emails.
  FREE OBJECT l_oleemail01.

FREE OBJECT l_oleoutlook.
FREE OBJECT l_olenmspace.
FREE OBJECT l_oleeingang.
FREE OBJECT l_olemainpth.
FREE OBJECT l_oledtarget.

Active Contributor

Here is the equivalence between your VBA code and the ABAP code:

Sub MoveItems()                                      FORM moveitems.

  Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application              DATA outlookapp TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace               DATA mynamespace TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder                 DATA myfolder TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim destFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder               DATA destfolder TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim count As Long, n As Long                       DATA count TYPE i.
  Dim movItems As Outlook.Items                      DATA movitems TYPE ole2_object.
  Dim mItem As Object                                DATA mitem TYPE ole2_object.
                                                     DATA n TYPE i.

  Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application           CREATE OBJECT outlookapp 'Outlook.Application'.

  Set myNamespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  CALL METHOD OF outlookapp 'GetNameSpace' = mynamespace 
                                                       EXPORTING #1 = 'MAPI'.

  ' Default Inbox
  Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6)     CALL METHOD OF mynamespace 'GetDefaultFolder'
                                                       = myfolder EXPORTING #1 = 6.

  ' Subfolder of Default Inbox
  Set destFolder = myFolder.Folders("NEW")           CALL METHOD OF myfolder 'Folders' = destfolder
                                                       EXPORTING #1 = 'NEW'. 

  Set movItems = myFolder.Items                      GET PROPERTY OF myfolder 'Items' = movitems.

  count = movItems.count                             GET PROPERTY OF movitems 'Count' = count.

  For n = count To 1 Step-1                          DO count TIMES.
                                                       n = count - sy-index + 1.

    movItems(n).Move destFolder                        CALL METHOD OF myfolder 'Items' = mitem 
                                                         EXPORTING #1 = n.
                                                       CALL METHOD OF mitem 'Move' EXPORTING #1  
                                                         = destfolder.

  Next n                                             ENDDO.

End Sub                                            ENDFORM.

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot. Now I have the additional request by the specialist department, to save the attachment, too. I tried to translate this VBA-Code (that works fine):

 Sub Test()
    Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
    Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application
    Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
    Set myNamespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Dim myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6)  ' Default Inbox
    Dim Items As Outlook.Items
    Set Items = myFolder.Items
    Dim mItem As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim Atts As Attachments
    Dim Att As Attachment
    Dim count As Long, n As Long
    Dim strPath As String
    strPath = "c:\__Daten\"
    count = Items.count
    For n = 1 To count
      Set mItem = Items(n)
      Set Atts = mItem.Attachments
        For Each Att In Atts
          Att.SaveAsFile strPath & Att.FileName
    Next n
End Sub

And here the ABAP-Code. The Method within the stars results SY-SUBRC = 2.

DATA: outlook     TYPE ole2_object,
      nmspace     TYPE ole2_object,
      myfolder    TYPE ole2_object,   "+ Posteingang
      items       TYPE ole2_object,
      item        TYPE ole2_object,   "+ E-Mail
      attachments TYPE ole2_object,
      attachment  TYPE ole2_object.
DATA: count1 TYPE i,
      count2 TYPE i,
      strPath TYPE string VALUE 'c:\__Daten\',
      x TYPE i,
      y TYPE i.
CREATE OBJECT outlook 'Outlook.Application'.
CALL METHOD OF outlook 'GetNameSpace' = nmspace
    #1 = 'MAPI'.
CALL METHOD OF nmspace 'GetDefaultFolder' = myfolder
    #1 = 6.

GET PROPERTY OF myfolder 'Items' = items.
GET PROPERTY OF items 'Count' = count1.

WHILE ( x < count1 ).
  x = x + 1.
  CALL METHOD OF myfolder 'Items' = item
      #1 = x.
  CALL METHOD OF item 'Attachments' = attachments.
  GET PROPERTY OF attachments 'Count' = count2.
    WHILE ( y < count2 ).
      y = y + 1.
      CALL METHOD OF attachments 'Attachment' = attachment
          #1 = y.
      CALL METHOD OF attachment 'SaveAsFile'
          #1 = strPath.
  CLEAR: y, count2.

CLEAR: x, count1, count2.

0 Kudos
Martin Grischkat : I guess it must be "Item", not "Attachment":
CALL METHOD OF attachments 'Item' = attachment EXPORTING #1 = y.