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CLM: How to get field information of "ID: LOCATION"?

0 Kudos

Hello experts,

according to our script we need to get the information in field "Plants - ID: LOCATION" before any changes has been done within the master agreement. This field is an standard CLM field. We just changed the label.

We need the information in order to control the trigger of execution to add/delete collaborators from the collaborator section automatically by using our script. The location is used as additional information to add/delete collaborators.

Is there a data table in any query which can be used for scripting to get the information before the field has been changed or any other idea?

Thanks in advance



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hello Heiko,

If you want to validate the addition/deletion of colborator then atTarget "Vlaidte"

First get the value of Loacation referacne existing in the DB before any chnage.

dbDoc = IBeanHomeLocator.lookup(session,doc.getObjectReference()).find(doc.getObjectReference());

requiredString=dbDoc.getLocationRef().getDisplayName();//give the value of  location

Then validate the collaborator using the value of requiredString.

Please check if this will help to you



0 Kudos

Hello Sonu,

thanks for the answer. We already use this solution. With this method we get the current value of the location. I try to explain our issue precisely: We need the value of location before changes has been done. This means the old value so that we can compare between the old and the current value of location.

Do you have any clue for that?

Thanks in advance,


0 Kudos

Hi Heiko,

for DB or old value:

dbDoc = IBeanHomeLocator.lookup(session,doc.getObjectReference()).find(doc.getObjectReference());

requiredOLDString=dbDoc.getLocationRef().getDisplayName();//give the  old value of  location

current value from Document:

requiredCurrentString=doc.getLocationRef().getDisplayName();//give the  current value of  location

I think this will help.



0 Kudos

Hello Sonu,

thanks for the answer. It helps us a lot



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


look for this class Plant(634) here you can find the location refeence