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Add tab at CG02 with image

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I'd like to add an additional tab with dynamic image at CG02 as shown below. Anyone done this before?

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello L

Liang WS wrote:


I'd like to add an additional tab with dynamic image at CG02 as shown below. Anyone done this before?

Sure you can. You need create your own sub-screen with the function modules similar to the ones defined here:

You then need to add that tab-page to the property under "Specify Value Assignment Types" here:

Hope this helps


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Thanks Mark! I'm able to modify the tab pages already based on the config shown. However, my custom tab is not shown.

In 'Specify Tab Pages', I've created:

Tab Page, Program Name, Screen

In 'Specify Value Assignment Types', I've created:

A 'Value Assignment Type', and assigned 'Sequence of Tab Pages', one of the value is the Tab Page created above.

I've created a subscreen in a function group. Do I have to write codes or something to call the screen?

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Hello Li,

Liang WS wrote:

I've created a subscreen in a function group. Do I have to write codes or something to call the screen?

Yes - all the logic that you / your functional Consultant wants needs to be custom develop.

And if you want to display a graphic you need a screen.....

Hope this helps


As a others mentioned - this is a bit of a strange requirement. Normally trained experts maintain the data and they use the corresponding code for the graphics (In other words they do not need to see the graphics).

"End-Users" would see generated reports (SDSs, SOPs, Labels etc.) where the graphics are displayed...

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

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Hi Liang,

Don't think its only characteristics in that simple as you thinking & you have to maintain it from roots to maintain in characteristics you have to maintain class ... as on.

I didn't understood one thing if you use graphics file via cg12 where the user is going to view the graphics file ??

if you want to go for cg12 graphics only then why do you need a new tab ?

OK anyway try for it if you succeed with ABAP coding get output let me know ....



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Hi Satya,

Yes, a lot of configurations to do.

For CG12, I'm just following functional's guide to maintain it. I don't really know what's the purpose or effect it has.

For now, all the configurations already done. I've also created the subscreen, but not able to make it to display at the new tab. This is really tough.



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Hi Liang,

I understand the things clearly, But in how many cases they are going to add the pictograms note more than 4 to 5 cases maximum i guess.

But you have to write so much ABAP logics & coding to achieve the requirement. Cause its not that easy to get the pictogram in that tab & which we can view readily and say that it's flammable or Danger.

Better you can go with phrase text which was assigned with graphics which is SAP standard.



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Hello Liang,

A custom development could become nightmare when it comes to upgrade and new releases, also add more work addition to ABAP development, security roles, data load tool etc,

The underline requirement could posses that you need a place holder to store, Pictogram and text, as SAP EHS regulatory content is very specific and could vary by regions/ country (validity area) and so on.

Using a more easy solution as stated by Satya or creating a node in property tree gives you more flexiblity just by reading the requirement you have mentioned.

Gopi Dadheech

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Hi Satya,

They have 4 pictograms only. Basically, I'll create a custom table to store characteristics for phrases. Depending on the values maintained for the phrases, then it will display specific pictograms.

For e.g.

P1, P2, P3, P4 and etc. values (display pictogram 1)

P5, P6, P7, P8 and etc. values (display pictogram 2)


I'll also maintain phrase text with 'Graphics File' at CG12.



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Hello Liang,

Your requirement sounds now even more strange to me know.

While certain H phrases trigger certain graphics from a regulatory perspective this is not how things are "normaly done" within EHS:

Normally you maintain the graphic directly - and do not get it calculated by custom logic - in EHS.

Since in my opinion you need to have that data point maintained manually (or by SAP EHS Regulatory Content (SERC) rule sets) - what is the point of having that extra tab displaying the graphics based on entered H Phrases.

One reason why you need this as data point stored in the DB is the printing of these graphics: If you want to print that graphic in a WWI Report you would then need to apply the same logic into WWI coding / special custom symbols, instead of using standard WWI Symbols.

Liang WS wrote:

However, my custom tab is not shown.

What happens if you put a break-point in your custom open screen Function Module? Does it get called? Make sure you follow the naming conventions for the function modules. All programs in the customizing activity have the same basic set of function modules. Your Function Group needs the same...

Hope this helps


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Hi Mark,

Let me ask the functional why business users need the extra tab. I'll update you on this.

At the moment, my function module is just a blank one without any importing or exporting parameters. I've no idea what should I do next. The naming conventions for the function modules are all SAP naming. I've to follow the development standards naming convention. In this case, I guess I need to follow your recommendation.

When you mentioned "All programs in the customizing activity have the same basic set of function modules. Your Function Group needs the same...". Could you let me know where do I see this? I'll try to follow as much as possible.

Thanks a lot for the help so far. I really appreciate it.



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Hello Liang,

Liang WS wrote:

At the moment, my function module is just a blank one without any importing or exporting parameters. I've no idea what should I do next.

You need to take a close look at the standard tab strips and their function modules and build your function group the same way. In a sense you need to do revers engineering:

Take one of the simpler Function-groups i.e.: C10B (Program SAPLC10B) and set breakpoints in the function modules:


Create in your function group copies of these function modules above with the exact same interface and set breakpoints in them. Check if they are called when you see / click on your screen. (I guess your screen never got displayed because you didn't have the FMs in place).

Have a close look at 'C107TS_GEN_TABSTRIP_GET' as well.

It will be quite some work to get this all done...(for something I do not see the value at the moment )

Hope this helps anyway


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Hello Mark,

Thanks a lot. I'll give it a try.



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Hello Liang,

Any news on this?
Were you able to succeed? If so please close the thread.

Kind Regards


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Hello Mark,

I guess you guys are right. I've asked why does the business need the tab just to display pictograms because it is indeed a weird requirement. Business may drop this idea. Thus, I've stopped development on this.

Thanks a lot for the help!



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Hi Liang,

Yes you can add tabs but if you maintain tab pages with custom program with the below path which is also mentioned by Mark.

To create :

EH&S -> Specification management -> Sp.database structure ->Settings for value assignment ->Assign tab pages to VAC

To add to VAT :

EH&S -> Specification management -> Sp.database structure ->Settings for value assignment -> Specify Value assignment types ->Select VAT -> Sequence of Tab pages (add new tab  here)

It's sounds strange to add pictogram as Tab ....

Why can't use it as characteristics as hazard symbol with phrase as Graphics in side VAT ??

Why you want to use another tab for that ?? can you give clarification what level exactly want to add pictogram.



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Hi Satya,

I'm not sure why need to create another tab for the pictogram. It's a requirement from the functional. The level is at VAT to add pictogram.

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Dear Liang

as explained by Satya: most if the EHS users know "implicit" that if phrase X is used (in this special property) that there is a "pictogramm/graphic" to be shown in WWI report (e.g. SDS/MSDS or Label).

As correctly explained by you: the need of a pictogramm is "by data record"; and in many cases content of data record is different (either by e.g. usage or other details).

So most of the companies are completely satisfied to "know" that phrase x does have assigned pictogramm; and there is no nead to show it in CG02/CG02BD.

But in principle: if you are willing to generate that much ABAP code and prepare customizing etc. you can get what you would like to get.


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Dear Liang

nether heard about similar demand. Without knowledgde: what is the purpose of the picture in the EHS maintenance process, no real help is possible. (e.g. should picture be printed in WWI report etc.)

If you check deep the EHS customizing you will see. you can "hide" if needed the Tabs as shown; Not checked: but using customer development you may add "Tabs" to "do something".


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Dear Christoph,

The picture are pictograms, representing hazard warning sign. It is not printed anywhere, just for display purpose, probably for user knowledge.

May I know which EHS customizing and customer development you're referring to that can allow adding "Tabs"?