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Automatically create subnode for root node (on Change?) in BOPF

0 Kudos

Hello BOPF-Experts,

i' m really new to BOPF and have a special question.

I want to create a subnote automatically when i chance a Value on the Root-Node Structure.

For example i have a root node with a field in the structure where i can enter a String(e.g. name).

After i have enterd that string the subnotes should automatically be created. (e.g. a subnode for each Businesspartner with that name and some more infos in the structure)

My idea was to create a determination for the root node (for update). In the Excecute Methode of the implemented class in try to create the subnode. But if i the business Object over BOBT ist dumps (after i changed the value in the root node).

In the dump description there aren't any helpful informations


"/BOBF/CL_FRW==================CP" bzw. /BOBF/CL_FRW==================CM013


My Excecute method:


    "Alle passenden QUEUE Subnodes erstellen

     DATA lr_queue           TYPE REF TO zs_komb_queue.


    CREATE DATA lr_queue.

    lr_queue->key = lo_service_manager->get_new_key( ).

    lr_queue->root_key = is_ctx-root_node_key.



      iv_node            = zif_con_bupa=>sc_node-adress

        iv_key             = lr_adress->key

*       iv_node_cat        =

*       is_data            = lr_adress

*        it_changed_fields  =

*       iv_assoc_key       = zif_con_bupa=>sc_association-mappe-bupa_to_adress

        iv_source_node_key = zif_con_bupa=>sc_node-bupa

        iv_source_key      = is_ctx-root_node_key

        iv_root_key        = is_ctx-root_node_key


*        ev_key             =



What should i consider for my requirement?

I know there are not so much infos, but if anybody knows how i can solve my prolem or have a better idea to solve my requirement.

Would be great

Thank you!


0 Kudos

Thanks all for helping.

I found the problem by myself.

My Root node was persistent and my item node was transistent.

If ic chanced the rood node to transistent also, it worked


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Sascha,

in many cases there should be some helpful information in the "Application Information" section of the ST22 dump.

When looking at your code I see that you do not provide iv_assoc_key. Filling this parameter (as well as iv_source_node and iv_source_key) is required in order to create an instance of a node which is not the ROOT. It will also be necessary to provide a valid reference to is_data.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Ivo,

thanks for your reply.

Do i need an own association or can i take the "standard" item association?

So i tried with this association and the the dump is still the same.

iv_source_node_key and iv_source_key is aleready filled. In the debugger is see that the values of these fields are correct. (By the way, what is the difference between iv_source_node_key and iv_source_key?).

My Coding in the Excecute method looks like this:

      DATA lr_queue           TYPE REF TO zs_komb_adress. "Combined Structure


     CREATE DATA lr_queue.

     lr_adress->key = lo_service_manager->get_new_key( ).

     lr_adress->root_key = is_ctx-root_node_key.

     lr_adress->parent_key = is_ctx-root_node_key.

     lr_adress->street = "teststreet 1".



         iv_node            = zif_con_bupa=>sc_node-queue

         iv_key             = lr_adress->key

*        iv_node_cat        =

         is_data            = lr_adress

*        it_changed_fields  =

         iv_assoc_key       = zif_con_bupa=>sc_association-root-item

         iv_source_node_key = zif_con_bupa=>sc_root-mappe

         iv_source_key      = is_ctx-root_node_key

         iv_root_key        = is_ctx-root_node_key


         ev_key             = DATA(l_res_key)


My Adress Node (Item/Subnode from Root) is a persistent node with only a persistent structure.

I ve no idea why it still dumps?



0 Kudos

Hello Sascha,

you can use the standard association created for your subnode. As I understand from your coding your subnode is called 'queue'.

In this case I think you should have an association from your root node to the node 'queue'.

  iv_assoc_key       = zif_con_bupa=>sc_association-root-queue

If you renamed your root node you have to replace root by your name in the line above.

IV_SOURCE_NODE_KEY is the key of the source node of your design-model. This key is generated during design time and stored in the constant interface (sc_node).

IV_SOURCE_KEY is the key of your instance corresponding to the DB_KEY in the database table.

Did you manually change the constant interface? How did you get the sc_root entry? In my opinion the loc should look like this:

iv_source_node_key = zif_con_bupa=>sc_node-<parent_of_queue>

<parent_of_queue> is probably root in your example.

Best regards


0 Kudos

Thanks all for helping.

I found the problem by myself.

My Root node was persistent and my item node was transistent.

If ic chanced the rood node to transistent also, it worked