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Confrmation Cancellation Extraction from SRM

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

We would like to know whether the Confirmation posted is the Confirmation document or reversal document i.e. whether it is Confirmation ,Cancellation or return delivery.

In BBP_PD ( Object Type- BUS2203 ) ,we can get the details for Confirmations. But, there is no any other relevant indicator by which we can get the above required information.

So, please suggest how it can be achieved ?


Dipak Rade

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Dipak

Could you please check the subtype of the confirmation in bbp_pd, where what kind of
confirmation could be determined (e.g. 'CA' = Confirmation of cancelation).

Best Regards
Yu Feng

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yu,

Thanks for your reply, we can now dirfferentiate beetween Confirmation and Reverse Confirmation using the subtyp at header level.

The requirement is to send the extract of all the Reverse Confirmations and the related Confirmation documents to a third party system.

So we need a link between Reverse Confirmation and related Confirmation document.

Awaiting for your reply 

0 Kudos

Hi Dipak

As far as I know , the corresponding links could be found in the tracking tab of the confirmation
(Please refer to the following image), after debugging I also found FM : BBP_PD_GETHISTORY
could be used for history entries.
Hoping this could be any help for your question

Best Regards
Feng, Yu

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yu,

We could not get the expected result by using it.

As we have fetch large data,the FM : BBP_PD_GETHISTORY reads number of buffer tables.

So,appreciate if we could get a direct linkage/table between Confirmation document and Confirmation Cancellation.


Dipak Rade

0 Kudos

Hi Dipak

I could not find the direct linkage between confiramtion and cancellation yet (the cancellation
should be found from corresponding PO).
While regading the BBP_PD_GETHISTORY, have you tried with this FM with the following conditon ?
and H_GUID : GUID of the Confirmation
I tried in my internal system, finding with these condition above, all the related documents
could be listed, and Cancellation could be filtered out by SUBTYPE (SUBTYPE = 'CA').

Best Regards
Yu Feng

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Deepak,

you can use  BBP_PD_CONF_GETLIST by passing  i_for_po_id = PO number,

in table  e_pdlist you will get list of confirmations against PO and you can

filter list based on SUBTYPE values based on below.

CFGoods/Services Confirmation
RTReturn Delivery Confirmation
CAConfirmation of Cancelation

you can refer domain BBP_H_SUBTYPE values for more filters.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat,

Thanks for your response.

We are able to get all the confirmations ,cancellation reversal documents by the FM BBP_PD_CONF_GETLIST.

But,main concern is still we do not get 1:1 mapping between confirmation & cancellation.

Best Regards

Dipak Rade

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

We have satisfied our requirement.

In BBP_PD,we got the Subtype.

To know the original confirmation document reference posted for reversal,we have taken GUID of it and passed it in BBP_PDBEH.In BBP_PDBEH, we got BE_OBJECT_ID.

For Services-

It has been passed in table ESSR in ECC as LBLNI. So, got finally the communication number (USER1).

For Material-

It has been passed in table MSEG in ECC as MBLNR. So, got finally the Reference doc ( LFBNR  )


Dipak Rade

0 Kudos

HI Dipak,

What kind of information you are looking for ? There are many FM via which you can use to extract the details whether its a GR or Reversal GR like .BBP_PD_CONF_GETDETAIL , BBP_PD_CONF_ITEM_GETDETAIL ..... Are you doing some kind of development or looking to extract a report ?

