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While creation of Confirmation "PURCHTEAM" field is not getting updated

Former Member
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Dear All,

I am facing the below issue, request you if I could get some hint to solve this issue.

I am creating a Team Shopping Cart and approving the same, follow on document creation and then creating the Confirmation.

But after creating the Confirmation for the related Team Shopping cart, when I check in Transaction BBP_PD for field PURCHTEAM for Confirmation, the field is coming blank and Hence my Confirmation is showing in the Confirmation Tab instead Confiramtion for Team Cart tab.

Kindly let me know when this update of the field PURCHTEAM is happening ? So that I can check if I can do something there.

Thank You.

Best Regards,

Chirag Shah

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did you check OSS note below?

2050949 - Team confirmation are not retrived under the team confirmation query



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Laurent for the quick response.. I have implement and check whether it solve my purpose.

Positive hint.

Thank You.


Chirag Shah

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