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Additional row with hash entry appearing in report

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Dear All,

We have a Delivery report on top of MProvider .We use navigation attribute (Actuals goods issue) .That is Delivnum__Actualsgoodsissue Nav.att.

After executing the report,I can see two rows as shown in the below example

Can anybody tell me why hash value is also appearing.User does not want to show as two rows.

When i checked the Ptable ,there is no hash entry for the del. num 1001 for example.



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while master data is not present in the master data table it appear as Hash  in BEx Query.

In the above screenshot for the field- Delnum , the naigational attribute doesnt have value in the master data table. So it is coming as hash.

If your client doesnt want hash value then you can go to Bex Query Designer and restric characteristic  hash value display in filter. The extra row will nt appear if you perform as below


Check as below:

restrict in Query Designer:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Aparajit

When I checked the P table ,there is only one entry for del num and Date as shown below.There is no blank entry for 1001.

1001 -  04.03.2016



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Are you checking in production?
If yes  just create a Z copy of the query and apply the steps in query designer as above. See if it works, then you can change it in development and transport it to Prod


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Aparajit,

I'm checking in production only.I cannot restrict a date filed because it shows the calendar screen when I press F4.It does not contain hash .



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

Any body please suggest me the reason for this issue.

Please let me know if any details needed



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hi Pradeep,

No worries this problem will definitely solve ..

Here you follow the steps:

I have done it for date field which is a  navigation attribute.

1. Open query Designer.

2. Open the Query

3. Drag the date field Delivnum__Actualsgoodsissuedate  which is giving hash values in filter window and right click restrict.

4. at the bottom Direct Input put # and press -> to move it to selection window.

5.Then on the right  Press Exclude from the selection. You can see it will turn red as below,

6. Save the execute the query.

you are done!


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you so much  Aparajit.

I can propose this solution to the user.I have found the reason for hash symbol.It is because ,CY-1 cube and CY cube are not identical.That is,this Nav att is not enabled as Identification in MP definition for CY-1 cube whereas it is enabled in CY cube,even though MD is maintained properly.

Recently,we have moved the 2015 data to CY-1 cube and now the issue pops up to the user during reporting.

I'm going  to propose your workaround till the MP definition is modified and transported.



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