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regulatory list in sap ehs

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how and where do I see lists of regulatory list in sap system ? I know there is a list related to certain regulations which resides somewhere and rule does its calculation based on the list ? but I am not able to see the list to do the modification to add or remove or create complete new list .

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Dear Krishna

the "regulatory list" is not alway sthe "driver" for a "rule; so may be you are talking about something different (e.g. the "MSDS maker rule (which is discussed rarely) use only "partly" (may be ? don't know; we don't use this rule set) the "regulatory list" information


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Hello Ralph ,

Where do I see the CAS     #s   listed for each regulatory list .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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There is only one CAS number and that's an identifer (NUM CAS).


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Dear Krishna

you and Ralph discuss two different aspects.

Short story. You can assign to an identifier a "Regulatory list" (this is EH Sstandard)

SAP delivers an output variant to check this "assignment"

I do not know if you get this informaiton from e.g. a Content provider

Dear Ralph:  the "registration" of "chemistry" is "that special" that you can sometimes use for the same chemistry two different CAS numbers; So your story is not "100%" correct. How this legal situation is solved depends on the company

Variant 1 (not a bad one): you have to use two compositions. One the spec A referring to CAS number A; and second using spec B refering to CAS number B => and this is your story (and a very good choice !)

Variant B: you create spec A and assign two CAS numbers (with different assigned regulatory lists) and use this spec in a compostion


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Christoph,

Technically I agree with you, you can assign a regulatory list to any identifier. For a CAS number, however, I fail to see the logic behind it. A CAS number is the one unique identifier for a chemical substance, valid for the whole world. Why would you need one CAS number for one regulation and another one (for the same substance!) for another regulation. It just doesn't make sense in my opinion.


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Hi Christoph and Ralf,


the "registration" of "chemistry" is "that special" that you can sometimes use for the same chemistry two different CAS numbers;

Ralph Paczkowski wrote:

A CAS number is the one unique identifier for a chemical substance, valid for the whole world. Why would you need one CAS number for one regulation and another one (for the same substance!) for another regulation. It just doesn't make sense in my opinion.

For the sake of completeness of this thread I would like to add one other point to the discussion:

A CAS number alone does not describe a substance adequately.

Take for example CAS 7647-01-0:

This CAS is used for:

  • Hydrochloric
  • hydrochloric acid with n % of water
  • hydrochloric acid with n+1 % of water
  • hydrochloric acid that has been used / spend

All of the above have different physical data, regulatory data different, DG requirements etc... - and yet the same CAS Number.

Kind Regards


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Hi Kirshna,

krishna gautam wrote:

Where do I see the CAS     #s   listed for each regulatory list .

Within SAP EHS there is no place where you could see for a certain CAS number the regulatory lists / or list data that has been loaded / is available or what so ever.

You can see that kind of data when you run OCC for a certain CAS number - at least that is the case for SAP ERC.

I would guess Ariel / 3E offers similar functionality.

Kind Regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Mark,

yep, now we are complete.


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Hello Mark ,

That is what I was looking for . Now If I want to put my own company specific list ( list of cas numbers - LOLI ) and write a logic in expert rule to do some calculation , How Can I achieve this ?

I hope you understand the logic behind my query to find the way of maintaining list of list in sap to see if we can some some or delete depending upon company specific need .

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Dear Krishna

no idea what you are looking for.. As mentioned. not always a "regulatory list is the "key" for a rule set.

As I have no clue what you would to achieve.

Using CG02 you can search for specs (via regulatory list) to get a hit list, Cleary the specs must be maintained somehow and having referene to the regulatory list

As explained in parallel thread.

if you spec does have a CAS number you can assign a "company specifci regulatory list" to the CAS number; i have no clue how you will "group" (to generate more or less two groups: CASA number on comapy list and thos not). But even if you have grouped: what kind of logic you would like to implement using Expert Server??

First: let us split the topic of "content" and the topic of CAS number on regulatory list

E.g. let us assume: we use 50-00-0. This CAS number is used as "reference" in many "regulations"

EG numbers (old, new); Asia lists, TSCA lists of many kind

So to reflect that you can "simply" assign to the CAS Number a list "EG", TSCA"! .... (manually !!)

The topic of content is now different. Only because of the fact that a regulatory list is assigned to a CAS number you cannot know if there was an e.g. update of data on e.g. TSCA listfor this spec

Now we come to the "complex" issue of load of "content" (or handling of content). The story is complex and depends on content provider etc.

So my basic question is simply. what do yo would like to achieve here? Do you would like to get a list of specs whcih has been changed because content of eg "TSCA" has changed...?


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there is a program to load reg list in sap ( xml file which has all listed susbstances present in that regulation to check ) and I want to use the same list ( customer specific list ) to do the calculation .

in custom expert rule . IS that possible . any idea when we run notification status rule , how and where does the system checks all list and populate the Y/N value as a status ? I hope now my question is clear .


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Dear Krishna

not really sure what you would like to achieve

1.) a "list of specification" can be handled different in ESH (e.g. using "Hit List" (which can be saved; or using an "inquiry" (which can be saved as well); you do not need "external files" for that

So the first part of your topcis seems to be "easy"

2.) . any idea when we run notification status rule , how and where does the system checks all list and populate the Y/N value as a status ? I hope now my question is clear

=> i do not know the "notification status rule" you are talking about. But in most cases the story is "simple"

a.) you have a REAL_SUB

b.) the REAL_SUB has a composition

c.) using this composition SAP (or more precisely "the rule set delivered by content provider)  do a cascade (if possible on LIST_SUB level)

d.) on LIST_SUB level you have loaded normally the content. The "rule" read now some data on this specification level and "calculate" in most cases (if we talk about notification status( the  "worst" result (for e.g. status of registration)

E.g. You can use one property to maintaion data for "Status of registration in US". Now on LIST_SUB Level you can have e.g. "N" (N = not registered, "Y" = registered)  or something between

As EHS was created (i believe until EHS 2.5) SAP delivered by default such an calculation routine in SAP for "Status of Registration" (not using Expert server); this routine is not ! supported any more !

Now the rule is "collecting" the data.. Here the rule is "simple". if at least one LIST_SUB is not registered the whole REAL_SUB is not registered and can  e.g. not be imported to country xyz

This resutlt can be written back to REAL_SUB

I hope that this helps


0 Kudos

Hello CB ,

Let us take an example . Support I have regulatory list X which consists of different list of CAS numbers for the rule to check . IF the components of the products falls under that list then then It will be regulated by the rule . Suppose X reg list has a,b,c and d CAS . Now If I want to remove some or add any new CAS number to that list , where do I find that list and  make that editable and also assign to the rule so that It will consider the new list .



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Krishna,

You are thinking in the wrong way. You don't assign a CAS number to a regulatory list, but a list to a specific CAS number. So if your CAS number is mentioned in a specific list, you maintain these data in the corresponding LIST_SUB. As an example, sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) is listed in the Vietnam List of Declarable Chemicals. So you maintain this list entry in the LIST_SUB for CAS 1310-73-2 as attached.

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Dear Krishna

I went the wrong road because of the term "rule" you have used. I still have the feeling that you might not have the 100% understanding here.

Ralph provided the most important hint.; I will only add something

a.) a CAS number can show up in many "lists" to be regulated

b.) alot of properties are used to handle this situation in EHS (not all with the format as shown by Ralph)

c.) Now the "combination" of some "values" in one data record (plus some usage) describe the "entry in the list".; in the picture shown by Ralph: you have a "Regulatory basis"; YOu have a "Regulatory list"; now dependign on data provider etc. the story could be as:

You have one"BAsis" but many lists. Therefore: You can have many data records in the property. One important example is "OEL" and "classification". So the picture of Ralph is only the "starting point" to understand how the data from the list might be handled in  EHS

If the data provider is not able to "link" the CAS number to the "list" but you have kind of knowledge to do so: You can try to maintain "similar" data records in EHS on your own (not using content)

So I have still a problem in your "CAS List" story. But here Ralphs picture can come in place. Per "regulation" you can have "revisions". IN such a revision it is common to: add new CAS numebr to list; delete CAS number from list; or change value for CAS number onlist.#

IN such a case: It depends on the data provider. : In most cases your data provider might provide you twice a year new/change or deleted content. So times you need "simply" to wait for new content (hard work)

I hope now hat with the help of hint of Ralph and my hints the topic is now more transparent (content handling is not an easy thing !)


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Dear Krishna

may be I now get your story:

"there is a program to load reg list in sap ( xml file which has all listed susbstances present in that regulation to check ) and I want to use the same list ( customer specific list ) to do the calculation ."

Based on this "sentence" I try to explainsome "feasible" options in EHS.

a.) you are looking to generate more or less a "hit list"based on some parameters; this is your starting point which you would like to use then to execute the rule

2.) To generate the hit list you have these options

a.) you generate a hit list using whatsoever search criteria and save this as "hitlist" in the system. This we call a "static" list

b.) you generat an identifier entry per specification. You could call the specifier: NAM, LIST.; then you can maintain an identiefier as "INFO 1"(or whatsoever text). Now  using the EHS capabilities you can generate an "inquiriy" and save it in the system Story could be:

Select any REAL_SUB having identifier "INFO 1". In doing this you get a "dynamic"list. Any spec added having the idnetifier "INFO 1" would be part of your hitlist

You can handle your "list's" then by "different" texts if needed. can maintain identifier more than one per spec.

Usingex ample above: imagine you create a list called "SAP" and a second one called "NONSAP"

Now you can use NAM, LIST ot maintain "SAP" or "NONSAP", but on the same spec you can maintain the same "twice". So so could simply maintain NAM, LIST "twice"; one info would be "SAP", the other would be "NONSAP". Using  the inquiry option (you can load inquiries which you have stored) you will always get the hitlist (BUT YOU MUST USE STRINGENT MAINTENANCE RULES TO DO SO) based on criteria


PS: pay attention: the list of CAS numbers in a regulation are nether stable ! it is very common that CAS numbers are added on the list, and the other option comes up as well so that some CAS number is not present any more in the list

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Krishna,

That's in customizing: EH&S-->Basic Data and Tools-->Specification Management-->Specification Master-->Specify Regulatory Lists.
