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WWI- Error in display of released report in CG50 and label in CBGL_MP01

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Hi Experts

We installed new WWI server and the services but we are having some issues after that during the display. The system is generating reports and are released also but it is not possible to open and display.


1) when displaying released report in CG50/CG54 it throws the following error

2) When I try to view the same in GLM (since the report is released) CBGL_MP01, I get the following error

I checked several threads related with this, but none of that had exact answer to it. Can you pleases help.


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Set Up Generation Server for Report Display in SAP GUI for H


In this IMG activity you set up the generation server (WWI server) on a generation PC on which you want to be able to display reports in the SAP GUI for HTML.

Note: The generation servers for display in SAP GUI for HTML are synchronous servers. If you use EH&S service administration, you can set up a generation server for report display in SAP GUI for HTML using the Synchronous Server indicator (see Set Up Server Using EH&S Service Administration).

Activities 1. In the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters, specify the following environment parameters: WWI_GENSERVER_SYN_ANCHOR




Note: HTML is not generated, but the RTF document is displayed with Microsoft Word.

2. In addition to setting up the generation servers for report generation in EH&S, edit the following IMG activities:

Install Generation PC

Set Up RFC Destination

As the RFC destination you must enter the value that you have entered in the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters for the environment parameter WWI_GENSERVER_SYN_DEST.

Further notes If a large number of users in your enterprise want to display reports using the SAP GUI for HTML simultaneously, you should set up a number of generation servers to safeguard sufficiently fast response times. If a number of synchronous servers are to be set up on different server PCs for one destination for performance reasons or to safeguard against downtimes, you must ensure that the WWI root directory is made the same on all PCs during setup.

You cannot edit report templates in the SAP GUI for HTML. It is also not possible to print reports using the menu function Reports -> Print.

