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tcode for list of SCs and POs pending for approval with left user

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User  left the company but how can we get list of SCs and POs pending for approval with left user,we need to monitor till other person replaces left user.


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0 Kudos

Hi ,

If user id hasn't been removed then you can view via SWI5 providing user id and type as US and then you can see all the pending SC and PO under that user . Moreover you can forward to someone of same level or one level higher.


Gaurav Gautam

0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav

Iam getting list of workitems under SWI5 then iam going to SWIA and taking list of SC nos and PO nos also checking SC and PO seperately whether its in Users inbox for approval.

is there any short way to look at it or this is the approach.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Poorna,

If you have list of users who left the company then try below option:

  1. Find the list of pending work items in the table SWWUSERWI by entering the User IDs.
  2. Go to SWI1 and enter the work item IDs in Identification field and execute.
  3. You can enter the Task(Which is different for SHCs and POs) in SWI1 if you want search for SHCs or POs only.
  4. You can extract the list if you want.

Please reward the points if this is helpful.

Best Regards,
