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Installation of HANA db failed

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am getting same error again and again. Please help me to resolve this issue asap.

Error LOG:

13:47:49.700 - INFO:   Installing signal handler
13:47:49.700 - INFO:     Handler for signal INT
13:47:49.700 - INFO:     Handler for signal PIPE
13:47:49.700 - INFO:     Handler for signal ABRT
13:47:49.700 - INFO:     Handler for signal FPE
13:47:49.701 - INFO:     Handler for signal QUIT
13:47:49.701 - INFO:     Handler for signal SYS
13:47:49.701 - INFO:     Handler for signal TRAP
13:47:49.701 - INFO:     Handler for signal TERM
13:47:49.701 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:49.701 - INFO:   System Information
13:47:49.701 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.185 - INFO:     Operating System: Linux
13:47:50.185 - INFO:     Architecture    : X86-64
13:47:50.185 - INFO: Version         : 2.6.32
13:47:50.186 - INFO: Subversion      : 573.7.1.el6.x86_64
13:47:50.186 - INFO:     C Runtime       : GLIBC 2.12
13:47:50.186 - INFO:     Cpu features    : sse sse2 cmpxchg16b
13:47:50.186 - INFO:     Host Name       :
13:47:50.186 - INFO:     Manufacturer    : VMware, Inc.
13:47:50.186 - INFO: Product         : VMware Virtual Platform
13:47:50.186 - INFO:     Distribution    : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.7 (Santiago)
13:47:50.186 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.186 - INFO:   END: System Info
13:47:50.186 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.186 - INFO:   Handler for signal INT
13:47:50.194 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.194 - INFO:   Installer Information
13:47:50.194 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.195 - INFO:     Installer is part of installation kit
13:47:50.195 - INFO:     Version is Build 1442292917-1530
13:47:50.195 - INFO:     MakeId is 2367484
13:47:50.195 - INFO:     Platform is linuxx86_64
13:47:50.195 - INFO:     Running as gui application
13:47:50.195 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.195 - INFO:     Program Call Information
13:47:50.195 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Caller program name is hdblcmgui
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Command line arguments:
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Current directory: /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Installer directory: /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Pid is 3711
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Effective uid 0
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Real uid 0
13:47:50.195 - INFO:       Effective gid 0 0 491
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       Real gid 0 0 491
13:47:50.196 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.196 - INFO:     END: Program Call Information
13:47:50.196 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.196 - INFO:     -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.196 - INFO:     Environment Dump
13:47:50.196 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       BASH_FUNC_module() = () {  eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       CVS_RSH = ssh
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       DISPLAY =
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       G_BROKEN_FILENAMES = 1
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       HISTCONTROL = ignoredups
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       HISTORYSERVER_HOSTNAME =
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       HISTSIZE = 1000
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       HOME = /root
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       HOSTNAME =
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       JAVA_HOME = /usr/java/default
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       KDEDIRS = /usr
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       KDE_IS_PRELINKED = 1
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       LANG = en_US.UTF-8
13:47:50.196 - INFO:       LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       LESSOPEN = ||/usr/bin/ %s
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       LOADEDMODULES =
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       LOGNAME = root
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       LS_COLORS = rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=01;36:*.au=01;36:*.flac=01;36:*.mid=01;36:*.midi=01;36:*.mka=01;36:*.mp3=01;36:*.mpc=01;36:*.ogg=01;36:*.ra=01;36:*.wav=01;36:*.axa=01;36:*.oga=01;36:*.spx=01;36:*.xspf=01;36:
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       MAIL = /var/spool/mail/root
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       MODULEPATH = /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:/etc/modulefiles
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       MODULESHOME = /usr/share/Modules
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       OLDPWD = /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       PATH = /usr/java/default/jre/bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       PWD = /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       QTDIR = /usr/lib64/qt-3.3
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       QTINC = /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/include
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       QTLIB = /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       SHELL = /bin/bash
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       SHLVL = 1
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       SSH_ASKPASS = /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
13:47:50.197 - INFO:       SSH_CLIENT = 61668 22
13:47:50.198 - INFO:       SSH_CONNECTION = 61668 22
13:47:50.198 - INFO:       SSH_TTY = /dev/pts/1
13:47:50.198 - INFO:       TERM = xterm
13:47:50.198 - INFO:       USER = root
13:47:50.198 - INFO:       _ = ./hdblcmgui
13:47:50.198 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.198 - INFO:     END: Environment Dump
13:47:50.198 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.198 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:50.198 - INFO:   END: Installer Information
13:47:50.198 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:47:55.258 - INFO:   Skipping component SAP HANA Database Client (sun_64)
13:47:55.258 - INFO:   Skipping component SAP HANA Database Client (rs6000_64)
13:47:55.258 - INFO:   Skipping component SAP HANA Database Client (linuxx86_64_sles9)
13:47:55.258 - INFO:   Checking directory '/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime' for manifest of 'Resident hdblcm'.
13:47:55.259 - INFO:     Product: Resident hdblcm
13:47:55.259 - INFO:     Version:
13:47:55.259 - INFO:     Makeid: 2367484
13:47:57.980 - INFO:   Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is set to value = '/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HANA_LCAPPS_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HANA_SDA_10/packages'
13:48:05.980 - INFO:   Checking configuration of installation (dialog Define System Properties)
13:51:42.445 - INFO:     Parameter "Local Host Name" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = ''
13:51:42.446 - INFO:     Parameter "Installation Path" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '/hana/shared'
13:51:42.446 - INFO:     Cannot delete directory '/hana/shared/HDT/global/hdb/install/install'
13:51:42.448 - INFO:     Parameter "Instance Number" is set by user, value = '38'
13:51:42.448 - INFO:     Parameter "Database Mode" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = 'single_container'
13:51:42.448 - INFO:     Parameter "System Usage" is set by user, value = 'development'
13:51:42.456 - INFO:     Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'ssh'
13:51:42.456 - INFO:     Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes'
13:51:42.456 - INFO:     Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set to value = 'lcapps,smartda'
13:51:42.456 - INFO:     Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set to value = '/hana/shared'
13:51:42.456 - INFO:     Parameter 'hostname' is set to value = ''
13:51:42.456 - INFO:     Parameter 'sid' is set to value = 'HDT'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set to value = '38'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is set to value = 'single_container'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is set to value = 'development'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is set to value = 'No'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'max_mem' (MaxMem) is set to value = '0'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'autostart' is set to value = 'No'
13:51:42.457 - INFO:     Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is set to value = '/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HANA_LCAPPS_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HANA_SDA_10/packages'
13:48:05.980 - INFO:   Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'ssh'
13:48:05.980 - INFO:   Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes'
13:48:05.980 - INFO:   Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set to value = 'lcapps,smartda'
13:48:05.981 - INFO:   Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is set to value = '/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HANA_LCAPPS_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HANA_SDA_10/packages'
13:51:42.456 - INFO:   Checking configuration of installation (dialog Define Storage Properties)
13:51:55.315 - INFO:     Cannot delete directory '/hana/shared/HDT/global/hdb/install/install'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'ssh'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set to value = 'lcapps,smartda'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set to value = '/hana/shared'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'hostname' is set to value = ''
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'sid' is set to value = 'HDT'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set to value = '38'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is set to value = 'single_container'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is set to value = 'development'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is set to value = 'No'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:     Parameter 'max_mem' (MaxMem) is set to value = '0'
13:51:55.325 - INFO:     Parameter 'autostart' is set to value = 'No'
13:51:55.325 - INFO:     Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is set to value = '/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HANA_LCAPPS_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HANA_SDA_10/packages'
13:51:55.324 - INFO:   Checking configuration of installation (dialog Define Storage Properties)
13:51:58.341 - INFO:     Parameter "Location of Data Volumes" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '/hana/data/HDT'
13:51:58.342 - INFO:     Parameter "Location of Log Volumes" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '/hana/log/HDT'
13:52:16.865 - INFO:   Checking configuration of installation (dialog Define System Administrator)
13:52:32.487 - INFO:     Parameter "System Administrator User ID" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '1000'
13:52:32.488 - INFO:     Parameter "ID of User Group (sapsys)" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '79'
13:52:32.488 - INFO:     Parameter "System Administrator Login Shell" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '/bin/sh'
13:52:32.488 - INFO:     Parameter "System Administrator Home Directory" is set by user. User confirmed the default value = '/usr/sap/HDT/home'
13:52:32.496 - INFO:   Checking configuration of Database user (dialog Define Database User)
13:52:45.387 - INFO:     Parameter "Database User (SYSTEM) Password" is set by user, value = '***'
13:52:57.501 - INFO:   Checking entire configuration (dialog Review & Confirm)
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'ssh'
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes'
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set to value = 'lcapps,smartda'
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'checkmnt' is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set to value = '/hana/shared'
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'hostname' is set to value = ''
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'addhosts' is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'add_local_roles' (AddLocalRoles) is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'HostsProperties' is not set
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'storage_cfg' (StorageConfigDir) is not set
13:52:57.502 - INFO:     Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is not set
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'sid' is set to value = 'HDT'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set to value = '38'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is set to value = 'single_container'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'db_isolation' (DbIsolation) is skipped
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is set to value = 'development'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'datapath' (BasePathDataVolumes) is set to value = '/hana/data/HDT'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'logpath' (BasePathLogVolumes) is set to value = '/hana/log/HDT'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is set to value = 'No'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'max_mem' (MaxMem) is set to value = '0'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' ( is set to value = ''
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is set to value = '***'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'password' is set to value = '***'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'home' (HomeDir) is set to value = '/usr/sap/HDT/home'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'shell' is set to value = '/bin/sh'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'userid' (UID) is set to value = '1000'
13:52:57.503 - INFO:     Parameter 'groupid' (GID) is set to value = '79'
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'timezone' is not set
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'nostart' is set to value = 'No'
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'machine_utilization' (MachineUtilization) is not set
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is set to value = '***'
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'autostart' is set to value = 'No'
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is set to value = '/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HANA_LCAPPS_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages,/install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HANA_SDA_10/packages'
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'client_path' (ClientPath) is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'studio_path' (StudioPath) is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'studio_repository' (StudioRepository) is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'copy_repository' (TargetRepositoryPath) is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'vm' (JavaVm) is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'repository' (SourceRepositoryUrl) is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'ignore' is skipped
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_remote_execution' (hdbinst_server_RemoteExecution) is not set
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_use_http' (hdbinst_server_UseHttp) is not set
13:52:57.504 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_change_initial_ssfs_key' (hdbinst_server_ChangeInitialSSFSKey) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine' (hdbinst_server_EnableXSEngine) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_http_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpPort) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_https_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpsPort) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_import_content' (hdbinst_server_ImportContent) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_system_user' (hdbinst_server_SystemUser) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_skip_hostagent_password' (hdbinst_server_SkipHostagentPw) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_prepare_update' (hdbinst_server_PrepareUpgrade) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_phase' is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_server_ignore' is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_client_sapmnt' (hdbinst_client_Target) is skipped
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_client_ignore' is skipped
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_features' (hdbinst_studio_SelectedFeatures) is skipped
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_ignore' is skipped
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_nostart' is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_system_user' (hdbinst_plugin_SystemUser) is not set
13:52:57.505 - INFO:     Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_ignore' is not set
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'action' (cmd_line_action) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'streaming_cluster_manager_password' (StreamingClusterManagerPassword) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'basepath_streaming' (BasepathStreaming) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'es_datapath' (EsDataPath) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'es_logpath' (EsLogPath) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'ase_datapath' (AcceleratorDataPath) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'ase_logpath' (AcceleratorLogPath) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'rdsync_downloadpath' (BasepathFileDownloadRDSync) is skipped
13:52:57.506 - INFO:     Parameter 'rdsync_uploadpath' (BasepathFileUploadRDSync) is skipped
13:53:06.531 - ERR :   Installation failed
13:53:04.174 - INFO:   Installing components...
13:53:04.178 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:53:04.178 - INFO:   Installing SAP HANA Database...
13:53:04.178 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:53:04.180 - INFO:     Starting external program /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/hdbinst
13:53:04.180 - INFO:       Command line is: /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/hdbinst --max_mem=0 --home=/usr/sap/HDT/home --sapmnt=/hana/shared --sid=HDT --install_hostagent=on --nostart=off --shell=/bin/sh --db_mode=singledb --datapath=/hana/data/HDT --restrict_max_mem=off --userid=1000 --system_usage=development --logpath=/hana/log/HDT --groupid=79 --remote_execution=ssh --autostart=off --number=38 --instlog_dir=/var/tmp/hdb_HDT_hdblcm_install_2015-11-09_13.47.48 -b -a /install/51050308/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server --read_password_from_stdin=xml
13:53:05.317 - INFO:       Output line 1: SAP HANA Database installation kit detected.
13:53:05.841 - INFO:       Output line 2:
13:53:05.841 - INFO:       Output line 3:
13:53:05.841 - INFO:       Output line 4: SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - Database Installation
13:53:05.841 - INFO:       Output line 5: ****************************************************************************
13:53:05.841 - INFO:       Output line 6:
13:53:05.841 - INFO:       Output line 7:
13:53:05.842 - INFO:       Output line 8: Installation failed
13:53:05.842 - INFO:       Output line 9:   error in installation kit
13:53:05.843 - INFO:       Output line 10:     Cannot create dependency tree
13:53:05.843 - INFO:       Output line 11:
13:53:05.924 - INFO:       Program terminated with exit code 1
13:53:05.925 - ERR :     Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
13:53:05.925 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:53:05.925 - INFO:   END: Install SAP HANA Database (start: 13:53:04.178 duration: 00:00:01.746)
13:53:05.925 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:53:05.930 - INFO:   Installing SAP HANA Database failed
13:54:03.859 - INFO:   Summary of critical errors
13:53:06.531 - ERR :     Installation failed
13:53:05.925 - ERR :       Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
13:53:05.924 - INFO: Installation failed
13:53:05.924 - INFO:           error in installation kit
13:53:05.924 - INFO: Cannot create dependency tree
13:53:05.925 - ERR :     Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
13:53:05.924 - INFO:       Installation failed
13:53:05.924 - INFO:         error in installation kit
13:53:05.924 - INFO:           Cannot create dependency tree

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Former Member
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FYI I have copied and pasted this on behalf of a partner who is experiencing issues installing HANA DB on RHEL 6 on vmware env, if more details are required please let me know and I will follow up with the partner to re-post if needed

Thanks to all

0 Kudos

Hi Steve,

Looks like you are installing HANA on RHEL 6.7 which is not supported.

2136965 - SAP HANA DB: Recommended OS settings for RHEL 6.6

  • Supported Kernel versions and patches to use with certified Hardware for SAP HANA on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6:

    You can use all official Linux Kernels shipped by Red Hat for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6, including security and bug fixes. I.e. using update Linux Kernels from RHEL 6.7 or higher is not allowed at the moment and will break the certification. Please refer to the following Red Hat knowledge base article for how to configure your system accordingly: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP HANA: system updates and supportability.

