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Hi Moderators,

We have posted our query more than two weeks before , from past one week there is no replies from any one for query to whom should we contact .

we have posted with correct details along with screen shot but still no replies any one help us



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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If I may suggest, your posts don't actually lend themselves to easy answering. For example, in FI forum you've posted (the exact quote):

we are unable to clear the document through SM35 during the BRS FF67 t code   and we have updated the document in FF67  and even we have run the batch input system has created the batch input as well in SM35 but system is unable to clear the documents please help .

This is followed by several cloudy screenshots. Uhm... Is there an actual question here? (I'm not seeing a question mark, not to mention other punctuation that would seem appropriate.) Also missing - what have you done yourself to troubleshoot the issue before posting on SCN?

Nevertheless, several people (who are volunteers with their own jobs to do) actually replied on the same day. I'm sorry their replies were not helpful to you (or at least you didn't bother to mark them as such). Other than bumping thread up every other day did it not occur to you to do something more about the issue yourself? How about asking an ABAPer to debug? Or doing some additional research?

Now the moderators too have to drop everything and give your question a "priority"? What exactly makes your questions more important than anyone else's on SCN? I'm confused...

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Hi Jelena,

We have searched in forum before posting to SCN , though we have posted exactly query at least from experts we expect some hints not exactly correct answer . it is not we are completely depend on the SCN answers , even we are trying our best to resolve this query and close the threat .



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If no-one wants to answer, then no-one wants to answer. What can moderators do about it? We can't force people to answer your question or give hints. No-one is obliged to answer any question.

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Hi Mathew,

i know nothing can do by moderators , but its pending from more than 2 weeks we expect from experts to help , this threat many help for future also who will face same problem.

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I'm confused. You posted here saying:"Hi Moderators ...". So you obviously at that time thought that by bringing it to our attention we could do something.

Now you realise that we can't, you still seem to have some expectation that posting this thread will in someway alleviate the situation.

Perhaps I'm being really stupid, but I don't know what your expectations are?

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Hidyath pasha wrote:

its pending from more than 2 weeks we expect from experts to help , this threat many help for future also who will face same problem.

I'm also confused why there is "expectation" that "experts" will reply within specific time frame? Why do you feel this is something SCN members are entitled to?

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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SCN is a site where you can post your queries and people may answer them, but any answers are provided entirely voluntarily. There is no obligation on anyone to answer your questions.

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Honestly, you (along with moderator) can't do anything if no one replies to you question. Your question might be little tough or may be people are busy with their own work.

By the way, Indians are busy for their festival (Diwali).