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Multi-host installation fail during adding new host

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all

I try to configure SAP HANA Database SP10 Revision 102 in multi-host. In order to test a scall out.

But i obtain a error. I don't understand why, because all process hana are up and runing

Have you any idea for help me ?  I try to find a solution since one week 😞

you can refer to previous post

My database HANA is installed and running on node 1 (hanatest).

Now i would like add a new host (node 2) which call (hanaslave) from node 1 (hanatest)

SAP hostagents are deployed. So i use the syntaxe "--remote_execution=saphostagent"

Please find below my error and log file

Thanks a lot for advance!

root@hanatest /hana/shared/DB0/hdblcm # ./hdblcm --remote_execution=saphostagent

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA


Choose an action to perform

  Index | Action to be performed     | Description


  1     | add_hosts                  | Add Additional Hosts to the SAP HANA System

  2     | configure_internal_network | Configure Inter-Service Communication

  3     | configure_sld              | Configure System Landscape Directory Registration

  4     | print_component_list       | Print Component List

  5     | rename_system              | Rename the SAP HANA System

  6     | uninstall                  | Uninstall SAP HANA Components

  7     | unregister_system          | Unregister the SAP HANA System

  8     | update_component_list      | Update Component List

  9     | update_components          | Install or Update Additional Components

  10    | update_host                | Update the SAP HANA Instance Host integration

  11    | exit                       | Exit (do nothing)

Enter selected action index [11]: 1

System Properties:

DB0 /hana/shared/DB0 HDB_ALONE



        host: hanatest (Database Worker (worker))

Enter comma-separated host names to add: hanaslave

Enter SAP Host Agent User (sapadm) Password:

Collecting information from host 'hanaslave'...

Information collected from host 'hanaslave'.

Select roles for host 'hanaslave':

  Index | Host Role                | Description


  1     | worker                   | Database Worker

  2     | standby                  | Database Standby

  3     | extended_storage_worker  | Dynamic Tiering Worker

  4     | extended_storage_standby | Dynamic Tiering Standby

  5     | streaming                | Smart Data Streaming

  6     | rdsync                   | Remote Data Sync

  7     | ets_worker               | Accelerator for SAP ASE Worker

  8     | ets_standby              | Accelerator for SAP ASE Standby

Enter comma-separated list of selected indices [1]: 1

Enter Host Failover Group for host 'hanaslave' [default]:

Enter Storage Partition Number for host 'hanaslave' [<<assign automatically>>]:

  Index | Listen Interface | Description


  1     | global           | The HANA services will listen on all network interfaces

  2     | internal         | The HANA services will only listen on a specific network interface

Select Listen Interface / Enter Index [1]: 1

Enter System Administrator (db0adm) Password:

Enter Certificate Host Name For Host 'hanaslave' [hanaslave, O=SAP AG, C=FR]:

Summary before execution:


Add Additional Hosts to SAP HANA System

   Add Hosts Parameters

      Remote Execution: saphostagent

      Enable the installation or upgrade of the SAP Host Agent: Yes

      Listen Interface: global

      Do not start added hosts and do not start SAP HANA System: No

      Certificate Host Names: hanaslave -> hanaslave, O=SAP AG, C=FR

   Additional Hosts


         Role: Database Worker (worker)

         High-Availability Group: default

         Storage Partition: <<assign automatically>>

Do you want to continue? (y/n): y

Adding additional host to SAP HANA Database...

  Adding additional host...

  Adding host 'hanaslave'...

      Creating a multiple host system failed

        Adding host 'hanaslave' failed!

Addition of hosts to the SAP HANA system failed.

  Error occurred while executing Add Additional Hosts to SAP HANA System.

    Reconfiguring SAP HANA system failed!

      Add hosts:

        Creating a multiple host system failed

          Adding host 'hanaslave' failed!

            Add host failed

              AddHost not possible. Start SAP HANA Database on master host and run addHost again.

You can send feedback to SAP with this form: https://hanatest, O=SAP AG, C=FR:1129/lmsl/HDBLCM/DB0/feedback/feedback.html

Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_DB0_hdblcm_add_hosts_2015-10-19_11.10.12/hdblcm.log' on host 'hanatest'.


Log file : /var/tmp/hdb_DB0_hdblcm_add_hosts_2015-10-19_11.10.12/hdblcm.log

11:10 root@hanatest /hana/shared/DB0/hdblcm # cat /var/tmp/hdb_DB0_hdblcm_add_hosts_2015-10-19_11.10.12/hdblcm.log

11:10:13.626 - INFO: Installing signal handler

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal INT

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal PIPE

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal ABRT

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal FPE

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal QUIT

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal SYS

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal TRAP

11:10:13.626 - INFO:   Handler for signal TERM

11:10:13.626 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.626 - INFO: System Information

11:10:13.626 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Operating System: Linux

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Architecture    : X86-64

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Version         : 2.6.32

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Subversion      : 573.3.1.el6.x86_64

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   C Runtime       : GLIBC 2.12

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Cpu features    : sse sse2 cmpxchg16b

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Host Name       : hanatest

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Manufacturer    : QEMU

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Product         : Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)

11:10:13.640 - INFO:   Distribution    : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7(Santiago)

11:10:13.640 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.640 - INFO: END: System Info

11:10:13.640 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.641 - INFO: Handler for signal INT

11:10:13.641 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.641 - INFO: Installer Information

11:10:13.641 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   using installed Installer

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   Version is Build 1442292917-1530

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   MakeId is 2367484

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   Platform is linuxx86_64

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   Running as console application

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   Program Call Information

11:10:13.641 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Caller program name is hdblcm

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Command line arguments: --remote_execution=saphostagent

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Current directory: /hana/shared/DB0/hdblcm

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Installer directory: /hana/shared/DB0/hdblcm/instruntime

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Pid is 22078

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Effective uid 0

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Real uid 0

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Effective gid 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 10 501

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     Real gid 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 10 501

11:10:13.642 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.642 - INFO:   END: Program Call Information

11:10:13.642 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.642 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.642 - INFO:   Environment Dump

11:10:13.642 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     CVS_RSH = ssh

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     DISPLAY = localhost:10.0

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     G_BROKEN_FILENAMES = 1

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     HISTCONTROL = ignoredups

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     HISTIGNORE = ls:ll

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     HISTSIZE = 1000

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     HISTTIMEFORMAT = [ %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S ]

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     HOME = /root

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     HOSTNAME = hanatest

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     LANG = en_US.UTF-8

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /hana/shared/DB0/hdblcm/instruntime

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     LESSOPEN = ||/usr/bin/ %s

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     LOGNAME = root

11:10:13.642 - INFO:     LS_COLORS = rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=01;36:*.au=01;36:*.flac=01;36:*.mid=01;36:*.midi=01;36:*.mka=01;36:*.mp3=01;36:*.mpc=01;36:*.ogg=01;36:*.ra=01;36:*.wav=01;36:*.axa=01;36:*.oga=01;36:*.spx=01;36:*.xspf=01;36:

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     MAIL = /var/spool/mail/root

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     OLDPWD = /hana/shared/DB0

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     PWD = /hana/shared/DB0/hdblcm

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     SHELL = /bin/bash

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     SHLVL = 1

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     SSH_CLIENT = 59344 22

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     SSH_CONNECTION = 59344 22

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     SSH_TTY = /dev/pts/0

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     TERM = xterm

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     USER = root

11:10:13.643 - INFO:     _ = ./hdblcm

11:10:13.643 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.643 - INFO:   END: Environment Dump

11:10:13.643 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.643 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.643 - INFO: END: Installer Information

11:10:13.643 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:13.687 - INFO: Handler for signal INT

11:10:13.689 - INFO:

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA


11:10:13.689 - INFO: Start Date: 2015-10-19  -  hdblcm

11:10:13.691 - INFO:

11:10:14.943 - INFO: Parameter 'action' is set by user, value = 'add_hosts'

11:10:14.943 - INFO: Parameter 'uninstall' is not set

11:10:15.019 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is given via command line option, value = 'saphostagent'

11:10:15.020 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is not set

11:10:15.020 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set with default value = 'Yes'

11:10:15.020 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set with default value = '/hana/shared'

11:10:15.020 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' is set with default value = 'DB0'

11:10:15.023 - INFO:

11:10:15.023 - INFO: System Properties:

11:10:15.021 - INFO:   DB0 /hana/shared/DB0 HDB_ALONE

11:10:15.023 - INFO:   HDB00

11:10:15.023 - INFO:   version:

11:10:15.023 - INFO:   host: hanatest (Database Worker (worker))

11:10:17.961 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' is set by user, value = 'hanaslave'

11:10:17.961 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped

11:10:17.961 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped

11:10:17.961 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped

11:10:17.961 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_hostagent_password' (SkipHostagentPw) is skipped

11:10:19.976 - INFO: Verifying sapadm password...

11:10:19.977 - INFO: Executing saphostctrl function 'ListInstances' on 'hanaslave' ...

11:10:20.652 - INFO: Collecting host informations

11:10:20.656 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:20.656 - INFO:   Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations...

11:10:20.656 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:20.658 - INFO:     Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations on host 'hanaslave'...

11:10:20.660 - INFO:       Calling SAP Host Control web service operation 'DeployConfiguration' (host: 'hanaslave', user: 'sapadm', url: 'https://hanaslave:1129', arguments: )

11:10:20.807 - INFO:     Successfully deployed SAP Host Agent configurations on host 'hanaslave'

11:10:20.807 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:20.807 - INFO:   END: Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations (start: 11:10:20.656 duration: 00:00:00.151)

11:10:20.807 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:20.808 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:20.808 - INFO:   Collecting information from host 'hanaslave'...

11:10:20.808 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:20.808 - INFO:     Executing operation 'HdbCollectHostInfo_v6' on host 'hanaslave' (user: 'sapadm', url: 'https://hanaslave:1129', timeout: 0)

11:10:20.808 - INFO:         DATA_PATH: '/hana/data/DB0'

11:10:20.809 - INFO:         LOG_PATH: '/hana/log/DB0'

11:10:20.809 - INFO:         SAPADM: 'sapadm'

11:10:20.809 - INFO:         SAPMNT: '/hana/shared'

11:10:20.809 - INFO:         SID: 'DB0'

11:10:20.809 - INFO:         SKIP_COLLECT: 'groups,users'

11:10:22.151 - INFO:

11:10:22.151 - INFO:     Operation 'HdbCollectHostInfo_v6' finished on host 'hanaslave' with exit code 0

11:10:22.151 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:22.151 - INFO:   END: Collecting information from host 'hanaslave' (start: 11:10:20.808 duration: 00:00:01.342)

11:10:22.151 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------

11:10:22.151 - INFO:   Information collected from host 'hanaslave'.

11:10:22.152 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is set by user, value = '***'

11:10:25.995 - INFO: Parameter 'HostsProperties' is not set (skipped by user)

11:10:27.572 - INFO: Parameter 'listen_interface' (ListenInterface) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'global'

11:10:27.572 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is skipped

11:10:31.617 - INFO: Parameter 'password' is set by user, value = '***'

11:10:31.617 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user' (SystemUser) is skipped

11:10:31.617 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is skipped

11:10:31.617 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped

11:10:31.617 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped

11:10:31.617 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' is set with default value = 'No'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' (CertificatesHostmap:hanaslave) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'hanaslave, O=SAP AG, C=FR'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'saphostagent'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is not set

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set to value = '/hana/shared'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' is set to value = 'DB0'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' is set to value = 'hanaslave:role=worker:group=default'

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped

11:10:32.923 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_hostagent_password' (SkipHostagentPw) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is set to value = '***'

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'HostsProperties' is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'listen_interface' (ListenInterface) is set to value = 'global'

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'password' is set to value = '***'

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (InitialHostagentPassword) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user' (SystemUser) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' is set to value = 'No'

11:10:32.924 - INFO: Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' (CertificatesHostmap:hanaslave) is set to value = 'hanaslave, O=SAP AG, C=FR'

11:10:34.210 - INFO: Changing single host system into multiple host system (listen interface 'global')

11:10:34.216 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:34.216 - INFO: Adding additional host to SAP HANA Database...

11:10:34.216 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:34.216 - INFO:   Starting external program /hana/shared/DB0/global/hdb/install/bin/hdbmodify

11:10:34.216 - INFO:     Command line is: /hana/shared/DB0/global/hdb/install/bin/hdbmodify -b --instlog_dir=/var/tmp/hdb_DB0_hdblcm_add_hosts_2015-10-19_11.10.12 --addhosts=hanaslave:role=worker:group=default --sapmnt=/hana/shared --install_hostagent=1 --sid=DB0 --listen_interface=global --remote_execution=saphostagent --nostart=0 --read_password_from_stdin=xml

11:10:34.821 - INFO:     Output line 1:

11:10:34.821 - INFO:     Output line 2:

11:10:34.821 - INFO:     Output line 3: SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - hdbmodify_addhosts

11:10:34.822 - INFO:     Output line 4: **************************************************************************

11:10:34.822 - INFO:     Output line 5:

11:10:34.828 - INFO:     Output line 6:

11:10:34.828 - INFO:     Output line 7: System Properties:

11:10:34.828 - INFO:     Output line 8: DB0 /hana/shared/DB0 HDB_ALONE

11:10:34.828 - INFO:     Output line 9:         HDB00

11:10:34.828 - INFO:     Output line 10:        version:

11:10:34.829 - INFO:     Output line 11:        host: hanatest (Database Worker (worker))

11:10:34.829 - INFO:     Output line 12:

11:10:34.846 - INFO:     Output line 13: Start reading from input channel...

11:10:34.848 - INFO:     Output line 14: ... Done.

11:10:34.863 - INFO:     Output line 15: Modifying configuration of SAP HANA System 'DB0'...

11:10:34.865 - INFO:     Output line 16:

11:10:34.866 - INFO:     Output line 17: Summary before execution:

11:10:34.866 - INFO:     Output line 18:    Installation Path: /hana/shared

11:10:34.866 - INFO:     Output line 19:    SAP HANA System ID: DB0

11:10:34.866 - INFO:     Output line 20:    Additional Hosts: hanaslave:role=worker:group=default

11:10:34.866 - INFO:     Output line 21:    Listen Interface: global

11:10:34.866 - INFO:     Output line 22:    Enable the installation or upgrade of the SAP Host Agent: Yes

11:10:34.867 - INFO:     Output line 23:    Remote Execution: saphostagent

11:10:34.867 - INFO:     Output line 24:

11:10:38.706 - INFO:     Output line 25: Adding additional host...

11:10:39.820 - INFO:     Output line 26: Adding host 'hanaslave'...

11:10:42.384 - INFO:     Output line 27: Reconfiguring SAP HANA system failed!

11:10:42.384 - INFO:     Output line 28:   Add hosts:

11:10:42.384 - INFO:     Output line 29:     Creating a multiple host system failed

11:10:42.385 - INFO:     Output line 30:       Adding host 'hanaslave' failed!

11:10:42.385 - INFO:     Output line 31:         Add host failed

11:10:42.385 - INFO:     Output line 32:           AddHost not possible. Start SAP HANA Database on master host and run addHost again.

11:10:42.385 - INFO:     Output line 33:

11:10:42.391 - INFO:     Output line 34: Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_DB0_hdblcm_add_hosts_2015-10-19_11.10.12/hdbmodify_addhosts.log' on host 'hanatest'.

11:10:42.471 - INFO:     Program terminated with exit code 1

11:10:42.471 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:42.471 - INFO: END: End adding additional host to SAP HANA Database (start: 11:10:34.216 duration: 00:00:08.255)

11:10:42.471 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

11:10:42.551 - ERR : Addition of hosts to the SAP HANA system failed.

11:10:42.584 - INFO: Summary of critical errors

11:10:42.551 - ERR :   Addition of hosts to the SAP HANA system failed.

11:10:42.472 - ERR :     Error occurred while executing Add Additional Hosts to SAP HANA System.

11:10:42.471 - INFO:       Reconfiguring SAP HANA system failed!

11:10:42.472 - INFO:         Add hosts:

11:10:42.472 - INFO:           Creating a multiple host system failed

11:10:42.472 - INFO:             Adding host 'hanaslave' failed!

11:10:42.472 - INFO:               Add host failed

11:10:42.472 - INFO:                 AddHost not possible. Start SAP HANA Database on master host and run addHost again.

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos


please check note:

2068776 - Correction to SAP HANA Host Addition Using the Platform LCM Tool hdblcm

0 Kudos

Hi, could you please attach the link to the answer, tks!!!

Former Member
0 Kudos

On the host hanatest, run the local hdblcm and update the network (option ' configure_internal_network ', change the Inter-Service Communication to global.

Execute the command to add the second slave from host hanaslave using the local hdblcm ( hdblcm --remote_execution=saphostagent). You should get only 3 options:

Index | Action to be performed | Description


  1     | add_hosts              | Add Additional Hosts to the SAP HANA System

  2     | register_rename_system | Register and Rename SAP HANA System

  3     | exit                   | Exit (do nothing)

Choose option 1, should work for you.