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How to contribute course materials on UA?

0 Kudos

Are there any guidelines on how to contribute course materials to UA community? Should I just follow the structure of the excellent "Introduction to SAP ERP"  (

It would be great to learn about the UA community best practices.

My group will contribute materials (in similar way as the DOC-42944)) to strengthen SAP university teaching (and ERP in general) in Poland and the development of SAP teaching community as a whole. I want to learn whether UA @ SCN is a good place to start with in the upcoming year.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Wojciech

I have asked a similar question in this forum recently but there has been no answer.  I believe the reason is that there is no criteria. I am already looking at other forums to distribute the curriculum.  This was frowned upon by SAP in the past but if there is no formal mechanism for the distribution of curriculum then there is little alternative.

Good Luck

Paul Hawking

SAP Academic Program Director

Victoria University



SAP Mentor

0 Kudos

Hi Paul,

Thank you. Could you let me know when you find an active forum?

My current plan is simply to go with github/gitlab/... and let people know about it.


Wojciech Barczyński


Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu

ul. Fabryczna 29-31

53-609 Wrocław
