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Hi, I have the following Problem:

I want the upload some Files to SAP dms System.

First of all i implement the functionmodule "BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2" in my .net Programm.

Then i tested tue Applikation... and the RFC call creates an correct document Info set in erp. I can have a look on it, with CV03N.

Now i wanted to implement the fileupload.

So i filled the Table DOCUMENTFILES ANd copied the sapftp.exe in my Program Exekution Directory.

If i now call my .net Program, it crashes with the exception "callback not supported".

What is my Problem?

I cant Figure it out.... Thanks for the help.

My Code:

Imports SAP.Middleware.Connector Imports System.IO Public Class frmMain     Public Sub New()         ' Dieser Aufruf ist für den Designer erforderlich.         InitializeComponent()         ' Fügen Sie Initialisierungen nach dem InitializeComponent()-Aufruf hinzu.         RfcDestinationManager.RegisterDestinationConfiguration(New MyBackendConfig)     End Sub     Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click         'SAP TRANSACTIONS:         'CV01N - Create Document         'CV02N - Change Document         'CV04N - Find Document         'CV03N - Display document         System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor #If DEBUG Then         txtPfad.Text = "C:\Users\bkoch\Desktop\20141126153403.pdf" #End If         ' Get a destination object from the destination manager         Dim SapRfcDest As RfcDestination = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination("DEV")         Try             ' Create connection to the RFC repository             Dim SapRfcRepo As RfcRepository = SapRfcDest.Repository             ' BAPI functionmodules             Dim documentCreateBapi As IRfcFunction = SapRfcRepo.CreateFunction("BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2")             Dim bapiRollback As IRfcFunction = SapRfcRepo.CreateFunction("BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK")             Dim bapiCommit As IRfcFunction = SapRfcRepo.CreateFunction("BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT")             ' Structures             Dim documentData As IRfcStructure = documentCreateBapi.GetStructure("DOCUMENTDATA")             Dim bapireturn As IRfcStructure = documentCreateBapi.GetStructure("RETURN")             Dim documentFiles As IRfcTable = documentCreateBapi.GetTable("DOCUMENTFILES")             ' Fill fields             documentCreateBapi.SetValue("HOSTNAME", My.Computer.Name)             documentCreateBapi.SetValue("PF_FTP_DEST", "SAPFTP")             ' Fill Fields for only one document             documentData.SetValue("DOCUMENTTYPE", "ZOQ")             documentData.SetValue("DOCUMENTNUMBER", "TEST DOCUMENT 01")             documentData.SetValue("DOCUMENTVERSION", "00")             documentData.SetValue("DOCUMENTPART", "000")             documentData.SetValue("VALIDFROMDATE", System.DateTime.Now)             documentData.SetValue("REVLEVEL", "00")             documentData.SetValue("DESCRIPTION", "Test Document 01 Created via NCo3")             documentData.SetValue("USERNAME", SapRfcDest.User.ToUpper)             documentData.SetValue("AUTHORITYGROUP", "BVV")             ' Fill documentFiles Table             documentFiles.Append()             documentFiles.SetValue("WSAPPLICATION", SetExtensionToSapExtension(Path.GetExtension(txtPfad.Text)))             'documentFiles.SetValue("DOCPATH", (Path.GetDirectoryName(txtPfad.Text) & "\").ToUpper)             documentFiles.SetValue("DOCFILE", txtPfad.Text) '(Path.GetFileName(txtPfad.Text)).ToUpper)             documentFiles.SetValue("LANGUAGE", "DE")             documentFiles.SetValue("DESCRIPTION", "Test Document 01 Created via NCo3")             documentFiles.SetValue("CHECKEDIN", "X")             documentFiles.SetValue("STORAGECATEGORY", "ZBVV_LOGI")             documentFiles.SetValue("CREATED_BY", SapRfcDest.User.ToUpper)             RfcSessionManager.BeginContext(SapRfcDest)             documentCreateBapi.Invoke(SapRfcDest)             Dim DOCUMENTTYPE As String = documentCreateBapi.GetValue("DOCUMENTTYPE").ToString()             Dim DOCUMENTNUMBER As String = documentCreateBapi.GetValue("DOCUMENTNUMBER").ToString()             Dim DOCUMENTPART As String = documentCreateBapi.GetValue("DOCUMENTPART").ToString()             Dim DOCUMENTVERSION As String = documentCreateBapi.GetValue("DOCUMENTVERSION").ToString()             Select Case bapireturn.GetValue("TYPE").ToString                 Case "A"                     MessageBox.Show(bapireturn.GetValue("MESSAGE").ToString, bapireturn.GetValue("TYPE").ToString, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)                     bapiRollback.Invoke(SapRfcDest)                 Case "E"                     MessageBox.Show(bapireturn.GetValue("MESSAGE").ToString, bapireturn.GetValue("TYPE").ToString, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)                     bapiRollback.Invoke(SapRfcDest)                 Case "W"                     If bapireturn.GetValue("MESSAGE").ToString <> String.Empty Then MessageBox.Show(bapireturn.GetValue("MESSAGE").ToString, bapireturn.GetValue("TYPE").ToString, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)                     MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Datei: '{0}', Type: '{1}', Part: '{2}', Version: '{3}' angelegt!", DOCUMENTNUMBER, DOCUMENTTYPE, DOCUMENTPART, DOCUMENTVERSION))                     bapiCommit.Invoke(SapRfcDest)                 Case Else                     If bapireturn.GetValue("MESSAGE").ToString <> String.Empty Then MessageBox.Show(bapireturn.GetValue("MESSAGE").ToString, bapireturn.GetValue("TYPE").ToString, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)                     MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Datei: '{0}', Type: '{1}', Part: '{2}', Version: '{3}' angelegt!", DOCUMENTNUMBER, DOCUMENTTYPE, DOCUMENTPART, DOCUMENTVERSION))                     bapiCommit.Invoke(SapRfcDest)             End Select             RfcSessionManager.EndContext(SapRfcDest)         Catch ex As RfcCommunicationException             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "RfcCommunicationException")         Catch ex As RfcLogonException             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "RfcLogonException")         Catch ex As RfcAbapRuntimeException             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "RfcAbapRuntimeException")         Catch ex As RfcAbapBaseException             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "RfcAbapBaseException")         Catch ex As Exception             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception")         Finally             System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default         End Try     End Sub     Private Sub btnPfad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPfad.Click         Using _ofd As New OpenFileDialog             _ofd.Multiselect = False             If _ofd.ShowDialog <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then                 txtPfad.Text = _ofd.FileName             Else                 txtPfad.Text = String.Empty             End If         End Using     End Sub     Private Function SetExtensionToSapExtension(ByVal extension As String) As String         If extension.Contains(".") Then             Return extension.Substring(1, extension.Length - 1).ToUpper         Else             Return extension.ToUpper         End If     End Function End Class

Former Member
0 Kudos

...if i use the Parameter:

parms.Add(RfcConfigParameters.UseSAPGui, "1")

in BackendConfiguration Class; the upload will work.

But in productive Environment there is not SAP GUI installed.

0 Kudos

So i find out, in sap 504692 ( i have to use functionmodule "CVAPI_DOC_CHANGE"...

Now i can switch parms.Add(RfcConfigParameters.UseSAPGui, "1") to parms.Add(RfcConfigParameters.UseSAPGui, "0"), so no SAP GUI is used.

But i get an error: "Error while checking in or laydown of XXX (my documents path)" or something similar.

0 Kudos

There is no practical way.. i will build my own functionmodule with xstring...


0 Kudos

Here is my solution with an own reomte fm with Import xstring:

FUNCTION zklo_ws_setdocument. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *"  IMPORTING *"    VALUE(DOCUMENTTYPE) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCTYPE *"    VALUE(DOCUMENTNUMBER) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCNUMBER *"    VALUE(DOCUMENTPART) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCPART *"    VALUE(DOCUMENTVERSION) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCVERSION *"    VALUE(BIN_FILE) TYPE  XSTRING *"    VALUE(FILENAME) TYPE  DRAW-FILEP *"  EXPORTING *"    VALUE(RETURN) LIKE  BAPIRET2 STRUCTURE  BAPIRET2 *"    VALUE(NEW_DOCUMENTTYPE) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCTYPE *"    VALUE(NEW_DOCUMENTNUMBER) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCNUMBER *"    VALUE(NEW_DOCUMENTPART) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCPART *"    VALUE(NEW_DOCUMENTVERSION) TYPE  BAPI_DOC_AUX-DOCVERSION *"----------------------------------------------------------------------   TYPES: BEGIN OF zst_ts_raw_line,                     line(2550) TYPE x,               END OF zst_ts_raw_line.   DATA: ls_message    TYPE messages,         ls_drao TYPE drao,         lt_drao TYPE TABLE OF drao,         ls_return TYPE  bapiret2,         ls_document TYPE bapi_doc_draw2,         lv_size TYPE i,         lt_bindata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zst_ts_raw_line,         ls_bindata LIKE LINE OF lt_bindata,         lt_files TYPE cvapi_tbl_doc_files,         ls_files TYPE cvapi_doc_file,         ls_api_ctrl TYPE cvapi_api_control,         ls_draw TYPE draw,         lt_drat TYPE TABLE OF dms_db_drat,         ls_drat TYPE dms_db_drat.   "ByteArray in Tabelle konvertieren   CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY'     EXPORTING       buffer        = bin_file     IMPORTING       output_length = lv_size     TABLES       binary_tab    = lt_bindata.   LOOP AT lt_bindata INTO ls_bindata.     CLEAR ls_drao.     ls_drao-orblk = ls_bindata-line.     ls_drao-orln = lv_size.     ls_drao-dokar = documenttype.     ls_drao-doknr = documentnumber.     ls_drao-dokvr = documentversion.     ls_drao-doktl = documentpart.     ls_drao-appnr = '1'.     APPEND ls_drao TO lt_drao.   ENDLOOP.   "Dokumentenart automatisch ermitteln.   CALL FUNCTION 'CV120_DOC_GET_APPL'     EXPORTING       pf_file  = filename     IMPORTING       pfx_dappl = ls_files-dappl.   IF ls_files-dappl EQ 'PD1'. "SAP Customizing ist hier krum...     ls_files-dappl = 'PDF'.   ENDIF.   "Datei in Tabelle anhängen...   ls_files-appnr = '1'.   ls_files-filename = filename.   ls_files-updateflag = 'I'.   ls_files-langu = sy-langu.   ls_files-storage_cat = 'DMS_C1_ST'. "Muss u.U. angepasst werden...   ls_files-description = filename.   ls_files-checked_in = 'X'.   ls_files-active_version = 'X'.   APPEND ls_files TO lt_files.   "Allgemeine Einstellungen   ls_api_ctrl = 'CV01N'.   "Kopfdaten aufbereiten   ls_draw-dokar = documenttype.   ls_draw-doknr = documentnumber.   ls_draw-doktl = documentpart.   ls_draw-dokvr = documentversion.   ls_draw-filep =  ls_files-filename.   ls_draw-dappl = ls_files-dappl.   ls_draw-begru = 'BVV'. "Muss u.U. angepasst werden...   "Weitere Tabellen aufbereiten   ls_drat-dokar = ls_draw-dokar.   ls_drat-doknr = ls_draw-doknr.   ls_drat-dokvr = ls_draw-dokvr.   ls_drat-doktl = ls_draw-doktl.   ls_drat-langu = sy-langu.   ls_drat-dktxt =  ls_files-filename.   APPEND ls_drat TO lt_drat.   "Prüfen ob Dokument bereits vorhanden..   CALL FUNCTION 'CVAPI_DOC_GETDETAIL'     EXPORTING       pf_dokar  = ls_draw-dokar       pf_doknr  = ls_draw-doknr       pf_dokvr  = ls_draw-dokvr       pf_doktl  = ls_draw-doktl     EXCEPTIONS       not_found = 1       no_auth  = 2       error    = 3       OTHERS    = 4.   IF sy-subrc EQ 1.     "not found     CALL FUNCTION 'CVAPI_DOC_CREATE'       EXPORTING         ps_draw              = ls_draw *      PF_STATUSLOG        = ' ' *      PF_REVLEVEL          =         ps_api_control      = ls_api_ctrl         pf_ftp_dest          = 'SAPFTP'         pf_http_dest        = 'SAPHTTP'         pf_hostname          = 'DEFAULT'         pf_content_provide  = 'TBL' "Als interne Tabelle       IMPORTING         psx_message          = ls_message         pfx_dokar            = new_documenttype         pfx_doknr            = new_documentnumber         pfx_dokvr            = new_documentversion         pfx_doktl            = new_documentpart       TABLES *      PT_DRAD_X            =         pt_drat_x            = lt_drat         pt_files_x          = lt_files *      PT_COMP_X            =         pt_content          = lt_drao *      DOCUMENTDESCRIPTIONS =       .   ELSEIF sy-subrc EQ 0.     "found     CALL FUNCTION 'CVAPI_DOC_CHECKIN'       EXPORTING         pf_dokar          = ls_draw-dokar         pf_doknr          = ls_draw-doknr         pf_dokvr          = ls_draw-dokvr         pf_doktl          = ls_draw-doktl *      PS_DOC_STATUS      =         pf_ftp_dest        = 'SAPFTP'         pf_http_dest      = 'SAPHTTP'         pf_hostname        = 'DEFAULT'         ps_api_control    = ls_api_ctrl *      PF_REPLACE        = ' '         pf_content_provide = 'TBL' "Als interne Tabelle       IMPORTING         psx_message        = ls_message       TABLES         pt_files_x        = lt_files *      PT_COMP_X          =         pt_content        = lt_drao.   ELSE.     "error     return-type = 'E'.     return-message = 'Fehler beim suchen des Dokuments.'.   ENDIF.   IF ls_message-msg_type CA 'EA'.     return-type = ls_message-msg_type.     return-message = ls_message-msg_txt.     CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.   ELSE.     COMMIT WORK.   ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.