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SAP EH&S Regulatory Content and SAP Unit of Measures (UoM) are definied different

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0 Kudos

Hello everyone,

I have the following problem:

SERC Provides data - for example Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) - with the value and unit. For example 45 mg/m3.

But in our system we have the UoM set up as mg/m3 (Superscript notation).
Because of this SERC can not write the OEL data into SAP EH&S (because we do not have a unit mg/m3 but mg/m3).

How can we make SERC write the data, without adding / or changing the UoM definitions in the system?

(We do not want two densities (on with mg/m3 and one with  mg/m3), nor do we want to change back to mg/m3 because the superscript notation is actual the correct one!)

I couldn't find any mapping options in the Mapping Database for UoMs....

Any ideas besides changing the coding in the User Exits?

Kind Regards


Accepted Solutions (1)

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Dear Mark

quite interesting topic you raise. Two "subprocesses" are effect: Data management (data load and Data calculaiotn (e.g. using EXPERT rules)

Honestly I have never had the need to analyse the "UoM"topic in that area. But yes you are right and may be your findings coud be important for other companies willing to use SERC.

It seems to be that you really need to know the "correct" set up of SAP system to use SERC

May be Ralph could give some comment on that. Is the SERC license describing the required set up on customer side (e.g. UoM )?


PS: I would have expected the same as Mark; that if you have different UoM that you could be able to map in Expert rules; seems not to be the case

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Hi Christoph

The answer we got back from SAP was basically that we need to change the UoM setup in the SAP System to match SAP Standard and then SERC works.

I guess I do need to mention how 'easy'  (almost impossible) it is  to change UoMs in a production system that runs a lot of other SAP modules (MM, SD, FI).

At least I have a working modification



P.s.: I still have the feeling that I came across this issue years ago at another client - and we somehow managed it with the mapping MDB. I think it involved changing two or more tables in the mapping MDB - and wasn't quite straight forward. But I might be wrong.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Mark,

Since you are mentioning the mapping mdb: Does your problem occur when you load regulatory data or when you have the rule sets calculate data? If you are talking about rule sets, do the following:

In the ExpRecordMap, find the corresponding entry and change it from non-phrased to phrased. In ExpPhraseMap, maintain a new entry with the internal ID mg/m3 (standard notation) and the external ID mg/m3 (your notation).


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ralph,

Unfortunately this is happening during SERC data load - not rules set calculation.

But this is a very helpful trick anyway - thanks!

Kind regards


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Dear Mark

one quesition: to my knowledge: SERC data is loaded via OCC. Correct? Now If you "would" have the data as XML file to you "exhange" the unit in the fiel as an XML file is a "flat file. Then you could load the data (may be).

But if SERC data is laoed online "online" (SAP system connects to database of provider) I amn not aware of any chance /mapping as discussed here) to load the data.


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HI Christoph,

True - I could have changed the UoM in the XMLs files.

But that is not practical for me as I'm an ABAPer and can not write scripts that change hundred of thousands XML files withouth destroying them and test them all after changing them...

I made a copy of the user Exit FM and changed the UoM there.

Kind regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Mark,

As far as I know, you cannot change the UoM in expert rules. You will have to find another solution.


Active Contributor
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Hi Ralph,

Thank you for your quick reply!

I changed the Expert Function Modules to replace mg/m3 with mg/m³.
(I copied the FMs and changed the customizing to point to the copies)

But this is basically a modification of the system...

I'm wondering if all customers really have the UoMs exactly defined as SERC provides them.
In my experience not one customer has them set up exactly like the other....

