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Can not write direct Message to any in forum

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I can n't write any Direct message to any meneber in ERP financials or any other forum . Can you Please let me know what is wrong with my profile .

many Thanks

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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Direct message can be only send by these people, who is following you..

Now I am following you.. You can send me direct message..

Just move your mouse courser to my profile.

You will get the option.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

You should have checked already discussed thread

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Preeti,

you can write to only those members who are following you and you also following them.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Sanjeev Kumar wrote:

Hi Preeti,

you can write to only those members who are following you and you also following them.

No.. Its wrong.. You are talking about the Sharing documents..

You can send direct message to this people who are following you (no need to you also follow the person)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi dev ,

its looks like I can send to some but not to others


Active Contributor
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You can only send direct message to your 25 followers.

To get your followers list go to your profile - Connection - Followers.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Dev,

what about this

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Ask Jason sir. May be he wrote this mistakenly.

I can give you the proof. Direct message no need to follow each others.

I am now following you, But you are not following me. But you can still send me a direct message..

Just test it..

Active Contributor
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just do one thing , choose any person whom you are following but , he is not following you, and try to send direct message, you will get an exclamation there , and you will not able to send him any direct message. Let it clear By calling

Active Contributor
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As you have added me as your connection, try to send me any direct message, as i am not following you, please see that the message is getting delivered or not.

Active Contributor
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You missed my concept.. I never said that you can send DM to this person whom you are following..

I said, you can send direct message to this person who is following you..

As now I am following you, then you only can send me DM, I can't send you DM.

Active Contributor
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In such case dev can't send message to you. he won't get direct message option.

But you can because he is following you.

Active Contributor
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i am not able to write anythiing in the text body, plesae do one thing just remove me for a minute

and i am going to follow you, and see are you able to send me any direct messages.

Active Contributor
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Now check.. Now You are following me, but I am not following you..

So you can't send me a DM , But I can send you direct message..

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Please  send me a direct mail, because when i was sending you direct message , i was not able to write anything in text place, so just wants to confirm. .

Active Contributor
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I have already sent you a DM..

Please check your Communication tab or Email inbox.