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SMP 2.3 development environment

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

Im new with SMP 2.3 and im trying to install all the necessary software/plugins/SDK to develop a mobile app. What i did so far:

  • Installed Eclipse INDIGO
  • Trying to install SMP SDK 2.3 (but then a error message apears: SAP Mobile Platform SDK 2.3 is not installed on the system)
  • Installed the Agentry_6.1.2.604_EditorPlugin_x86_64

After a few hours reading the installation manual of SAP Mobile Platform 2.3, i need also the SAP Mobile Workspace and Mobile Business Object.

Is this correct?

My question is, what do i need to install and make this environment ready to develop apps? Does someone have experience with this?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi R. Salih,

Let me share some points:

To install SMP 2.3, you need a runtime (SMP server) and Mobile SDK. in SMP Mobile SDK, you can see all agentry components.

If you are planning to develop SYLCO Agentry based app, then you can install those agentry components otherwise no need.

First install, SMP 2.3 Runtime on a machine (Could be your local machine as well) Have you got licenses from market place for the same? Otherwise you can start with 30 days trial version also.

Once you install, You can see SAP Mobile Platform Services running on your machine and SAP Control Center shortcut icon on your desktop along with other 2 shortcuts.

Please check this offical document for more understanding

SyBooks Online

Then you can install SAP Mobile SDK on developer machine, here you will get Mobile Workspace where you can create your Mobile Business Objects (MBOs) designing and also can develop Hyrbid (HWC) based apps.

check this SyBooks Online

My question is what kind of apps you want to develop using SMP 2.3. Hybrid or Native based apps?

What kind of backend you want to use for your app development?

You may look at some blogs for startup

For Hybrid app:

Android Native App:



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

Thank you very much for the explanation and for sharing al the necessary information.

I finally have all the necessary packages to setup the environment. The SMP Mobile Platform Runtime 2.3 is installed with success, but during the SMP Mobile Platform SDK 2.3 installation an error screen appears:

Does someone have experience with this issue? or what this mean? and after finishing the installation of the SDK, is eclipse tooling installed to?

Thank you again!

With kind regards,

Rozh Salih

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Are you trying to install any SP of SMP mobile SDK directly? Which exact version of SMP 2.3 you have?

You must first install SMP Mobile SDK 2.3 and later you can upgrade it to any SP, like SMP 2.3 SP02 OR SMP 2.3 SP03

Please clarify.



Former Member
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