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flat structure vs threaded structure - please let individual decide

Active Contributor

this is unreadable! more is not needed to say

0 Kudos

I agree Jurgen, I couldnt read my own comment properly. I will try to get attention towards this issue. Thanks for raising it.

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Wow... I tried to reply to your last comment here (after Vadim's 16th level comment), after I copy/pasted the content into notepad to be able to read it...

But I couldn't, because the editor was also just a letter wide (with the options for formatting going from top to bottom) and I couldn't find the input box.

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I just added a further comment

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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Thanks Jurgen,

I have reached out to Jamie and Moshe to get their attention on this issue.

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you!

I will create a bug ticket and inform IT of this issue.

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it is a permission thing, reply only shows up for moderators, which is not that bad otherwise moderators had no option to step in.

I tested it with my moderation rights and in parallel with a test user that has no moderation rights:

Left with moderation rights, on the right without moderation rights

Active Contributor

But Vadim can see "Reply", too, and he is not a moderator. So... something else is going on additionally.

Former Member
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After 7th level comment I cant see the option of Comment below the comment....Is this another bug???? same behavior in Chrome as well...

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi Priyanka, this is a known bug. Thank you!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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Hi Priyanka,

could you please check if it still appears like in your screenshot? As I can see in the comment thread above, there is an option to reply to each reply now. Please check if you can see the reply options above.



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I cannot comment on the comment, which you left on my comment for obvious reasons - the reply option is still not visible for me. So far I have tried in Windows 7 (2 separate installations), 32-bit Pale Moon 27.1.1 (installed and portable version), IE 11; Firefox ESR 45.7.0; Android - Firefox and Google Chrome - latest versions, Linux Mint 17.2 - Firefox 51.0.1. This was tested also after clearing all browsing data, disabling add-ons and tracking protection, for one of the windows installations and the Linux one - also after system reboot.

I see this (in the same thread):

Was this fix tested with the OS/Browser combinations, which I listed? Also tested for regular users like me? And is the fix really implemented in the PRD environment?

If it makes any difference - I logon with user/password.

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I just tested it within the same browser, once with my moderation privileges and once with a test user without moderation privileges, and only the moderator is able to reply in a deep structure.

I would like to add a picture that I just captured with screens next to each other, but just faced another bug, system does not let me add pictures right now.

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I am able to reply up to 16th level:

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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We just received a notification e-mail by IT saying that we currently face issues with the SAP Cloud Platform which affects the Community landscape. Affected are HCP based services as Activity Stream, Notification Inbox, Subscription Service (following is not possible and Followed Tags Filter in Answers and Blogs not working). It might also be a reason why you, Jürgen can't add pictures.

I will report the error you, Veselina, are facing (and other users as well).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. Mynyna

Former Member
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Hi Mynyna,

Yes I can see the "Reply" option below each comment now....Thanks!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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Hi Jürgen, hi all,

This bug is resolved. The threaded structure stops after a certain number of replies. Question can be closed. 🙂



Active Contributor
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any details? Does it then switch to flat or will it no longer be possible to add further comments and answers?

Active Contributor
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I don't think it's solved! "The threaded structure stops after a certain number of replies" - may be the number is incorrect...

Please look here:


I can count 13 replies in the chain

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3rd level comment

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4rth level comment

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5th level comment

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6th level comment

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7th level comment

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8th level comment

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9th level comment

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10th level comment

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11 level comment

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12 level comment

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13 level comment

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14 level comment

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15 level comment

Active Contributor

16 level comment 🙂

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Maybe we need to clear the Cache and remove all cookies to make it work

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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I apologize for the obvious incorrect update. It should stop after the sixth comment and further comments would appear like the first comment with an arrow to highlight to whom the comment refers to. I saw it with my own eyes. That's why I was sure to share this update with you. So the new and correct update is, that a solution exists in the testing platform and

should move to production shortly.

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How do you create the nested comments after the 7th level? I've been looking for a workaround for the missing comment option without success...

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I still see the "Comment on comment" option in all levels. I am using Chrome.

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I can still enter in this area , is just a bit tricky to find the starting point

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This is making my head hurt...Did you notice the little arrows at the bottom of the textfield? Cute... useless, but cute.

Active Contributor

we found finally a way to utilize the unused space on the right . Now lets focus on the left side

Active Contributor
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I laughed more than I should have about that comment!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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Hi Jürgen,

the restriction of nesting was deployed in production as of yesterday. The nesting of replies stops after the 7th comment. An arrow and name appears afterwards to indicate to whom the reply refers. Avatars are not showing, only the name.

Regards, Mynyna

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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Hi, I just checked in chrome, firefox and IE. I see the reply option at each level in the thread above, and you? So to each answer or comment to the question, every further "comment" is a reply and should be possible at any level further down. Best, Mynyna

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New record!

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P.S. As far as I remember in the old SCN tabulation was stopped after some minimal column width...

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it stopped immediately after I found where to make the setting 😉

I could consistently jump to the bottom and read all new replies.

Now we have to search with all kind of tricks to find again what we saw partially in our activity stream, I call this Kindergarden games.

Active Contributor

I am talking about some compromise for threaded structure: if the column width after tabulation is less then some number of characters - then stop tabulation. At least all messages will be visible. And flat structure has to be a selectable option (to be set as default).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Impressive 🙂

Now imagine the same with a screenshot attached... it will be sad to have a horizontal scroll when you are using less than 5% of the horizontal screen estate.