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Bug: Search-Bug: 24 results, but only 5 available?!

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Search for "cpd":

there seem to be 24 Questions - however, when you click on that filter, you only get 5 oft them!?

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It escapes me why would anyone want to use the search here instead of Google. Clicked on your link and it says 64 results but the numbers in the filter add up only to 54. So what are the other 10 results? Some kind of magic scrolls? Clicked on Questions and instead of 28 got only 6 (now this question is also on the list). Other filters work fine though.

Before anyone asks - this is in Chrome

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Well, if it's there, I want it to work!

But I do agree that you get better resoults with a search engine (I usually use

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Well, it seems fine now! -> All 15 questions are show:

(Steps I too to take the screenshot:

1. I used the search-link above

2. filter on "Questions")


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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You will be surprised (or not) that we mentioned this during Open Beta:
The problem, unfortunately, was not addressed, not yet.
Joachim mentions in the example Questions - this is different from Discussions (discussions might include archived content, but questions - probably should not).
If you search with the same term in, you can see that there are 8 results. I am able to open each of them, and from what I can see, there is no common property, based on which these 2 results, for example, should not be displayed:
This is not related to the number of comments, or question status, or language, or creation time. I have no logical explanation how this 32 is calculated, other than a combination of multiple bugs.

Of all possible search options, this one is the buggiest and the least reliable of all, I would suggest to avoid it and use tea leaves/tarot for better results.
I wonder why SAP has not removed this search option completely in favor of (it's ugly, but it produces more consistent results).
It is a shame, that a huge software company showcases a broken search option in the index page: and an illogical mix of http/https links in their main menu, and an annoying country selector, which keeps on asking you to switch to another country...

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a wild guess: Only questions with answers are accessible from the archive, the numbers are probably the result of a count before the filter is applied to the output

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Might well be the case, let's see if someone can confirm that.

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I thought that questions with no replies were not migrated at all. Are you saying they actually are in the archive but invisible?