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Delta loads failing

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After the Kernel upgrade we have been facing issue with Delta loads. The loads are included in the process chains.

At first when the process chain runs the Delta loads get failed and after when we either try to repeat that particular step

or try to load manually then the loads are getting successful after 2-3 attempts. Sometimes even after attempting for 10 times

the loads get failed.

We checked in SM58 also, there are no TRFc's getting stucked.

The Full loads are getting processed smoothly without any hinderance or Failure.

Can anyone please guide us in this matter ?



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Hi Raman and Leonard,

Thanks for your response. I will get back to you after going through this Link.

We have raised this concern with SAP as well. They are also working on it.



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What procedure did you apply before the Kernel update? 

For example, if this update is similar to a ECC SP update, your RSA7 delta queue should be emptied before the update.

Please check this link, I like to rely on it for ECC updates (I believe it should apply for ISU also).

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Hi Leonard COUSIN,

RSA7 queue was not emptied before Kernel update. We dint do as Basis dint ask us to do that.

Can that be one of the reason?

And I am soory I cant see any link shared by you. Could you please do it again ?



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When source was upgraded, before upgrade we need to lock source system and clear all the queues like SMQ1/SM13/LBWQ/RSA7 and load data to bw. other wise those records will be missed an delta pointer will be corrupted.


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In our project we empty the delta queue before an SP upgrade as the upgrade may change extraction structures. 

Here is the link from which we built our procedure.

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Hi Raman,

We had this problem a long time ago and the only way to recover correct delta loading was to empty the delta queue and reload via full repair (or init)...

For general knowledge and to help Priyanka, do you know a better and easier way to recover delta loading?

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As you said recovering delta records thru full repair request with proper selections only. with help of source team need to find the records which are changed/newly created in that particular date or day.

other than repair full requeest there is no another best way.

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Just to add on.. The error that we get is...

The job failed in Source System and Caller 09 error message is encountered.

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Have you seen ECC job log which is related to your delta info pack. see that one, it gives the exact error message.

As you said kernel upgrade, then better activate your data source thru program and check it.

even though error was repeated then replicate your data source and activate it. it may works.

Due to kernal changes at db level may effected like psa table .

Need to activate them again.


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HI Raman,

we have activated our transfer rules also with the help of program and even data source is fine.

Even delta is getting loaded after 2-3 attempts but its getting failed in first attempt. The job in source system is successfull but the load is getting failed in BW. There was no IDoc and TRFC stuck in Source system.

We also checked the time difference in both the system with the help of program RSDBTIME and found no difference.



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Kernel upgraded where its happened ecc side ot bw side.

if its happens ecc side then need to replicate your data source and activation at bw side.

if its happens at bw side only, then try to activate your data source and check it.

Activate data source thru program. have you seen ecc job logs for your failed info pack.


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Hi Raman,

The Kernel change has taken place at both the sides i.e. Source System and

at BW side. Actually we have two Source Systems. One is CRM and the other is ISU. Loads associated with CRM are going on well but with ISU its creating the prob.

One more issue that we are facing is when we try to see data in Delta queue in RSA7 its going into Dump. I mean if thr are some records in a data source and if we try to click on it and display then its going into Dump.



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From ISU source all data sources need to replicate into bw and activate your data source.

regarding dump at RSA7, check the dump details clearly. you may need oss note.

if possible share the dump details.
