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How to deploy WAR

Former Member
0 Kudos


I have to implment note 870247 on SP13.

I gives me 4 files which I am to deploy.

2 sca, 1 par, 1 war.

The first three I have deployed. But I'm not sure on what to do with the war file.

I looked at the Deploy tool but i'm not sure on what to do.

Anybody know anything about this?

Br Rasmus

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Former Member
0 Kudos


Generally war(web archive) alone can't be deployed, so create Enterprise Project, import war in to EAR now deply the ear to WAS it will be through.

to have guideline how to do this please go through this tutorial. dynpro sample applications and tutorials.htm

Using EJBs 20

Hope this helped you



Former Member
0 Kudos

This is the standard way to use custom build war.

But mine is war created from sap. which has a belonging ear file.

If I create a new ear file i will overwrite all the other functionality i the ear project.

Br Rasmus

Former Member
0 Kudos


Generally jar and war embded in to ear and finally ear will be deployed in to WAS.As i know war alone can't be deployed.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, I agree.

But i guess that i should somehow get the original ear and exchange the war file.

But I don't really no how to do that.

Br Rasmus.