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NW7.3 server9 terminated with exit code 2150 -> Note 1316652

Former Member
0 Kudos


we try to install sp9, and now the error 2150



trc file: "dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "721"


sysno      00

sid        NP2

systemid   562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno      7210

patchlevel 0

patchno    0

intno      20020600

make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile    \\SDATU449\sapmnt\NP2\SYS\profile\NP2_J00_SDATU449

pid        5500


*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1



Sat May 25 16:01:49 2013


*  trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions


arguments :

  arg[ 0] : D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\jstart.EXE

  arg[ 1] : -appTrc

  arg[ 2] : -nodeId=2

  arg[ 3] : pf=\\SDATU449\sapmnt\NP2\SYS\profile\NP2_J00_SDATU449

  arg[ 4] : -DSAPINFO=NP2_00_server0

  arg[ 5] : -hostvm

  arg[ 6] : -nodeName=ID2508650

  arg[ 7] : -file=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\j2ee\cluster\

  arg[ 8] : -jvmFile=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\work\jstart.jvm

  arg[ 9] : -traceFile=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\work\dev_server0

  arg[10] : -javaOutFile=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\work\jvm_server0.out

F Sat May 25 16:01:49 2013

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java environment properties

F    root directory    : D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6

F    vendor            : SAP AG

F    version           : 1.6.0_45

F    cpu               : amd64

F    java vm type      : server

F    java vm version   : 6.1.049 23.5-b05

F    jvm library name  : jvm.dll

F    library path      : D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin

F    executable path   : D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin

F    SAP extensions    : available

F  ********************************************************************************

I  [Thr 5504] MtxInit: 10002 0 2

I  [Thr 5504] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

I  [Thr 5504] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%

M  [Thr 5504] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=2;par=32768;cur=2048)

M  [Thr 5504] CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 5504] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 5504] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Initialization finished, rc=0.

F Sat May 25 16:01:49 2013

F  ********************************************************************************

F  SAP Java VM arguments:

F    arg[ 0] = vfprintf

F    arg[ 1] = abort

F    arg[ 2] = exit

F    arg[ 3] = -XmonGcCallback

F    arg[ 4] = -XdebugStateChangeCallback

F    arg[ 5] = -DSAPJStartVersion=721, patch 100, changelist 1397670, NTAMD64, optU (Mar  1 2013, 02:39:44)

F    arg[ 6] = -Xjvmx

F    arg[ 7] = -XsapSystem:00

F    arg[ 8] = -DSAPSTARTUP=1

F    arg[ 9] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00

F    arg[10] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=NP2

F    arg[11] = -DSAPMYNAME=SDATU449_NP2_00

F    arg[12] = -DSAPDBHOST=SDATU449

F    arg[13] = -DSAPINFO=NP2_00_server0

F    arg[14] = -Dj2ee.dbhost=SDATU449

F    arg[15] =

F    arg[16] = 

F    arg[17] = -Djstartup.mode=JSTART

F    arg[18] = -Djstartup.whoami=server

F    arg[19] = -Djstartup.ownProcessId=5500

F    arg[20] = -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=Y1585584362

F    arg[21] = -Djstartup.debuggable=yes

F    arg[22] = -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

F    arg[23] = -XdebugPortRange:50021-50021

F    arg[24] = -Denv.class.path=

F    arg[25] =\usr\sap\NP2\SYS\global

F    arg[26] = -Dapplication.home=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe

F    arg[27] = -Djava.class.path=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\jstart71.jar;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx.jar;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx_tools.jar;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\jre\lib\iqlib.jar;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\tools.jar;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\jaas.jar;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\system\;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\memoryanalyzer.jar

F    arg[28] = -Djava.library.path=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\j2ee\os_libs;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn;D:\usr\sap\NP2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64

F    arg[29] = -XX:PermSize=1024m

F    arg[30] = -Xmx2048m

F    arg[31] = -XX:MaxNewSize=410m

F    arg[32] = -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

F    arg[33] = -Xms2048m

F    arg[34] = -XX:NewSize=410m

F    arg[35] =

F    arg[36] =

F    arg[37] = -Djmx.invoke.getters=true

F    arg[38] =

F    arg[39] =

F    arg[40] = -Djava.awt.headless=true

F    arg[41] =

F    arg[42] = -Drdbms.driverLocation=D:\usr\sap\NP2\J00\exe\mssjdbc\jdbc4\sqljdbc4.jar

F    arg[43] =

F    arg[44] = -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true

F    arg[45] =|iaik.protocol

F    arg[46] = -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=10

F    arg[47] =

F    arg[48] = -Djco.jarm=1

F    arg[49] =

F    arg[50] = -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

F    arg[51] = -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

F    arg[52] = -verbose:gc

F    arg[53] = -XX:+DumpDetailedClassStatisticOnOutOfMemory

F    arg[54] = -XX:+PrintGCDetails

F    arg[55] = -XX:MaxErrorQueueLength=200

F    arg[56] = -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

F    arg[57] = -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

F    arg[58] = -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

F    arg[59] = -XX:-StringInternTableInPermGen

F    arg[60] = -XX:SurvivorRatio=9

F    arg[61] = -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

F    arg[62] = -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof

F    arg[63] = -XX:-TraceClassUnloading

F    arg[64] = -Xss2097152

F  ignore unrecognized options : no

F  ********************************************************************************

J  JVMX version - Apr 19 2013 00:36:21 - 61_REL - optU - windows amd64 - 6 - bas2:194331 (mixed mode)

F [Thr 5532] Sat May 25 16:01:50 2013

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: Java VM started.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Main method call:

F  com/sap/engine/boot/Start.main()

F  ********************************************************************************

J Sat May 25 16:01:52 2013

J  3.289: [GC 3.289: [ParNew: 343552K->5852K(381696K), 0.0331613 secs] 343558K->5859K(2059008K), 0.0333977 secs] [Times: user=0.22 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]

F [Thr 5532] Sat May 25 16:01:53 2013

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG => State changed from 0 (Initial) to 1 (Waiting to start).

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG    state real time: 5.320 CPU time: 0.733 sys, 7.784 usr

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG    total real time: 5.320 CPU time: 0.733 sys, 7.784 usr

F  [Thr 5532]

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG => State changed from 1 (Waiting to start) to 2 (Starting framework).

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG    state real time: 0.000 CPU time: 0.000 sys, 0.000 usr

F  [Thr 5532] *** LOG    total real time: 5.320 CPU time: 0.733 sys, 7.784 usr

F  [Thr 5532]

J Sat May 25 16:01:59 2013

J  9.976: [GC 9.976: [ParNew: 349404K->31975K(381696K), 0.0709982 secs] 349464K->32035K(2059008K), 0.0711874 secs] [Times: user=0.52 sys=0.03, real=0.08 secs]

J Sat May 25 16:02:10 2013

J  21.221: [GC 21.221: [ParNew: 375527K->38144K(381696K), 0.2478507 secs] 376306K->61891K(2059008K), 0.2481614 secs] [Times: user=1.43 sys=0.17, real=0.25 secs]

J Sat May 25 16:02:16 2013

J  Heap

J   par new generation   reserved 419840K, committed 419840K, used 284182K [0x000000007fff0000, 0x00000000999f0000, 0x00000000999f0000)

J    eden space 343552K,  71% used [0x000000007fff0000, 0x000000008f035be0, 0x0000000094f70000)

J    from space 38144K, 100% used [0x00000000974b0000, 0x00000000999f0000, 0x00000000999f0000)

J    to   space 38144K,   0% used [0x0000000094f70000, 0x0000000094f70000, 0x00000000974b0000)

J   concurrent mark-sweep generation reserved 1677312K, committed 1677312K, used 24177K [0x00000000999f0000, 0x00000000ffff0000, 0x00000000ffff0000)

J   concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen reserved 1048576K, committed 1048576K, used 54366K [0x00000000ffff0000, 0x000000013fff0000, 0x000000013fff0000)

F [Thr 5580] Sat May 25 16:02:17 2013

F  [Thr 5580] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: exit hook is called. (rc = 2150)

F  ********************************************************************************

F  *** ERROR => Java node 'server0' terminated with exit code 2150.

F  ***

F  *** Please see section 'Java program exit codes'

F  *** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  [Thr 5580] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 2150, retcode 1).

M  [Thr 5580] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Cleanup finished successfully.

what can we do?
About help we would be pleased.
Thank you very much

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Silke,

Please refer to note  Note 1562141 - Application Server Java cannot start during upgrade to 7.30

Also for more accurate assistance please include errors from logs below:





And the most pertinant log file please include errors from the default trace file from directory /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<instance_name>/j2ee/cluster/serverX/log this will provide more information were you busy with any changes when you received this error or standard restart or something?

