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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Creating a composite application is most efficient when everything is at hand within one single design time environment. Visual Composer provides convenient search capabilities for enterprise services. It's one of those small, yet important features that support development productivity.

Therefore, my new series of videos plus tutorial aims at enabling you to leverage the service registry browser of Visual Composer.



You may have seen my previous How to Consume an Enterprise Service from the ES Workplace in Web Dynpro in the new SAP NetWeaver Co... on enterprise service consumption in Web Dynpro. It features a step-by-step demo of SAP NetWeaver CE and ES Workplace. I have replicated this scenario on Visual Composer:


"Develop a Visual Composer application that shows some details of a purchase order."


  1. Browse a registry for an enterprise service that provides the details for a given purchase order. This is done from within Visual Composer.
  2. Use the identified service as data service in the application.
  3. Model the user interface on top of this service without any coding.


  • ES Workplace as enterprise SOA infrastructure.
  • SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 SP3 (or higher) installed locally.
    It is a prerequisite to be at least on Support Package level 3 (or higher)!!!
    SP 3 is planned to be available as of November 2007.



You can find the tutorial here.


  • Part 1 explains the necessary configuration steps to be performed on the local SAP NetWeaver CE server.
  • In part 2, the actual application is created.
    Visual Composer search functionality is used to locate and import an Enterprise Service from ES Workplace.
    It might be the most interesting part for you as it makes use of the registry browser to look up an enterprise service.
  • In part 3, the user interface is modeled and the UI elements are mapped to the Enterprise Service. Finally the application is deployed and tested.

Have fun!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
... I can make my VC browse a repository - almost!
Unfortunately I run into trouble on the last mile and I'm sure others will also:
I'm not getting contact into the UDDI server. And the question I ask myself is, how the heck, does the local server find the full server name for  HU2 if i only provide a simple server name. I suppose this has something to do with an SLD. But you don't describe how I get in connection with an SLD. Is that implicitly doen somewhere?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
One wrong input.. I ignored to change to WSDL in the UDDI_DESCRIPTION and had WSIL there. It WORKS!
0 Kudos
Hi Rudolf, first Thanks for a good Web Dynpro Blog.
I was trying out similar things in VC and with help from this blog i did the configurations mentioned in Part 1 (by help of PDF and SWF) but when i open VC (create model etc.) and try to search in Service Registry (Advanced Search) i get this error while classification dialog box is open- "Could not recieve classifications from UDDI server. Please change the UDDI server."

The Select Classifications box remain blank thereafter. Instead  of Advanced Search if i go for simple search button, then after some time is get- "Search returned no results."

I also have a doubt regarding creation of HU2 destination where we take system name as iwdf1030 (as i am not in SAP's intranet i use Should we take (BTW Let me check-this also is not working!)

Can you please please help me out? I think i am missing something... do we need to configure UDDI server on local CE? (if so- how? 😞 )
Can i connect UDDI server of XI 7.0 (NW 7.0) which is in my co's intranet?

thanking you in anticipation...
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Swapnil,

(I am just returning from the holiday season 😉
- regarding using iwdf1030: this is the correct value. It is just used as part of a search string in the registry, not as the actual host name for connection. something like would not work, as it would not match the string stored for HU2 in the services registry. You don't need to configure any UDDI server, as this exampel uses the ES Workplace services registry, which is actually a UDDI server.
- regarding connectivity with VC. Are you using SP3, the latest support pack of CE? That would be a indispensable prerequisite. If yes, I suspect something in the configuration of your destinations is not correct. Check the trace files in NetWeaver Administrator for hints or exceptions.
Hope that helps,
best regards,
0 Kudos
Thanks a lot Rudy, for all the hints.
I was doing all these hints (forum post-SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer) from last few days... but something's going wrong somewhere that I am not able to figure out, though I have tried all the ways suggested by ppl who have done this and got success... I did the destinations once again exactly as shown in PDF and in Flash demos. I have SR3 installed and so on..
but still I get same error when I try to search in "Service Registry"- Could not load classifications from UDDI Server. Please change the uddi server."
I think i should focus on some different tasks now. 😞

But hey, I did access Enterprise Services by a different way, just like old days, creating a HU2_800_METADATA (WSIL) destination and accessing the service mentioned in the blog... 😉

Thanks for all the help...

With Best Regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
Dear Swapnil
i am also facing the same problem that you faced while accessing the ES for SDN.
I am also geetting the same error "- Could not load classifications from UDDI Server. Please change the uddi server."
Can you please tell me that what you did to access that.
I am not able to find the place where I have to set the parameters.
Looking forward to your quich help.

Thanks & regards
Former Member
0 Kudos
I am having the same problem.  I have been over the data entry several times (in fact I have deleted and added twice).  I do have a question about the proxy - I do not have a proxy server.  Should I just leave blanck or use ny Java Ws?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Dave,

if you don't use an http proxy in your browser, you would not need it in the demo either. I use the same http proxy settings for the Ws destinations in CE as I use in my browser.

Best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
In our own landscape, we tried to connect our VC server to a central service registry.

We also had problems finding our published services at first. No results returned, no classifications etc...

Turns out there is one important thing you should take VERY LITERALLY in the SAP documentation, i.e. the fact that the provider system destination has to MATCH EXACTLY the information kept for that system in the SLD.

MATCH EXACTLY in this case also means CASE ! so if the hostname is 'myprovidersystem' in your destination, but 'MYPROVIDERSYSTEM' in the SLD, you won't find any matches.

So, if you still have this problem, look at this as well. it might just save your day. It did save ours.

Theo Paesen
Former Member
0 Kudos
Thank you for this blog!
Unfortunately, I have problem with step where is "Select Classifications".

My tree look like only this:
- Classifications
  -- Flat classifications

  -- Group classifications

I haven't any other  sub-folders.

this case show link:

What I can do?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Bogdan,

this is just a remote diagnosis, but I can only think of two things as the cuase for this:
- classification is not there in service registry (deleted?)
- configuration settings for the Web service destinations or the http proxy in CE are wrong.

Best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Rudolf,
Thank you for your replay.

I thing that problem can be in the settings of proxy CE.
I have set prosy like this:

set port: 80
and fix "Baypass proxy..."
- the rest settings are empty.

I use "SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 SR5 - Trial Version" from
- this installation I have on VMware.

When I want use "HU2 SAP ERP 6.0 (ECC 6.00 EhP4)" under VMware by WebGUI - I can, then everything is OK.

What another can I set?

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have tried to connect Visula Composer of CE 7.1 to the Services Registry for ES Workplace by configuring 3 Web Service destination on my local server:
3. Backend destination "HU2"

as stated in the tutorial "How to Browse an Enterprise Services Registry in Visual Composer" (

After the configuration, I opened up the "Search" dialog in Visual Composer and selected "Service Registry" for the "Search in" drop down list and then clicked on the link "Advanced Search". An error message "XMSG_COULD_NOT_LOAD_CLASSIFICATIONS" was then displayed. I have tried to google the error message but to my surprise there wasn't even a single result for that.

Could anyone please help me on this?

Thanks in advance.

Joon Meng
Former Member
0 Kudos

I tried to open these two URLs:



The result was: the first one works but there was no resource for the second URL (Classification).

Just wonder if the URL is wrong?


Joon Meng